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About THE Program
Welcome and congratulations on taking the first step to a new, healthier you! Our program is simple to follow and
teaches you new, healthy habits, Safe, Effective Weight Loss. The program was designed to help individuals reach
for that all too elusive goal of being satisfied with their bodies. We do this by helping with the loss of the RIGHT
weight while at the same time re-setting proper Hypothalamic function in order to maintain insulin and blood
glucose levels.
The backbone of the program consists of a
low calorie, low carbohydrate and high
protein diet with an emphasis on timing of
meals and portion control.
During the first visit we will determine
your individual calorie and carbohydrate
needs. We will also make suggestions on
how to divide your calories to optimize
the program for you.
This program was designed to help
individuals reach for that all too elusive
goal of being satisfied with their bodies.
We do this by helping with the loss of the
RIGHT weight while at the same time re-setting proper Hypothalamic function in order to maintain good insulin and
blood glucose levels. When the body is functioning as it was designed maintaining ideal weight is possible with only
moderate exercise and good nutrition.
Your Success is Our Success
Your success is based on your adherence to the program and your personal desire for change. No guarantees are
made or implied but our patients experience desired results in most cases.
Most people who start diets on their own do not succeed due to a couple of reasons. Our support is the
cornerstone of our program. You do not take this journey alone, our staff is here for you every step of the way.
Have you in the past, started a weight loss program and even though you are doing everything right you just
don’t seem to lose weight or maybe even gain some? We care about our patients and our staffs feel a sense of
personal satisfaction when our patients do well!
We have incorporated weekly visits as a cornerstone of our plan from its inception and believe that this is as
important as any aspect of the overall program. Having someone to encourage and support you makes all the
difference when under taking any endeavor but having someone who truly wants you to succeed is just priceless.
Assisted Weightloss
People are finding the answer to their weight loss needs with our assisted weight loss programs. A key part of
these programs are Lipotropics such as MIC Injections. Lipotropics are simply substances that help your body
burn fat. There are many different combination's possible but the most popular are MIC injections. MIC
injections also contain vitamin b-12, another lipotropic.
MIC Injections Therapy consists of a weekly Amino Acid and B Complex injection. This injection is a special
combination of B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12 L-carnitine, choline, inositol& methionine. This injection is engineered to
help our patients lose weight quickly, safely and naturally. These injections rev up your normal metabolic
processes and help you mobilize fat and burn energy.
Just one injection each week is all you need to start feeling to effects of the MIC Program.
There are no stimulants or other chemical in our MIC injection.
Methionine is an amino acid that is known to reduce fat and lower cholesterol, it also plays a major role in the
synthesis of other amino acids. It works in tandem with the other ingredients to detoxify amines, which are a by
product of protein metabolism. As well as working as a catalyst for the other ingredients, opening up their
Inositol is an enzyme that is very important to your body, a deficiency in it can lead to hair loss. It works with
Vitamin E in some treatments of Muscular Dystrophy. Inositol metabolizes fats and cholesterol and aids in their
transport in blood vessels. It is therefore an aid in the redistribution of body fat and can help to lower cholesterol
Choline is also an enzyme that is needed for the proper functioning of your body. Choline aids in emulsifying
cholesterol. Choline also works well with methionine to detoxify amines which are the by-products of protein
metabolism. Without choline, fats can become trapped in the liver, where they block normal metabolic functions.
These lipotropic agents belong to a class of substances that play important roles in the body's use of fat. When
properly administered MIC Injections can be a powerful tool for anyone looking to lose weight. If you are over
weight and diet and exercise is not working for you you should give MIC injections a try.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much weight could I lose in a week?
The average weight loss is 2 -3 lbs per week.
If I am really overweight can I take the injection?
Yes, anyone wanting to lose weight can take it.
How often do I get the injection?
Once a week, preferably on the same day.
What diet plan should I follow?
None, just be sensible at meal time and snacks.
What kind of workout should I do?
Work out as directed by your trainer or fitness coach.
If I am pregnant or trying to become, should I take it.
We do not recommend it.
26 Day Program
Days 1 & 2
For the first two days of injections, your diet will consist of
anything you normally eat. It is important to eat to capacity these
days as to avoid stressing the body and to avoid hunger later in
the program. Yes you do start the injections on day one before
you start the dieting portion of the program so as to allow the
HCG to have time to work on your endocrine system.
Days 3 - 23
On day three of the HCG injections you start the diet portion of the program. Each individual will be given a
starting amount of calories and the choices from which to choose your calories. This will be based on BMI (body
mass index), Age, Gender, Activity level, and body habits. The goal here is to keep enough calories on board to
meet all basic metabolic needs. We may, as the days progress, alter the number of calories either up or down to
fit the individuals requirements for optimum results.
Days three through twenty three you continue the above regimen unless advised otherwise by your Wellness
Center counselor.
