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 Video 2 -­‐ Cure to Cancer Video Series with Jean Swann and Dr. Robert Young Jean: We are here at Dr. Young’s Rancho Del Sol in Valley Center California, the beautiful setting for his pH miracle and lifestyle residential program. For the past 20 years, Dr. Young and his wife have aided thousands of people with their revolutionary alkaline diet and lifestyle, known as the New Biology. They’re co-­‐authors of the globally renowned book series The pH Miracle. And Dr. Young is here to talk to us today about the importance of alkalinity, especially in the treatment of cancer. Dr. Young it’s so nice to speak with you in person after our Cure to Cancer Summit. Dr. Young: It’s nice that you could come all the way down to Valley Center and be here at the Rancho Del Sol, our PH Miracle center. Jean: It’s a beautiful center, with organic trees and organic plants, it’s just a beautiful spacious place, very peaceful and quiet, great for people who are coming here to recuperate and recover. Dr. Young, you teach people, and you work with patients, in something you call the ‘New Biology’; can you describe for us what that is? Dr. Young: The New Biology is a new way of living, a new way of eating, a new way of thinking. Realizing the foundational functions of the body produce acidic waste products that can make us sick or tired if not properly eliminated. There are two hypotheses to my New Biology theory. The first is this: Number 1, that the human body is alkaline in its design in its perfect health. Number 2: all acids that are produced through metabolism, or from diet, or from the environment, or through respiration, if not properly eliminated through the 4 channels of elimination, can end up in the connective tissues and the fatty tissues, which will then set the stage for enervation, irritation, inflammation, induration, ulceration, and eventually degeneration. All of these conditions are symptoms of acidity that is built up in the human body that have not been properly eliminated. So, the New Biology is understanding how the body actually works and addressing disease as a symptom of acidity. Jean: Why is it so important that we keep our bodies in an alkaline state? Dr. Young: The reason why is because that’s how we’re designed. We’re designed in an alkaline state; every aspect of the human body is alkaline. The only thing that creates a change in that state is our inability to remove our own waste products. Jean: So what are some of the ways that we can keep our inner ecology—our bio-­‐terrain—in an alkaline state? Dr. Young: Well, the best way to do that is to hydrate properly; to drink alkaline water, which I’ve recommended for over 3 decades. To maintain that delicate pH balance of 7.365 and to neutralize the acids of diet and metabolism, we need to continue to replace alkalinity. In addition to that, exercise is critical for removing acids out through the pores of the skin, because the blood has to maintain its PH 7.365. Any acid that comes from metabolism or diet is then pushed out into the connective tissue. That is then removed by the lymphatic system, and then it is then removed out through the pores of our skin through our sweat. So exercise with hydration are 2 of the most important things one can do to maintain the alkaline design of the body. Of course what we eat is critical. Moving more towards a plant-­‐
based, green, alkaline diet is critical. And moving away from the foods that create more acids in our system, and set the stage or an environment for cellular breakdown and sickness and disease. Jean: What are some of the best tools we can use to measure our pH balance? Dr. Young: The best tool to test our pH levels is a litmus paper. You can purchase that in any health food store or the pharmacy. These papers, you tear off and then moisten with your saliva, and it should change in color. The change should be to a green or blue if we’re in an alkaline state. If it doesn’t show any color, if it’s yellow, that means you’re in an acidic state. When you’re testing the saliva you’re actually testing your ability to alkalize what you eat or drink, or the body dealing with excess acidity from metabolism. The other test is to test your urine daily, and the most important urine to test is the most acidic time of the day—the first and second urine. And when you’re testing urine you’re actually testing tissue pH, because the acids that are coming through the urine are eliminations that are being dumped into the blood then out through the urination from the tissues. So the pH of the urine—
ideally—in the morning to be in an alkaline state should be at least 7.4 or greater. If you’re dealing with any symptomology of disease, particularly in a cancerous condition, the pH should be at least 8, ideally even up as high as 9, in order to start the process of reversing the acidic, cancerous condition that’s affecting the organs and the glands. Jean: What are some of the things that cause the alkalinity of the body to change and become acidic, what lifestyle factors cause that, drinking coffee, for example, things like that? Dr. Young: Not just food, lack of movement. If you’re not exercising, you’re not moving acids out of the connective tissues and those can build up. If you become congested, in your elimination organs—you have 4 elimination organs: urination, defecation, perspiration, and respiration—these 4 channels if they become constipated or congested, then acids start building up, much like a drain that’s plugged and starts backing up. You have to have these elimination systems functioning, and functioning properly in order to maintain that alkaline design. So these are some of the things that have to be considered if you want to prevent sickness and disease and maintain health. You have to have open channels of elimination. And the best way to keep those open is through hydration, with alkaline fluids, through eating the proper alkaline diet, more