Download Alternative Treatment for Crohn`s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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Alternative Maintenance Treatment for
Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
By Desmond Allen, PhD, ND
Dr. Allen does not advise the reader to arbitrarily abandon prescribed allopathic
therapies (everyone should consult with their physician before taking or changing any
medications). He does, however, encourage everyone to take responsibility for his/her
own healthcare decisions. This includes seeking the advice of an alternative healthcare
professional before implementing alternative remedies.
Unknown food allergies, malnutrition and malabsorption are common in this patient
population often resulting in hypoalbuminanemia, anaenia, and certain vitamin and mineral
deficiencies. Therefore the following dietary, nutritional supplements and botanical
medicines are recommended for disease maintenance.
1. Maintain adequate caloric intake but avoid all processed starches and carbohydrates,
carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and artificial flavoring and food
additives; and to reduce the inflammation process, avoid arachidonic acids (as found in
animal products) while increasing alpha-linolenic acids (omega-3 fatty acids, as found in
flaxseed oil, primrose). Eat a varied High-complex carbohydrate, High-fiber diet with at
least 64 oz of water a day. (Note: This is in direct opposition to the standard,
unsubstantiated allopathic recommendation of a low-fiber diet). Although some fiber
food may be too rough and thus avoided. Wheat and wheat bran are generally avoided
either for their roughness or due to a personal allergy to it. Eat plenty of non-acidic fresh
and cook vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, kale,
spinach, and turnips. Papaya and papaya seeds are very helpful to digestion.
2. Perform an elimination diet to isolate potential food allergies (wheat, corn, dairy products
and carrageenan-containing foods are common issues). Then element these foods.
3. Supplement with a multi-fold increase (up to 5 times suggested daily allowance) in
certain therapeutic vitamins and minerals. Divide daily supplements into TID allotments.
The following nutritional deficiencies are common in this patient population:
a. Iron deficiency.
b. Deficiencies in vitamins: B3, B12, C, D, E, K.
c. Deficiencies in minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper.
d. Deficiencies in folic acid and retinol.
e. Certain botanical flavonoids have a long historical naturopathic use to address
the inflammatory process. Quercetin is the most pharmacologically active
flavonoid, with remarkable effects on various enzyme systems which are directly
related to the inflammation process.
4. 1 Tbl of Bastyr’s Formula of botanical medicines is recommended with each meal. (This
can be purchased in capsule form).
Bastyr’s Formula
- 8 parts Althaea officinals – marsh mallow root, a demulcent with
soothing properties on the mucus membranes.
4 parts Baptista tinctora – wild indigo, for gastrointestinal infections.
8 parts Echinacea angustifolia – purple cone flower, antibacterial and
promotes normalized immune system.
8 parts Geranium maculatum – a gastrointestinal haemostatic.
8 parts Hydrastis Canadensis – goldenseal, inhibits growth of many
disease-causing bacteria.
8 parts Phytolacca Americana – poke root, promotes healing of
ulcerations of the intestinal mucosa.
8 parts Symphytum officinale – comfrey, anti-inflammatory and
promoter of tissue growth and healing.
8 parts Ulmus fulva – slippery elm, a demulcent with soothing
properties on the mucus membranes.
8 parts cabbage powder – promotes healing of gastrointestinal ulcers.
2 parts pancreatin – to assist the digestion process.
1 part naicinamide – an anti-inflammatory agent.
2 parts duodenal substance – promotes healing of gastrointestinal
Additional recommended therapies
1. Fast once a month.
2. Proteolytic enzymes, considered essential, to promote digestion and decrease
inflammatory process.
3. Multienzyme complex with pancreatin, considered essential, to promote antiinflammatory enzymes.
4. Acidophilus, Bio-Bifidus, or Kyo-Dophilus, very important, to normalize intestinal
5. Aerobic Bulk Cleanse (ABC) or psyllium seeds/husks, very important, to keep colon
walls clean.
6. Alfalfa, very important, for vitamin K and chlorophyll to promote healing.
7. Free-form amino acid complex, very important, to supply needed protein.
8. L-Glutamine, very important, as a metabolic fuel for intestinal cells.
9. Vitamins A and E, very important, antioxidants to promote healing.
10. Vitamin B complex, very important, for breaking down fats, proteins carbohydrates, and
for proper digestion.
11. Aloe vera to promote healing in the colon and thus ease pain.
12. Chamolime, dandelion, feverfew, papaya, red clover, slippery elm, yarrow extract are
also beneficial.
13. Aerobic 07 or Dioxchlor, perhaps helpful, to destroy unwanted bacteria in colon.
14. Garlic, perhaps helpful, as a natural antibiotic with healing effect on colon.
15. Glucosamine sulfate or N-Acetylglucosamine, helpful, as a component in the protective
mucous secretions in the digestive tract and to protect intestinal lignin from digestive
16. Raw thymus glandular, perhaps helpful, to promote healing of ulcerative colitis.
17. For acute pain, drink a large glass of water to flush out particles caught in the crevices of
the colon.
18. Duodenal glandular, considered essential, for healing gastrointestinal ulcers.
19. Taurine (sublingual form), considered essential, antioxidant and immune regulator.
20. Vitamin B complex, B12 and folic acid, considered essential, for digestion and healing.