Days 24 - 26
Day twenty three is the last day of your injections but you will need to continue the low calorie intake for an
additional three days bringing your commitment to a total of twenty six days. Everyone may not reach their goal
in twenty six days but if done properly you should be very close. Remember this regimen is for those looking to
lose 10-20 pounds. If your goal is more than an alternative regimen will be prescribed.
Program Completion
Days 27 and on you may resume your previous balanced meals as before remembering to be aware of what you
consume but enjoy life
To avoid shocking your systems avoid sugar and starches for three weeks after completion of the program.
**Prescription weight loss medication can no longer be prescribed when your BMI is 30 and below or 27 and below when accompanied by a co-morbid condition.
40 Day Program
This program only differs slightly from the 26 day program in that it is longer, for those who have more weight to
lose, and the dosing schedule has a day of no injection every week.
Days 1-2
You start the HCG injections and eat your regular meals to capacity as with the prior program.
Days 3-40
You start your reduced calorie diet and continue the HCG injections daily skipping every Sunday except the first
Days 41-43
Continue the reduced calorie diet until the HCG is out of your system.
Remember to limit your sugar and starches for three weeks after completion of the program
**Prescription weight loss medication can no longer be prescribed when your BMI is 30 and below or 27 and below when accompanied by a co-morbid condition.
Assisted Weightloss –
Phendimetrazine is used along with a doctor-approved, reduced-calorie diet, exercise, and behavior change
program to help you lose weight. It is used in people who are significantly overweight (obese) and have not been
able to lose enough weight with diet and exercise alone. Losing weight and keeping it off can reduce the many
health risks that come with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a shorter life. It is not
known how this medication helps people to lose weight. It may work by decreasing your appetite, increasing the
amount of energy used by your body, or by affecting certain parts of the brain. This medication is an appetite
suppressant and belongs to a class of drugs called sympathomimetic amines.
How to use: Take the immediate-release form of this medication by mouth, usually 2 to 3 times a day 1 hour before
meals or as directed by your doctor. Taking this medication late in the day may cause trouble sleeping
(insomnia).The sustained-release form of phendimetrazine is usually taken once a day 30 - 60 minutes before the
morning meal. Swallow this medication whole. Do not crush, chew, or break the capsules. Doing so can destroy the
long action of the drug and may increase side effects.The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to
therapy. Your doctor will adjust the dose to find the best dose for you. Use this medication regularly and exactly as
prescribed in order to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time(s) each
day.Phendimetrazine is usually taken for only a few weeks at a time. It should not be taken with other appetite
suppressants (see also Drug Interactions section). The possibility of serious side effects increases with longer use of
this medication and use of this drug along with certain other diet drugs.This medication may cause withdrawal
reactions, especially if it has been used regularly for a long time or in high doses. In such cases, withdrawal
symptoms (such as depression, severe tiredness) may occur if you suddenly stop using this medication. To prevent
withdrawal reactions, your doctor may reduce your dose gradually. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more
details, and report any withdrawal reactions immediately.Rarely, abnormal drug-seeking behavior (addiction) is
possible with this medication. Do not increase your dose, take it more frequently, or use it for a longer time than
prescribed. Properly stop the medication when so directed.This medication may stop working well after you have
been taking it for a while. Talk with your doctor if this medication stops working well. Do not increase the dose
unless directed by your doctor. Your doctor may direct you to stop taking this medication.
Precautions: Before taking phendimetrazine, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to any other
sympathomimetic amines (e.g., decongestants such as pseudoephedrine, stimulants such as amphetamine, appetite
suppressants such as phentermine); or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients,
which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.This medication
should not be used if you have certain medical conditions. Before using phendimetrazine, consult your doctor or
pharmacist if you have: uncontrolled high blood pressure, glaucoma, history of alcohol/drug abuse, vascular heart
disease (e.g., chest pain, heart attack), mental/mood problems (e.g., severe anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis,
schizophrenia), high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension), stroke, overactive thyroid
(hyperthyroidism).Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of:
diabetes, controlled high blood pressure, other heart problems (e.g., heart murmur, fast/irregular heartbeat, heart
valve problems), kidney disease, seizure problem.This drug may make you dizzy or (rarely) drowsy or cause blurred
vision. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness or clear vision until you are sure you
can perform such activities safely. Avoid alcoholic beverages.Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist that
you are using this medication.Kidney function declines as you grow older. This medication is removed by the
kidneys. Therefore, elderly people may be at greater risk for dizziness and high blood pressure while using this
drug.During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. It is not recommended for use for
long periods or in high doses near the expected delivery date because of possible harm to the unborn baby. Discuss
the risks and benefits with your doctor. Infants born to mothers who have been using this medication for a long time
or in high doses may have withdrawal symptoms such as irritability or extreme tiredness. Tell your doctor
immediately if you notice any of these symptoms in your newborn.It is unknown if this drug passes into breast-milk.
Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.
Missed dose: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is near the time of the next dose or late in the
evening, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up.
Overdose: If overdose is suspected, contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately. US
residents can call the US National Poison Hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canada residents can call a provincial poison
control center. Symptoms of overdose may include: rapid breathing, unusual restlessness, fast/slow/irregular
heartbeat, chest pain, hallucinations, seizures, loss of consciousness.
Notes: Appetite suppressants should not be used in place of proper diet. For best results, this drug must be used
along with a doctor-approved diet and exercise program.Do not share this medication with others. It is against the
law.Laboratory and/or medical tests (e.g., blood pressure, heart tests, kidney tests) may be performed periodically to
monitor your progress or check for side effects. Consult your doctor for more details. Our program requires an EKG
and Blood Work on every patient using phendimetrazine. Patient must be seen in office for reevaluation before any
refills will be made.
Weight Loss: 5 Things You May Not Know
Are you one of millions of Americans who resolved that this year will be the year for weight loss that really works?
Not just another quick fix, not just another resolution that disappears somewhere in the month of February. Maybe
the problem is not what you know about weight loss–every magazine is full of tips and tricks to lose weight. Maybe
the problem is what you DON'T know!
1. You know that skipping breakfast is a problem, but did you know that meal timing is important throughout the
rest of the day, too? Your body's fuel tank can hold about four hours of fuel at one time, so make sure you eat a
meal or a snack every four hours to keep your fuel gauge from hitting empty. That means planning a daily afternoon
snack of both protein and carbohydrates to prevent your body from chemically driving you to crave fats and sugars
by dinner time. This habit will keep your energy level balanced and prevent overfilling your tank which inevitably
leads to filling up your fat stores.
2. You know that white bread, potatoes and pasta should be avoided if you really want to lose weight, right? Think
again! Did you know that if you eat lean proteins and heart healthy fats with even white bread, potatoes and
pasta, it slows down how fast those easy-to-digest carbohydrates break down? Those infamous "white carbs"
aren't so bad after all if consumed in moderation as a part of a balanced meal with lean protein, vegetables, fruits and
heart-healthy fats.
3. You know that exercise is important–it burns calories and helps keep your moods stable. But did you know that
regular exercise can actually change your own taste preferences from high-fat health traps to more low-fat
favorites? Studies show that 12 weeks of regular exercise literally changes your desire for higher fat foods. Fatty
foods actually produce endorphins, a natural feel-good chemical that is easy to get hooked on. But exercise produces
even more of these, so you don't need the high-fat fix to feel good anymore.
4. You know that drinking water is important because it helps fill you up so you eat fewer calories. True, maybe, but
water also gives your muscles its natural ability to contract, and a muscle that contracts is a muscle at work.
A muscle at work means energy burned! Water also keeps the kidneys working properly which prevents your liver
from having to help out. That way, the liver can do its job of breaking down stored body fat. Drinking water is a
win-win situation!
5. You know that weight loss that stays off means regular exercise must stay ON–on your weekly planner and
checked off when done. But did you know that getting enough sleep is just as important? Studies show that
people who sleep four hours or less are almost three time more likely to become obese. Lack of sleep lowers a
hormone called leptin that suppresses your appetite and raises a hormone called grehlin that increases your appetite.
That's worth a good night's sleep!
Behavior Modification Ideas for Weight Management
Weight management involves adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a knowledge of nutrition and exercise, a
positive attitude and the right kind of motivation. Internal motives such as better health, increased energy, selfesteem and personal control increase your chances of lifelong weight management success. Remember to have
realistic goals and think long-term success. Believe in yourself and you can do it. The following information will
give you ideas to help you meet your goals.
Control Your Home Environment
Eat only while sitting down at the kitchen or dining room table. Do not eat while watching television,
reading, cooking, talking on the phone, standing at the refrigerator or working on the computer.
Keep tempting foods out of the house — don't buy them.
Keep tempting foods out of sight. Have low-calorie foods ready to eat.
Unless you are preparing a meal, stay out of the kitchen.
Have healthy snacks at your disposal, such as small pieces of fruit, vegetables, canned fruit, pretzels, lowfat string cheese and nonfat cottage cheese.
Control Your Work Environment
Do not eat at your desk or keep tempting snacks at your desk.
If you get hungry between meals, plan healthy snacks and bring them with you to work.
During your breaks, go for a walk instead of eating.
If you work around food, plan in advance the one item you will eat at mealtime.
Make it inconvenient to nibble on food by chewing gum, sugarless candy or drinking water or another lowcalorie beverage.
Do not work through meals. Skipping meals slows down metabolism and may result in overeating at the
next meal.