plant-­‐based green foods, and foods that will liquefy, that will actually turn to a liquid that can fold into the intestinal crypts of the small intestine that can then be transformed into stem cells. When we eat beef, and chicken, and pork, and fish, and dairy products, and breads, these foods do not liquefy well. They become very sticky and congestive, and set the stage for constipation or congestion in the elimination organs. So we need to prevent that. And of course, ideally, all foods should be in a liquid state at a pH of an 8.4., in order to be transformed into embryonic stem cells, which are then going to be making up our new blood. Once we understand the basic science and the importance of what we eat and what we drink, even our thoughts and how they impact our overall acid or alkaline pH, then we understand how important it is to maintain that. And testing it on a daily basis is very simple, as I’ve described. Jean: What are some of the top alkalizing foods we should consume every day, if possible? Dr. Young: Well every day for me, I have anywhere from 1–2 liters of green drink. I focus on spinach, cucumber—which is one of the most alkalizing fruits—and then parsley and celery. But I like all of those green vegetables, so broccoli is one of my favorites. So I have all of the leafy greens—green peppers—
lemons and limes are in the fruit arena, but probably one of the most important foods that will help to build the membranes of the stem cells and to maintain alkalinity, that provides an ample amount of potassium, that’s low sugar, is avocado. So I try to eat between 3–4 avocados a day—and I include those in my shake that I have for breakfast, I include those on my salads, and I try to eat as much pureed or liquid food as possible, because I know that’s the perfect state that food needs to be in in order to create the kind of cells that keep me healthy and strong. Jean: Now that we know the foods we should be eating Dr. Young, what are some of the things that you suggest people avoid all together in their diets? Dr. Young: You want to avoid foods that do not liquefy, foods that are fibrous, because fiber will congest and build up in the small and large intestine. You want to eat high water content foods. When we’re thinking about fibrous food, we’re thinking about animal fibers. Beef, chicken, pork, and fish do not liquefy. The best way to eat any of those foods of course is to blend them, because they do not digest in our bodies. They go in the same way they come out. So any food you swallow has to be in a liquid or pureed state before you swallow it. It’s very important, because the only instrument you have for digestion is your teeth. You have to masticate your food. People that are sick, they cannot do that, particularly if they have cancer, so this is why here at the ranch, all of the food we give to our client patients is all blended or juice. No one here receives solid food at all. In fact, solid food is detrimental to one’s health, whether you’re sick or whether you’re healthy. Jean: Dr. Young, what is the importance of the stomach in alkalizing? Dr. Young: Well you know the stomach has not been described correctly. The stomach is not an organ of digestion, but it’s an organ of contribution, and its main contribution is to alkalize the food that we swallow. As soon as we put food in our mouth, the stomach begins to pull carbon dioxide, water, and salt—sodium chloride—to make sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the food. The residues of alkalizing the food is hydrochloric acid. That’s what’s left after the food has left the stomach. So the whole purpose of the stomach is to manage and maintain the alkaline design of the body. That’s why the stomach is so critical because not only does it help to alkalize our food, but when we are over-­‐stressed with our thinking processes, that requires alkalinity to neutralize the acids of those thought processes. The stomach will begin making sodium bicarbonate to secrete into the blood and the tissues, and you end up with a belly full of hydrochloric acid. This is what causes upset stomach. When we’re upset, that requires the body’s need for more alkalinity, and the stomach is geared toward that. When we’re exercising the stomach is working to produce the alkalinity in the form of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acid—
one of the acids of course is lactic acid—to neutralize the acids so you don’t experience those acids in the form of pain. You cannot have pain without acid, or acid without pain. So it’s very important to understand that the main purpose—and maybe the only purpose of the stomach—is to manage and maintain alkalinity of all the body’s organs and glands and functions. Jean: Dr. Young, what is the best way to cleanse toxins from the body? Dr. Young: The best way to cleanse toxins from the body is to do what I call ‘hyper-­‐alkalization.’ That’s where you drink at least 1 quart for 15 kilos, or 30 pounds of weight. So if you weigh 154 pounds, or 70 kilos, that would be approximately 5½–6 liters or 5½–6 quarts a day. You literally flood your body with alkalinity. As you flood your body with alkalinity, that excess alkalinity is then pushed out into the connective tissues, the fatty tissues, that begins the detoxification process. When we increase hydration just like a river when a river flows, then we can begin eliminating our acidic waste products through urination or through defecation. What I always like to say; if you want to be healthy, you need to pee your way to health. Jean: We know that for cancer and any disease, it’s so important to rebuild the immune system. Can you tell us what ‘true immunity’ is? Dr. Young: Well, very simply, true immunity is maintaining the internal alkaline pH of the fluids, so we’re not only talking about interstitial fluids, we’re talking about intra-­‐cellular fluids and extra-­‐cellular fluids. And the blood does that naturally because it has a very