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Cell Cycle and Division Exam – study guide
Cell Cycle (cell cycle packet)
 Phases of the cell cycle in order and what happens in each
 When does DNA replication occur?
Mitosis (cell cycle packet, mitosis vs. meiosis venn diagram)
 Phases of mitosis and what happens in each phase. What is the product of mitosis?
 How many chromosomes are in a cell, does the number of chromosomes change?
 Article on Cancer and mutations
o What is cancer and what causes it?
o What causes mutations?
o How is cancer passed down to children?
Meiosis (meiosis note sheet, crossing over sheet, mitosis vs. meiosis venn diagram)
 Know the phases of meiosis – Meiosis I and Meiosis II – both go through PMAT twice
 How do the chromosomes change? 2n  1n
 What is split during meiosis I? Meiosis II?
 What produces genetic variation in offspring?
 How many gametes/sex cells are produced?
Be able to list differences between mitosis and meiosis
Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction (sexual vs. asexual venn diagram)
 Advantages to sexual reproduction
 Advantages to asexual reproduction
 Disadvantages to asexual reproduction
Be able to describe why sexual reproduction is more advantageous over asexual
Vocabulary (you have most of these in your cell cycle packet)
Prophase: First stage of mitosis; chromatin coils into visible chromosomes
Metaphase: Second stage of mitosis: Chromosomes move to the equator; chromatids are
attached by centromeres
Anaphase: Third stage of mitosis; centromeres split and chromatid pairs are pulled
Telophase: Final phase of mitosis; nuclear membrane begins to reappear; new cells prepare for
their new independent existence
Interphase: Stage of the cell cycle that includes growth and DNA replication
Mitosis: Division of the nuclear material; two new daughter cells formed that are identical to the
Cytokinesis: Division of the cytoplasm
Chromatin: Tangled mass of DNA and proteins; state of DNA during interphase
Chromosome: Structure that contains DNA; appears right before cellular division and vanishes
following cell division
Centromere: Cell structure that joins two sister chromatids of a chromosome
Spindle: Cell structures composed of microtubule fibers; “pull” apart sister chromatids
Chromatid: Identical halves of a duplicated parent chromosome; held together by a centromere
Asexual reproduction: production of offspring from one parent
Sexual reproduction: production of offspring from two parent
Genetic variation: genetic diversity in a species or group as a result of new gene combinations
produced during reproduction