If food is available for special occasions, either pick the healthiest item, nibble on low-fat snacks brought
from home, don't have anything offered, choose one option and have a small amount, or have only a
Control Your Mealtime Environment
Serve your plate of food at the stove or kitchen counter. Do not put the serving dishes on the table. If you
do put dishes on the table, remove them immediately when finished eating.
Fill half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with starch.
Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses. A smaller portion will look large when it is in a little dish.
Politely refuse second helpings.
When fixing your plate, limit portions of food to one scoop/serving or less.
Daily Food Management
Replace eating with another activity that you will not associate with food.
Wait 20 minutes before eating something you are craving.
Drink a large glass of water or diet soda before eating.
Always have a big glass or bottle of water to drink throughout the day.
Avoid high-calorie add-ons such as cream with your coffee, butter, mayonnaise and salad dressings.
Do not shop when hungry or tired.
Shop from a list and avoid buying anything that is not on your list.
If you must have tempting foods, buy individual-sized packages and try to find a lower-calorie alternative.
Don't taste test in the store.
Read food labels. Compare products to help you make the healthiest choices.
Chew a piece of gum while cooking meals.
Use a quarter teaspoon if you taste test your food.
Try to only fix what you are going to eat, leaving yourself no chance for seconds.
If you have prepared more food than you need, portion it into individual containers and freeze or refrigerate
Don't snack while cooking meals.
Eat slowly. Remember it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that it is
full. Don't let fake hunger make you think you need more.
The ideal way to eat is to take a bite, put your utensil down, take a sip of water, cut your next bite, take a
bit, put your utensil down and so on.
Do not cut your food all at one time. Cut only as needed.
Take small bites and chew your food well.
Stop eating for a minute or two at least once during a meal or snack. Take breaks to reflect and have
Cleanup and Leftovers
Label leftovers for a specific meal or snack.
Freeze or refrigerate individual portions of leftovers.
Do not clean up if you are still hungry.
Eating Out and Social Eating
Do not arrive hungry. Eat something light before the meal.
Try to fill up on low-calorie foods, such as vegetables and fruit, and eat smaller portions of the high-calorie
Eat foods that you like, but choose small portions.
If you want seconds, wait at least 20 minutes after you have eaten to see if you are actually hungry or if
your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
Limit alcoholic beverages. Try a soda water with a twist of lime.
Do not skip other meals in the day to save room for the special event.
At Restaurants
Order à la carte rather than buffet style.
Order some vegetables or a salad for an appetizer instead of eating bread.
If you order a high-calorie dish, share it with someone.
Try an after-dinner mint with your coffee. If you do have dessert, share it with two or more people.
Don't overeat because you do not want to waste food. Ask for a doggie bag to take extra food home.
Tell the server to put half of your entree in a to go bag before the meal is served to you.
Ask for salad dressing, gravy or high-fat sauces on the side. Dip the tip of your fork in the dressing before
each bite.
If bread is served, ask for only one piece. Try it plain without butter or oil. At Italian restaurants where oil
and vinegar is served with bread, use only a small amount of oil and a lot of vinegar for dipping.
At a Friend's House
Offer to bring a dish, appetizer or dessert that is low in calories.
Serve yourself small portions or tell the host that you only want a small amount.
Stand or sit away from the snack table. Stay away from the kitchen or stay busy if you are near the food.
Limit your alcohol intake.
At Buffets and Cafeterias
Cover most of your plate with lettuce and/or vegetables.
Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.
After eating, clear away your dishes before having coffee or tea.
Entertaining at Home
Explore low-fat, low-cholesterol cookbooks.
Use single-serving foods like chicken breasts or hamburger patties.
Prepare low-calorie appetizers and desserts.
Keep tempting foods out of sight.
Decorate the house without using food.
Have low-calorie beverages and foods on hand for guests.
Allow yourself one planned treat a day.
Don't skip meals to save up for the holiday feast. Eat regular, planned meals.
Exercise Well
Make exercise a priority and a planned activity in the day.
If possible, walk the entire or part of the distance to work.
Get an exercise buddy. Go for a walk with a colleague during one of your breaks, go to the gym, run or take
a walk with a friend, walk in the mall with a shopping companion.
Park at the end of the parking lot and walk to the store or office entrance.
Always take the stairs all of the way or at least part of the way to your floor.
If you have a desk job, walk around the office frequently.
Do leg lifts while sitting at your desk.
Do something outside on the weekends like going for a hike or a bike ride.
Have a Healthy Attitude
Make health your weight management priority.
Be realistic. Have a goal to achieve a healthier you, not necessarily the lowest weight or ideal weight based
on calculations or tables.
Focus on a healthy eating style, not on dieting. Dieting usually lasts for a short amount of time and rarely
produces long-term success.
