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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Regional Care Pathway Development_ Briefing for Colorectal Cancer Group C AN CE R A C C E S S S T AN D AR D S & D E V E L O P M E NT C AN CE R C AR E P AT H W AY S - B R I E F I N G OF NICaN R E GI ON AL LY A G RE E D This paper provides a briefing on the introduction of mandatory cancer access standards in 2007 and highlights a number of actions to help progress the development of a Colorectal Cancer Care Pathway. C AN CE R A C C E S S S T AN D AR D S Definitions and Key Monitoring Points - Service Delivery Unit Presentation, 24th Nov 2006 Regional Quality Standards for Timely Access All patients diagnosed with cancer should begin treatment within a maximum of 31 days of the diagnosis (decision on treatment) All patients with suspected cancer who have been referred urgently by their GP should begin their first definitive treatment within a maximum of 62 days Key monitoring points Date referral received Date Patient discussed at MDT Date decision to treat (defined as the date the clinician and the patient agree on a course of treatment, even if the treatment cannot be given) Date 1st definitive treatment commences Achieving and Sustaining Cancer Access Standards The following principles underpin the establishment of sustainability and standards for timely access (as per experience and practice in England with the Cancer Services Collaborative): Effective Evidence Based Pathway Design Prospective Patient Management and Navigation Robust Data Information and Administrative Systems The Local Lead Cancer Teams, working with cancer executive leads, will be instrumental in providing local leadership for the introduction and sustainability of the cancer access standards. A baseline self-assessment questionnaire was forwarded to the Local Lead Cancer Teams, their executive lead and others, on 22/23 November 2006. This includes a checklist on the information and proactive patient management systems that need to be in place and support to ensure the effectiveness of the MDT. C AR E P AT H W AY S A programme of work and timetable has been drafted for the development of evidence based, quality and timed care pathways for all cancers. This is being progressed through the established Tumour specific groups, with plans underway to develop those groups not Page 1 of 3 Regional Care Pathway Development_ Briefing for Colorectal Cancer Group NICaN yet established. All available evidence and best practice will be drawn upon to support the development of the care pathways. The initial focus, based on evidence, will be on referral, diagnostics and the effective functioning of MDMs. Timed Access Thinking something is wrong Referral Referral Seeing Someone & having tests Consultation & Investigation Being told what is wrong Getting better & living with condition Diagnosis Treatment Diagnostics Being followed up Follow up MDMs Based on evidence, core elements of the pathways critical to achieve the cancer access standards The care pathways will provide a clear and concise account of the key stages, diagnostics, treatments and follow-up arrangements that are expected for those, with, or suspected of having a particular cancer. The care pathways will provide the specification for commissioning cancer services and the framework by which the service will be audited and subject to continuous quality improvement. It will be important that the Network groups secure public health and planning expertise to inform this work. C O L O R E C T AL C AN C E R P AT H W AY Referral It is proposed that there are several elements necessary to clarify the referral process for suspected colorectal cancer Agreement on the criteria for urgent referral Implementation / roll out of this guidance across Primary Care Ongoing education and monitoring of the use of the urgent referral route/process Agreed referral point, within each Trust, from Primary Care and other routes for urgent referrals Trust mechanisms to capture the urgent referrals At the November meeting of the NICaN Primary Care Group it was agreed that the NICE referral guidance for suspected cancer be adopted for Northern Ireland. This is inline with the Department’s adoption of NICE in June 2006. These guidelines can be discussed with the Colorectal Group should there be any exceptions which need to be considered. Diagnostics Experience in achieving “cancer-waiting times” in England has shown that 20% of failures to achieve the 31 and 62 day targets arise from inter trust transfers (predominantly those from cancer unit to cancer centre). Their advice is to aim for the diagnostic stage of the pathway Page 2 of 3 Regional Care Pathway Development_ Briefing for Colorectal Cancer Group NICaN to be completed within 25 days with the planning for treatment and date of first definitive treatment spanning from day 26 – day 62, as shown below. Referral Diagnostics MDM Disclosure < 25 days Palliative Care Surgery Oncology Beds, HDU/ICU 26-62 days Inter-Trust Transfer MDMs A checklist (attached) has been developed for Colorectal MDMs based on the measures within the Manual of Cancer Services Standards, 2004 (colorectal measures amended July 2006) ( This Manual is the quality assurance mechanism for implementing the Improving Outcome Guidance. Additional resources/toolkits for supporting effective MDT meeting are currently being compiled by the Network team based on work by the Cancer Services Collaborative. Page 3 of 3