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Get well soon!
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Get warm
The Art of Giving
Foods to keep you warm
Gout & Homeopathy
Baby Boon
Dare to wear
I was suffering from recurrent miscarriages
and was not able to conceive even after
many years of marriage. I had tried various
treatments but nothing seemed to help. I
had completely lost hope and given up
when I visited Dr. Batras’ Clinic at Gurgaon
on somebody's advice. Thanks to Dr.
Mamta's good treatment and caring nature,
I am now a proud mother of a sweet girl
child. I am grateful to Dr. Mamta and Dr.
Batras’. God Bless!
I am very thankful to Dr. Batras’ for treating
my 13-year-old daughter Kaavya, who was
suffering from a skin allergy, due to which
she was unable to wear any ornaments
artificial or gold. We had no hope of recovery
for her; but after discussing our problem at
Dr. Batras’ Chowpatty Clinic, a ray of hope
emerged. Two years of treatment have
completely solved her problem. She can now
wear any ornament comfortably. Our
sincere thanks to Dr. Shahid Saadan and Dr.
Maya Shah!
Rupal Sharma, Gurgaon
Geeta Nataranjan, Mumbai
From ‘cough’ to ‘tough’
My son Arjun Saxena started homeopathic
treatment under Dr. Wasim at Dr. Batras’
Clinic in Kormangala. The doctor was very
knowledgeable and understanding. My son
has benefited a lot from this treatment.
Earlier Arjun used to catch a cold and cough
frequently; however, now this is quite rare.
Mr. Atul Saxena, Koramangala
Help at Hand
Taking treatment over here at Dr. Batras’
Panchsheel Clinic has been a very nice
experience for me. Thanks for helping me to
improve my health. I would like to thank
Dr. Neeraj for helping me out and the staff
for providing such a good service.
Brajeshori Maibam, Panchsheel
No pain only gain
I was under treatment at Dr. Batras’ since the
past three years. Suffering from acute
sinusitis, at times, my pain used to be
unbearable. The treatment has drastically
improved my condition. The frequency and
intensity of my problem has really reduced.
I was under the supervision of Dr. Ashish
Unadkat who was very co-operative, his
mode of treatment exemplary. I have really
gained from my treatment at Dr Batras’.
Puravi Zaveri, Ahmedabad
Heading for Success
I have been undergoing treatment at Dr.
Batras’ Indiranagar clinic since the past one
year. I was suffering from hair loss in
patches over several areas of my head.
However, after taking the homeopathic
medicines, these patches have covered up
Vijay K. Mehere, Bangalore
The Art of Giving
he true ‘Art of Giving’ is to give from the
heart without any expectation of a return.
True giving comes from the same place inside
you as your deepest happiness. They are
inexplicably intertwined. A gift is something
that is enjoyed twice, first by the giver who
revels in the pleasure of giving something
special and second by the person who receives
the gift.
A very special form of giving is in the form of
small, personal acts of kindness. Very often, it
is not money or belongings that people need,
but the things that can't be seen, such as
advice, reassurance, compliments, or
The act of giving doesn’t have to be limited to
an exchange of presents during festivals or
birthdays. You can treat every person that
comes into your life specially, giving each of
them an unexpected gift, a gift that will cheer
them up.
You may be a bit sceptical, wondering about
what you could possibly give? But the answer
to this is pretty simple. Everybody has
something of value for another person.
It could be a kind word, a simple smile, some
appreciation, sharing special knowledge, and
even using your skills or lending a helping
hand to offer support during a difficult
emotional time.
With most things in this world, there is only a
limited amount of what you can give away.
Fortunately, generosity and kindness are not
bound to these same material limitations. One
of life’s most basic laws is that “every single act
of love, kindness, and generosity will multiply
and return to you many times over.” The more
you give the happier you will feel.
It is one of life's wonderful paradoxes that you
limit the power of your giving by having an
expectation of getting something in return. So,
learn to give unconditionally and experience
unbounded inner joy and peace of mind!
Dr Mukesh Batra
Founder & Chairman
Grow Hair. Gain Confidence.
hen Shilpa (name changed) first
walked into our clinic at Malleswaram,
she carried a mixed expression of anxiety and
embarrassment on her face and was wearing a
wig. She had been suffering from Alopecia
Totalis which is an autoimmune disorder in
which the body attacks its own hair roots and
causes them to fall. The origin of her complaint
went way back to 2006.