Think long term. You are developing new healthy behaviors to follow next month, in a year and in a
Healthy Fast Food
Tips for Making Healthier Fast Food Choices
Fast food is cheap, convenient, filling, and to many of us it tastes good. If you are eating out, a fast food restaurant is
often the cheapest option, but unfortunately not a healthy one. Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough
calories, sodium, and fat for an entire day or more. Eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to a host of different
health problems, both physical and psychological.
Still, in a bad economy the quick-and-cheap temptation can often be hard to resist. As an informed customer,
though, you can make healthier choices and still enjoy the price and convenience of fast food restaurants.
When is it healthy to eat fast food?
The short answer is: rarely. Typically, fast food is low in nutrition and high in trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and
calories. Some examples:
One sack of “hash bites” or “potato snackers” from White Castle, for example, contains 10 grams of very
unhealthy trans fat. The American Heart Association recommends we consume less than 2 grams of trans
fat per day. So in one side order, you’ve just eaten more than five days’ worth of heart-busting trans fat!
A single meal of a Double Whopper with cheese, a medium order of fries, and an apple pie from Burger
King contains more saturated fat than the American Heart Association recommends we consume in two
Moderation becomes the key. It’s OK to indulge a craving for French fries every now and then, but to stay healthy
you can’t make it a regular habit. Finding a healthy, well-balanced meal in most fast food restaurants can be a
challenge, but there are always choices you can make that are healthier than others.
Learning to make healthier choices at fast food restaurants
Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants is easier if you prepare ahead by checking guides that show you the
nutritional content of meal choices at your favorite restaurants. Free downloadable guides help you evaluate your
options. If you have a special dietary concern, such as diabetes, heart health or weight loss, the websites of national
non-profits provide useful advice. You can also choose to patronize restaurants that focus on natural, high quality
If you don’t prepare ahead of time, common sense guidelines help to make your meal healthier. For example, a
seemingly healthy salad can be a diet minefield when smothered in high-fat dressing and fried toppings, so choose a
salad with fresh veggies, grilled toppings, and a lighter dressing. Portion control is also important, as many fast food
restaurants serve enough food for several meals in the guise of a single serving.
Tips for making healthy choices at fast food restaurants
Make careful menu selections – pay attention to the descriptions on the menu. Dishes labeled deepfried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin, or in cream
sauce are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats, or sodium. Order items with more vegetables and choose
leaner meats.
Drink water with your meal. Soda is a huge source of hidden calories. One 32-oz Big Gulp of regular
cola packs about 425 calories, which can quickly gulp up a big portion of your daily calorie intake. Try
adding a little lemon to your water or ordering unsweetened iced tea.
“Undress” your food. When choosing items, be aware of calorie- and fat-packed salad dressings, spreads,
cheese, sour cream, etc. For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise. You can
ask for a packet of ketchup or mustard and add it yourself, controlling how much you put on your
Special order. Many menu items would be healthy if it weren't for the way they were prepared. Ask for
your vegetables and main dishes to be served without the sauces. Ask for olive oil and vinegar for your
salads or order the dressing "on the side" and spoon only a small amount on at a time. If your food is fried
or cooked in oil or butter, ask to have it broiled or steamed.
Eat mindfully. Pay attention to what you eat and savor each bite. Chew your food more thoroughly and
avoid eating on the run. Being mindful also means stopping before you are full. It takes time for your body
to register that you have eaten. Mindful eating relaxes you, so you digest better, and makes you feel more
Tips for what to AVOID at fast food restaurants
Supersized portions. An average fast food meal can run to 1000 calories or more, so choose a smaller
portion size, order a side salad instead of fries, and don't supersize anything. At a typical restaurant, a single
serving provides enough for two meals. Take half home or divide the portion with a dining partner.
Salt. Fast food restaurant food tends to be very high in sodium, a major contributor to high blood pressure.
Don’t add insult to injury by adding more salt.
Bacon. It’s always tempting to add bacon to sandwiches and salads for extra flavor, but bacon has very few
nutrients and is high in fat and calories. Instead, try ordering extra pickles, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, or
mustard to add flavor without the fat.
Buffets – even seemingly healthy ones like salad bars. You'll likely overeat to get your money's worth. If
you do choose buffet dining, opt for fresh fruits, salads with olive oil & vinegar or low-fat dressings,
broiled entrees, and steamed vegetables. Resist the temptation to go for seconds, or wait at least 20 minutes
after eating to make sure you're really still hungry before going back for more.
Watch your fast food sodium intake
High salt/sodium intake is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association
recommends that adults stay under 1500 mg of sodium per day, and never take in more than 2,300 mg a day. A
study by the New York City Health Department surveyed 6,580 meals bought at fast-food restaurant chains and
found that:
About 57% of the meals exceeded the 1,500-mg daily sodium level.
Fried chicken outlets including KFC and Popeye's were the worst offenders, with 83% of meals exceeding
1500 mg of sodium and 55% of the meals surpassing 2,300 mg of sodium.