narrow range of .2; it can’t move from 7.365 to 7.5 or down to 7.1 or 7.2 without feeling adverse effects. So the body tries to do everything it can to maintain that delicate pH balance, and everything we can do to manage that is critical. So what we drink, what we eat, how we think, whether we’re exercising or not, the amount of stress that we have in our lives, will determine whether or not we stay in that pH or perfect health balance. And it’s really all about balance. It’s not about carbohydrates, it’s not about protein, it’s not about hormones, it’s not about how much protein I’m eating that day, or am I getting enough good fats; it’s all about managing the internal fluids. What I like to share with people is my very simple metaphor, which I call the fishbowl metaphor, and it starts out with a question, and the question is: if the fish is sick, what would you do? Would you treat the fish or change the water? The fish is a metaphor of the human cell that makes up our organs and our glands, and when the fluids that bathe our cells are not healthy, then cells begin to break down. So the body is only as healthy as the pH of the fluids of the body. When we’re born we’re 90% water, and over time we become more and more dehydrated, we accept as something that’s ‘normal’ is 70%, and in reality that’s dehydration. So when we replace alkalinity—and what I do is I recommend at least one quart or one liter per 30 pounds of weight or 15 kilos, so 154 pound person or 70 kilo man or woman, should be drinking anywhere between 5–6 liters per day. And that’s where pH miracles really begin, when we start restoring the alkaline design of the fluids of our bodies. Jean: Dr. Young, what are some of the results you’ve seen, in cancer patients in particular, after they go through your program and begin alkalizing their systems? Dr. Young: That’s an excellent question. Because we understand the cause and effect relationship, rather than treating the effect, which is the cancerous condition, we realize the cancer is an acidic condition that affects the fluids of the body and then affects the human cell. So when we’re dealing with liver cancer, or breast cancer, or lung cancer, or bowel cancer, prostrate cancer, brain cancer—we understand that all of these cancerous conditions are results of a compromised internal environment of the fluids. So we focus on this—there’s really 4 things that we do to improve the quality and the quantity of life and when a patient gets on this, we have 100% success in increasing the quality and quantity of life. In many cases, we’ve been able to help patients reverse their particular condition. Not because we’re treating cancer, but we’re changing the environment and restoring the body fluids back to its perfect health. The way that we do that is, number 1, we open up the channels of elimination. From urination, to defecation, to perspiration, to respiration. In addition, number 2, we begin to heal the core of the body where the embryonic cells are made, in the crypts of the intestinal villi. Third, when we begin this process, we are also focused on changing the health and the vitality of the human cell—particularly the blood—because all body cells are made from blood. Bones, muscles, hearts, organs, our brain—are all made from blood cells. And when we improve the quality of the blood cell, we then improve the quality of every cell in the human body. In addition to healing the blood, we then focus on hyporperfusing the alkalinity of the tissues, because that’s where the body pushes out all the acids, it pushes it out of the connective and into the fatty tissues. As we follow this protocol, we have seen miraculous things happen, which we call pH miracles. And, we have seen the reversals of some conditions that have no treatment, such as inflammatory ductal cell carcinoma. We’ve had wonderful success in helping our client patients reverse that condition through this process. Another condition that has no known cure, which is Non-­‐Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Stage 4, we are helping client patients reverse this condition—not by treating the disease, or dis-­‐ease—but by changing the internal environment from the fluids out, and then building healthy blood. Other conditions which are not as difficult, such as prostatitis or prostate cancer, or uterine or ovarian cancers; we have seen wonderful success in every cancerous condition. And the reason I say cancerous, is because I use cancer as an adjective, not as a noun, because I believe cancer is what is happening to the cell, or to the organ, or to the gland—it’s an effect, not the cause. So as we have taken this approach to focus on where cancer really resides, which is a liquid acidic condition that’s affecting the cell, we’ve had just phenomenal results. Jean: Thank you so much Dr. Young, for the amazing work that you’re doing in the world and for inviting us to your beautiful center where people are healing every day, we really appreciate it. Dr. Young: Well thank you for having me, and I’m so excited to share this message of health and healing around the world. Jean: Thanks so much, we really want to thank all of you for watching; we want this information in the hands of millions of people around the world, which is why we’re doing these free, educational videos for you. Be sure to watch the next one, we have an expert on integrative and alternative approaches to cancer. See you in the next video! The Cure to Cancer Series is an informational audio interview summit, book and CD series set.
It features 27 experts speaking about alternative therapies, nutritional healing, reversing
cancer and more. The programs highlight 27 experts, doctors, scientists, health advocates and
researchers interviewed by Holistic Health Expert and Journalist Jean Swann, and produced
by Internationally Sought After Publisher, Speaker, and Author Nathan Crane. For more
information and to access the full range of resources, please visit