It had started off as a small patch on the back of
her scalp. Being a staff nurse at one of the most
reputed hospitals, she tried her hand at
routine conventional treatment, which
showed no results. Over a period of time, it
Before Treatment
During the initial part of the first year, the
improvement rate was slow; but as the
treatment progressed, she
got all her hair back. Her
joy knew no bounds as she
no longer needed to wear
her wigs. She does not
carry that anxious
expression on her face
In spite of being associated
with the conventional
mode of treatment, she has
developed immense faith and confidence in
Homeopathy and no longer resorts to her own
stream of medicine. She is ever grateful to Dr.
Batra's for delivering such excellent results
and truly making a positive difference in her
After Treatment
progressed rapidly, resulting into complete
loss of hair from her scalp. She knocked at the
doors of various doctors and tried all sorts of
treatment; but despite using them all, there
was no hair growth. Vexed by this, she gave up
all hopes. This condition drove her into
covering her scalp with a wig, and over a
period of time, she became very shy and
withdrawn. The constant glares that she got
from people added to her woes and depressed
her all the more.
Around this time, she read about the
homeopathic treatment for such problems
through a newspaper and then decided to pay
us a visit. At our clinic, she was put under the
care of Dr. P. Patil, who first educated her
about her problem and informed her that there
was no quick fix for the condition and that she
needed to be patient, thus allaying her fears
and putting all her apprehensions to rest. After
a detailed case history and analysis, he
prescribed Puls 200C for her, based on her
shyness and anxiety. Along with this, she was
advised to follow a healthy diet and do stressrelieving exercises like yoga.
Case handled by
Dr. Parshuram Patil
Malleswaram Branch,
Foods to keep you warm
he body temperature drops with the temperature
outside and eating helps generate heat. The body
also spends more energy keeping us warm, so we tend
to eat more. That makes it easy to pile on a few kilos of
unwanted weight by the time the season is out. Winters
also bring the danger of frequent bouts of cold and flu. Make sure your diet is rich in vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants to help support the immune system and ward off winter germs.
Seasonal fruits are packed with nutrients that boost the immunity. Fruits such as amla,
strawberries, orange and pomegranate are winter ‘superfoods.’ Vegetables such as onion,
carrot, capsicum, beans, beetroot, spring onion, salad vegetables and greens, cabbage and
broccoli, are ideal to keep the immune system working and the body warm. Ginger and garlic
leave you warmer naturally. Ginger is used in Chinese medicine for a myriad of ailments
including reducing gastro-intestinal discomfort and inflammation. Garlic boosts the immune
system and improves circulation, keeping the extremities warm.
Herbs and spices
The array of traditional herbs and spices that
we get in India also enhance health. Cayenne
and black pepper, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek,
fennel, nutmeg, and coriander are said to be
warming foods that are also great for
Whole grains
Brown rice, whole-wheat, oats, jowar, bajra,
and quinoa (the seed of a leafy plant and now
available in some health food stores or online)
are rich in nutrients, fibre, and phytochemicals.
Beans and legumes
Beans are a good source of protein. They help
the body rebuild and repair and give you fibre
without the cholesterol and saturated fats of
meat products. Diets rich in beans lower
cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of many
Dietary Don’ts
This is the best time to load up on compact,
nutritious foods. This will help get your body
back on track and cleanse your system.
However, go easy on anti-nutrients that can be
a burden on the body. These include refined
foods and dehydrating drinks like alcohol,
coffee, and tea. Excess sugar too has a
dampening effect on digestion and immunity.
Go easy on sugary stuff.
Graze on nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are warming winter foods.
They are high in minerals, phytochemicals,
fibre, and essential fatty acids. Walnuts are
rich in Omega 3 and seeds (sunflower or
pumpkin) in Omega 6.