At only one of the 11 chains included in the study, Au Bon Pain, did more than 7% of meals contain less
than 600 mg, the FDA’s "healthy" sodium level for meals. But even there, 46% of meals had 1,500 mg or
more of sodium.
Even those eating lower calorie meals were likely to exceed their daily sodium limit within a single meal.
Guides can help you make healthier meal choices
Many fast food chains post nutritional information on their websites. Unfortunately, these lists are often confusing
and hard to use. Instead, you can go to other websites that provide health and nutrition information, but in easier to
follow formats. Some publish downloadable comparison guides, inexpensive pocket guides, or mobile apps for your
smart phone. There are also many websites geared towards making healthy choices at restaurants depending on your
specific dietary needs, whether your concern is diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or weight management.
Healthier fast food at burger chains
Figuring out healthier options at your favorite fast food burger chain can be tricky.
A typical meal at a burger joint consists of a "sandwich", some fries, and a drink,
which can quickly come in at over 1700 calories for something like Burger King's
Triple Whopper with a large fries and a 16 oz. soda. A better option would be a
regular single patty burger, small fries, and water, which is about 500 calories.
Alternatively you may enjoy a veggie burger smothered in grilled onion and
mushrooms. Or if you want a large beef burger, then skip the fries and soda and have a side salad and water instead.
The Big Burger Chains
Less Healthy choices
Healthier choices
Double-patty hamburger with cheese, mayo,
special sauce, and bacon
Fried chicken sandwich
Fried fish sandwich
Salad with toppings such as bacon, cheese, and
ranch dressing
Breakfast burrito with steak
French fries
Chicken “nuggets” or tenders
Adding cheese, extra mayo, and special sauces
Regular, single-patty hamburger without mayo
or cheese
Grilled chicken sandwich
Veggie burger
Garden salad with grilled chicken and low-fat
Egg on a muffin
Baked potato or a side salad
Yogurt parfait
Grilled chicken strips
Limiting cheese, mayo, and special sauces
For a healthier fast food option at a burger restaurant try:
McDonald's Hamburger: 260 calories, 9g fat (3.5g saturated fat).
Wendy's Jr. Hamburger: 280 calories, 9g fat (3.5g saturated fat).
Healthier fast food at fried chicken chains
Although certain chains have been advertising “no trans fats” in their food, the
fact is that fried chicken can pack quite a fattening punch. According to the restaurant’s nutrition info, just a single
Extra Crispy Chicken breast at KFC has a whopping 440 calories, 27 grams of fat, and 970 mg of sodium. A
healthier choice is the drumstick, which has 160 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 370 mg of sodium. Alternatively, if
you like the breast meat, take off the skin and it becomes a healthy choice at 140 calories, 2 grams of fat, and 520
mg of sodium.
Some tips for making smarter choices at fast food chicken restaurants:
The Big Fried Chicken Chains
Less healthy choices
Fried chicken, original or extra-crispy.
Teriyaki wings or popcorn chicken
Caesar salad
Chicken and biscuit “bowl”
Adding extra gravy and sauces
Healthier choices
Skinless chicken breast without breading
Honey BBQ chicken sandwich
Garden salad
Mashed potatoes
Limiting gravy and sauces
For a healthier fast food option at a fried chicken restaurant try:
KFC Original Recipe Chicken Breast (with breading and skin removed) and a side of green beans: 190 calories, 4.5g
fat (1.5g saturated fat).
Healthy fast food: Mexican chains
Fast food chains that specialize in tacos or burritos can be caloric minefields or
they can be a good option for finding healthy fast food. Rice, beans, salsa, and a few slices of fresh avocado can
make a very healthy meal. But adding cheese, sour cream, and tortilla chips can turn even a good meal into an
unhealthy one. Also, it’s very important to remember portion control in these types of restaurants, as many offer
enormous serving sizes. Simply eat half and take the rest home for another meal.
Several chains, like Taco Bell and Baja Fresh, have “healthy” menu options that feature less fat and fresher
The Big Taco Chains
Less healthy choices
Healthier choices
Crispy shell chicken taco
Refried beans
Steak chalupa
Crunch wraps or gordita-type
Nachos with refried beans
Adding sour cream or cheese
Grilled chicken soft taco
Black beans
Shrimp ensalada
Grilled “fresco” style steak burrito
Veggie and bean burrito
Limiting sour cream or cheese
For a healthier fast food option at a Mexican restaurant try:
Taco Bell Taco Salad (without the shell, sour cream, or cheese): 330 calories, 13g fat (5g saturated fat)
Healthy fast food: Sub sandwich chains
Many of us love the many different types of sandwiches available: hot, cold,
wrapped, foot long—often served with a salad instead of fries. While their ads promote the health benefits of
sandwich shops, studies have found that many people eat more calories per meal at a sub shop than at McDonalds.