Meghna Nanda Dasgupta
Nutritionist, DBPHCPL
Ringing out
r. Prabhakar woke up one night with
excruciating pain in his left big toe, as if
it were being roasted over fire. His toe had
turned red and swelled up to almost twice its
size. Wondering if he had injured himself or
got bitten by some insect in his sleep, he
rushed to his family physician, who informed
him that the entire episode was probably an
attack of gout. His raised uric acid levels, as
revealed by a blood test the next morning,
confirmed the diagnosis. Since then, the
problem was troubling him on and off and his
toe was perpetually swollen. He could barely
walk when he had his acute attacks. To add to
his woes, he was also overweight. Painkillers
and many of the other drugs that he had tried
only provided temporary relief. Fed up of this,
he visited Dr. Batras’ hoping for better results
through homeopathic treatment. In the clinic,
his detailed case history and analysis revealed
that the problem was triggered by his
sedentary lifestyle, faulty diet, and alcohol
intake. On the basis of his symptoms and
personality, he was prescribed Ledum Pal and
was advised to cut down on his consumption
of alcohol. He was asked to drink a lot of water
and a customised diet chart was chalked out
by our in-house nutritionist to help him lose
weight as well as to keep his uric acid levels
under check. As the treatment progressed, his
condition improved; and now, he doesn’t even
remember the last time that he went through
all the agony.
Purines are organic nitrogen-containing
cellular components that are generated in the
body by breakdown of cells and are also
ingested as a part of daily diet. Uric acid is a
normal component of blood serum and is a byproduct of purine metabolism that is normally
excreted through the urine in humans. The
kidneys are responsible for about two-thirds
of its excretion with the liver being responsible
for the rest. Gout is a disease that results from
an overload of uric acid in the body. This leads
to the formation of tiny crystals of urate that
deposit in various tissues of the body,
especially the joints, causing inflammation.
Chronic gout can also lead to deposits of hard
lumps of uric acid in and around the joints and
may cause joint destruction, decreased kidney
function, and kidney stones. The big toe is
affected in approximately 75% of the first
attacks; however, other joints like the ankle,
heel, wrist, elbow, fingers, or spine may also
get involved.
A family history and a sedentary lifestyle can
increase the risk of developing this disease
and it is considered more common amongst
affluent families who regularly drink and eat
foods that are rich in purines. Apart from this,
the inability of the body to flush out uric acid
fast enough and other medical conditions like
obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or high lipid
levels can also result in gout.
Conventional treatment advocates the use of
painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and
medicines that inhibit conversion of purine
into uric acid. These cannot be taken for
prolonged periods of time without sideeffects. Homoeopathy, on the other hand,
helps to control the pain during acute attacks,
reducing stiffness, and improving the
mobility of the joints whilst preventing future
episodes, all without any side-effects. In fact,
very few people are aware of the fact that
modern medicine borrowed the use of
colchicine in the treatment of gout from
Homeopathy, which has used the extract of a
plant Colchicum Autumnale that contains
colchicine as its active ingredient, for treating
gout since nearly two hundred years. Another
homeopathic remedy Berberis Vulgaris has
been found to be extremely useful in treating
gout patients with kidney stones where the
liver is at fault. Formica Rufa, a homoeopathic
medicine, is said to have successfully treated
250,000 sufferers of rheumatism and gout as
reported in a Seattle Post -Intelligencer article.
Along with homeopathic medicines, taking a
few logical steps can help to flush and
neutralise the acid. Drink plenty of water to
flush out the crystals. Reduce weight if you are
over weight as there seems to be some
correlation between obesity and gout. Being
obese can also increase the chances of
suffering from osteoarthritis because of
increased pressure on the joints and
weakening of muscles due to excess fat in
them. Keeping the affected foot bare is advised
as clothing tends to aggravate the pain and
discomfort. Vitamin C and Folic acid are
known to reduce uric acid formation and are
hence recommended through natural foods or
supplements. Red meat, organ meats such as
liver and kidney, shellfish, certain kinds of
preserved fish, and dairy or poultry products
are best avoided as they are rich in purines.
One must cut down on the consumption of
alcohol, tea, aerated drinks, yeast, refined
flour, fats, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach,
green leafy vegetables, pulses, cauliflower,
and green peas as they contain high amounts
of purines. Thus, a vegetarian and low protein
diet is preferred with a lot of vegetables, garlic,
and whole grains such as brown rice, millet,
corn, oat and rye. Dried fruits, bananas,
mangoes, potatoes, and tomatoes should be
eaten as they are rich in potassium.
Pineapples, cherries, strawberries, and apples
may be liberally eaten since they have antiinflammatory properties. Coffee consumption
is known to be associated with lower uric acid
levels. Gout patients can lead normal lives
through a combination of homeopathic
treatment and dietary care.