This may be because people feel so virtuous eating “healthy” as the ads suggest, they reward themselves with chips,
sodas, or extra condiments that can turn a healthy meal into an unhealthy one.
You can make healthier choices at a deli or sub shop but you need to use some common sense.
Subs, Sandwich and Deli Choices
Less healthy choices
Foot-long sub
High-fat meat such as ham, tuna salad, bacon,
meatballs, or steak
The “normal” amount of higher-fat (cheddar,
American) cheese
Adding mayo and special sauces
Keeping the sub “as is” with all toppings
Choosing white bread or “wraps” which are
often higher in fat than normal bread
Healthier choices
Six-inch sub
Lean meat (roast beef, chicken breast, lean ham)
or veggies
One or two slices of lower-fat cheese (Swiss or
Adding low-fat dressing or mustard instead of
Adding extra veggie toppings
Choosing whole-grain bread or taking the top
slice off your sub and eating it open-faced
Healthy Asian food
Asian cultures tend to eat healthily, with an emphasis on veggies and with meat
used as a “condiment” rather than the focus of the meal. Unfortunately, many Western versions of these ethnic foods
tend to be much higher in fat and calories – so caution is needed. A great tip for all Asian restaurants – use the
chopsticks! You’ll eat more slowly, since you can’t grasp as much food with them at one time as you can with your
normal fork and knife.
Asian Food Choices
Less healthy choices
Fried egg rolls, spare ribs, tempura
Battered or deep-fried dishes (sweet and sour
pork, General Tso’s chicken)
Deep-fried tofu
Coconut milk, sweet and sour sauce, regular soy
Fried rice
Salads with fried or crispy noodles
Healthier choices
Egg drop, miso, wonton, or hot & sour soup
Stir-fried, steamed, roasted or broiled entrees
(shrimp chow mein, chop suey)
Steamed or baked tofu
Sauces such as ponzu, rice-wine vinegar, wasabi,
ginger, and low-sodium soy sauce
Steamed brown rice
Edamame, cucumber salad, stir-fried veggies
For a healthier fast food option at a Chinese restaurant try:
Panda Express Tangy Shrimp with a side of mixed veggies: 260 calories, 7.5 g fat (1.5g saturated fat).
Healthy Italian fast food
The anti-carbohydrate revolution has given Italian food a bad rap, but Italian is
actually one of the easiest types of cuisine to make healthy. Stay away from fried,
oily, or overly buttery food, as well as thick crust menu items, and you can keep
your diet goals intact.
Watch out for the following terms, which are common sources of high fat and
calories: Alfredo, carbonara, saltimbocca, Parmigiana, lasagna, manicotti, stuffed
(all have heavy amounts of cream and cheese). Generally Italian places have lots
of veggies in their kitchen so it’s easy to ask to have extra veggies added to your meal.
Italian and Pizza Restaurant Choices
Less healthy choices
Healthier choices
Thick-crust or butter-crust pizza with extra
cheese and meat toppings
Garlic bread
Antipasto with meat
Pasta with cream or butter-based sauce
Entrée with side of pasta
Fried (“frito”) dishes
Thin-crust pizza with half the cheese and extra
Plain rolls or breadsticks
Antipasto with vegetables
Pasta with tomato sauce and veggies
Entrée with side of veggies
Grilled (“griglia”) dishes
For a healthier fast food option at a pizza restaurant try:
Pizza Hut Fit 'N Delicious Chicken & Veggie Pizza (2 slices): 208 calories, 9g fat (4g saturated fat)
Chains with natural, high-quality fast food
Whether you choose to eat fast food at a McDonald’s, a Subway, or a local deli, there are always menu choices that
are healthier than others. However, some fast food restaurants offer a greater variety of healthy menu choices than
others. In a recent survey of the 100 largest fast food chains in America, Health magazine compiled a list of the
healthiest fast food restaurants. The top 5 were:
Panera Bread – provides a wide variety of healthy menu options, half-sized portions, and organic chicken. Plenty of
healthy choices on the kids’ menu, too, but avoid the sticky buns on display at the counter.
Jason’s Deli – uses organic ingredients and encourages portion control by offering smaller meals at a discounted
price. Beware of the sodium content of their sandwiches, though.
Au Bon Pain – serves healthy, low calories soups, salads, and sandwiches using whole grains and organic chicken.
Nutritional information is posted at each restaurant, so it’s a good idea to check the sodium content before ordering.
Noodles and Company – cooks noodle bowls using healthy Soybean oil, fresh vegetables and organic meat and tofu.
The desserts, however, are much less healthy.
Corner Bakery and Café – offers healthy breakfast choices, plus healthy salads, sandwiches, and soup. Check their
website for nutritional information first, though, as it’s not available in the restaurants.
How Regular Exercise Benefits
You keep your skin clean. You condition your hair. You're eating right. You're doing all you can to look and feel
great. But are you missing out on an important part of a healthier lifestyle?
No matter what your age or shape, you should exercise daily. Not only does exercise tone your body so you can
wear your favorite jeans, it strengthens your muscles, keeps your bones strong, and improves your skin. And there
are more benefits of exercise -- increased relaxation, better sleep and mood, strong immune function, and more.
Let's look at some of the incredible benefits of exercise, then talk about how you can get started.
Exercise and Your Weight
Because exercise helps use up oxygen, it causes your body to burn stored fat and helps you maintain a normal
weight. For instance, if you walk 4 miles a day, four times a week, you can burn about 1,600 calories, or nearly half
a pound a week. If you don't change your diet at all and keep walking the same distance over six months, you'll lose
12 pounds. Walk the same distance for a year and you'll drop 24 pounds!
The neat thing about exercise is you don't have to do it all at one time. After all, not many teens have time to walk 4
miles after school! But you can do 4 miles in short bursts throughout your day. Here's an idea of how to work that
much exercise into your daily regimen:
Take a 1-mile walk on a treadmill before school. Then, take a 1-mile walk around the track during school lunch
Take a 1-mile walk after school with friends or the family dog.
Take a 1-mile walk on the treadmill while watching your favorite show before dinner.
If you stay with the walking program, you'll see benefits with:
Weight loss
Muscle strengthening and definition
Stronger bones
A lower heart rate
Better mood
An improved complexion
Exercise and Your Muscles
Most people know that exercise keeps muscles strong. But did you know that strong muscles burn more calories?
Muscle mass is metabolically active tissue. In other words, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you
burn even when you're not working out.
Studies estimate that for each pound of muscle you add to your body, you will burn an additional 35-50 calories per
day. So an extra 5 pounds of muscle will burn about 175-250 calories a day, or an extra pound of fat every 14-20
Because guys have more muscle mass, they burn calories faster and lose weight more easily than girls. So girls need
to work out daily to stay strong and in shape.
Exercise and Your Bones
Regular, moderate exercise -- particularly weight-bearing exercises like walking, running, jogging, and dancing -keeps your bones strong. Studies show that resistance (strengthening) exercises also boost bone mass and keep
muscles strong.
Exercise and Your Skin
Exercise also boosts circulation and the delivery of nutrients to your skin, helping to detoxify the body by removing
toxins (poisons).
As exercise boosts oxygen to the skin, it also helps increase the natural production of collagen, the connective tissue
that plumps your skin. Your skin color is also improved after exercise because of the increase in blood flow.
Exercise and Stress
Regular exercise reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body, resulting in a slower heart rate, relaxed blood
vessels, and lower blood pressure. Increased relaxation after exercise shows on your face with reduced muscle
Exercise and Your Mood
Research shows that regular exercise reduces symptoms of moderate depression and enhances psychological fitness.
Exercise can even produce changes in certain chemical levels in the body, which can have an effect on the
psychological state.
Endorphins are hormones in the brain associated with a happy, positive feeling. A low level of endorphins is
associated with depression. During exercise, plasma levels of this substance increase. This may help to ease
symptoms of depression. A recent National Health and Nutrition survey found that physically active people were
half as likely to be depressed.
Exercise also boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that send specific
messages from one brain cell to another. Though only a small percentage of all serotonin is located in the brain, this
neurotransmitter is thought to play a key role in keeping your mood calm.
Exercise and Colds
Regular exercise appears to help jump-start the immune system, thus helping to reduce the number of colds, flu, and
other viruses.
Exercise and Brainpower
Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain and helps it receive oxygen and nutrients. The better shape you're in, the
faster you fire brain waves that are responsible for quick thinking.
So, for example, if math is a real problem, you may find that daily exercise helps to solve it!
Getting Started With Exercise
As you make the daily exercise commitment, be sure to include the following three types of exercise:
Range-of-motion, or stretching exercises. These involve moving a joint as far as it will go (without pain). You can
do this with basic stretches or through dance, yoga, tai chi, and similar activities.
Endurance or conditioning exercises. Endurance exercises include walking, biking, climbing stairs, aerobics, and
swimming. These exercises strengthen muscles and build coordination and endurance.
Strengthening exercises. Resistance exercises help build strong muscles. You can do them with ankle and wrist
weights, free weights, resistance machines, resistance bands, or free weights (handheld weights).
Don't Forget Water
The more intense the training session, the more heat your body will produce. Before beginning exercise, drink water
to help the body compensate for sweating. You can drink more water during exercise if you're thirsty.
The benefits of daily exercise are incredible, and to think that they are free! Start a daily exercise regimen today, and
enjoy all the proven "extras" that come with moving around more.