Battle the rash and beat the itch
ff again, on again, gone again, is what
Ashwini described her complaint when
she first came to us. She had been suffering
from this sort of an itch since the time she was
preparing for her exams at age of 17 years. Her
problem occurred mostly at night.
She had taken conventional treatment from
her family doctor and her problem had
subsided for sometime, but the problem kept
recurring periodically. When she consulted a
skin specialist, he diagnosed her with
urticaria, a skin allergy. Since then, she was
continuously on anti-allergic medications,
which took care of her symptoms temporarily
but recurred every time she tried to stop the
medicines. Over a period of time these drugs
had seriously affected her due to their
numerous side-effects. Vexed by this, she had
come to us hoping to get a long-term solution
through Homeopathy. A detailed case history
revealed her sympathetic nature, fear of cats,
and her inherent laziness, based on which we
prescribed Calc Carb 200C for her along with
certain dietary modifications as suggested by
our in-house nutritionist. As treatment
progressed, the frequency of her attacks came
down, and now, much to her delight, she is
free of the disease.
Homeopathy addresses the primary cause of
the allergy and works towards correcting the
altered immunity without any side-effects.
Clinical studies have proven the efficacy of
Homeopathy as compared to placebo in the
treatment of urticaria as published in an article
published in Lancet in 1997. Homeopathic
medications like Rauwolfia and Natrum Mur
have been found to be beneficial according to
other studies.
Recent research conducted by the University
of Plymouth has reported the evidence of a
link between traumatic stress and urticaria.
Homeopathy being mind and body medicine
helps treat at both the levels simultaneously
with no risks involved.
Urticaria, as a rule, appears with no warning
and about 1 in every 6 people is known to
suffer from it at some time in their life
according to the NHS UK. It is generally
noticed as dark red itchy bumps on the skin,
caused by an inflammatory response on
exposure to any trigger. New lesions keep
cropping up while the old ones fade away.
Histamine, a biochemical released during
inflammation, is responsible for the symptoms
such as itching and swelling.
If neglected, it can assume a more severe form
known as angioneurotic oedema, in which, the
whole body including the throat swells up,
leading to breathlessness, which can be severe
enough to prove fatal.
Since food allergies and urticaria often go
hand in hand, dietary modification is a must to
help reduce the intensity of the attacks.
Monitoring your diet and following the tips
mentioned below can help to keep it at a bay.
• Eat a well balanced diet with emphasis on
raw vegetables and fresh fruits.
• Avoid all food items that are difficult to
• Shell fish, nuts especially peanuts, prawns,
soya, wheat, eggs, artificial flavours are the
commonest triggers; so, avoid them if they
trigger or aggravate your problem.
• Avoid exposing yourself directly to cold
weather and cold water.
Urticaria is often triggered by eating certain
food items like nuts, soya, shellfish, eggs, and
wheat; intake of certain drugs like aspirin,
penicillin, and certain anti-diabetic drugs;
digestive disturbances; and infections.
Depending upon whether the duration of the
complaint has been less than six weeks or
more, urticaria is classified as acute or chronic.
Recent studies have revealed that chronic
urticaria occurs as a result of an autoimmune
trigger and patients tend to have underlying
autoimmune conditions. Getting investigated
to pinpoint the causative factor is advisable so
that it can be treated promptly .
• Turmeric powder mixed with water and
taken at regular intervals is often known to
be of help.
• Rose water mixed with vinegar helps to
relieve severe itching in urticaria.
• Fresh air and sunlight are very essential in
the treatment of urticaria.
• Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and all refined
• Along with dietary modifications, stress
relieving methods such as yoga and
meditation can help too.
Homeopathic medicines:
Urtica Urens: Used in most cases of urticaria
Rhus Tox: Rashes aggravated in cold damp
Product of the Month - Face Wash
our face speaks much and you are often
judged literally at face value. With
pollution and dust being a way of life these
days, special skin protection becomes almost a
necessity. Hence, the importance of a healthy
looking face can never be underplayed.
Dr. Batra’s Complete Skin Treatment Face
Wash has been specifically formulated
keeping in mind the needs of your delicate
facial skin.
Dermatologist-recommended, this product
cleans, protects and moisturises, all at once.
Dr. Batra’s Face Wash is replete with the
goodness of natural products beneficial to
clean your skin naturally, to protect your skin
from today’s harsh climatic conditions and to
keep your skin soft, smooth and supple in
spite of your daily grind.
The product is enriched with Vitamin B3 that
protects the skin against ultraviolet rays and
environmental damage and Vitamin E, which
being a powerful natural antioxidant, soothes
and moisturises the skin and facilitates tissue
repair. The Olive Oil present in it, being rich in
antioxidants and vitamins, deep cleanses the
facial skin and softens it.
Special Offer of the month
Now get a Dr. Batra’s Face Wash
for Rs. 100/- only.
Offer valid from Nov 1st to Nov 30th 2009 only.
10 I NOVEMBER 2009
MRP Rs. 135
1. World AIDS Day is on
a. 1 December
b. 21 September
c. 5 June
d. 11 July
6. Addison's disease is also known as
2. World Alzheimer’s Day is on
a. 22nd December
b. 1st June
c. 21st September
d. 21st July
7. The recommended daily calorie
intake for women is about
a. 1200
b. 1500
c. 1800
d. 1000
5. Osteoporosis is the deficiency of
6. c - Hypocortisolism
7. a - 1200
8. d - All of the above
9. b - Iron
10. c - Egg yolk
9. Wheat grass juice is a rich source of
a. Fat
b. Iron
c. Protein
d. Carbohydrate
10. Biotin is richly available in
a. Oats
b. Walnuts
c. Egg yolk
d. Spinach
8. Which of the following is a fat
soluble vitamin
a. D
b. K
c. E
d. All of the above
a - 1st December
c - 21st September
c - Stapes
a - Calcium
4. The smallest bone in the human
body is
3. How many canine teeth do humans
a. 2
b. 6
c. 1
d. 4
11 I NOVEMBER 2009
Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder & CMD –
DBPHCPL was recently honoured with the
International Medical Excellence Award by
Mr. Korn Dabbaransi, former Deputy Prime
Minister of Thailand at the seminar on ‘Role
of a Medical Professional towards Society’
conducted by the Institute of Economic
Dr. Akshay Batra, DMD – DBPHCPL is the only Asian and
non-Britisher to be honoured as the Vice President of The
Trichological Society, London, UK. Recently he enjoyed the
privilege of addressing an eminent audience at the House of
Commons to commemorate the 10 t h year of The
Trichological Society.
Medical Mystery
1. Osteoporosis is more common in males
A. True
B. False
quiz 47
2. Addison’s disease occurs due to damage to the
adrenal gland
A. True
B. False
Here’s your chance to win free treatment and other
exciting prizes. Winners will be selected by a lucky
1st Prize: Free annual treatment* for one at DBPHCPL.
2nd Prize: Dr Batra’sâ range of hair care products.
3rd Prize: Dr Batra’sâ shampoo & conditioner (250 ml).
4th Prize: Dr Batra’sâ shampoo & conditioner (100 ml).
5th Prize: Dr Batra’sâ shampoo (100 ml).
Cut along the dotted line and send in your entry by 30th November, 09 along with
your name, patient code number, branch and personal address to Corporate
Communications Department, Dr Batras’ Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd., 2nd
Floor, H. Kantilal Compound, Andheri-Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E),
Mumbai - 400072.Please mention the quiz number on the envelope. You can also
email your quiz answers at [email protected] with the quiz number.
Answer to Quiz No 45:
1. False
1 . Varsha Jain, Gurgaon I 2 . Shipra Bhatnagar, Ahmedabad I 3 . Kunjal K. Gholap, Navi Mumbai
4 . Pankaj Gaba, New Delhi I 5 . Baljit Singh , Kolkata
* Winners to collect their prizes within one month of announcement. *Conditions apply.
Write to us with your feedback and comments to [email protected]
Chat with our senior consultants everyday between 9 am to 9 pm at
An ISO 9001:2008 Company
Dr. Batras’ Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd.
Regd. office: 2nd Floor, H. Kantilal Compound, Andheri - Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 72
Dr Batra’s Positive Health is edited and designed by the Corporate Communications division of
Dr. Batras’ Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd. (DBPHCPL). The information presented here is for DBPHCPL patients only.
November/2009/Corporate Communications
Winners of
Quiz No. 45
2. True