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TAMK Degree Programme in Media and Arts /
Interactive Media study path
Application instructions 2016
Application time starts on January 8th and the
DEADLINE is on January 27th 2016 3:00 pm Finnish time (GMT +2 hrs)
Assessment of the pre-task
Because we have such a large number of applicants, the pre-task is given an overall grade of pass or fail only. Based on
the pre-tasks, our experienced teacher group will select the applicants to be invited to the final entrance exams. These
applicants will have their pre-tasks graded as a “pass”.
The rest of the pre-tasks will be graded as a “fail”: If yours is given a fail grade, please bear in mind that we have a lot of
good applicants, and some of our students have applied to join the programme several times before their application was
Furthermore, we will not explain how to interpret the pre-task on an individual basis, so please do not send us emails or
call us asking how to implement this pre-task.
The entire pre-task has to be available to us by the deadline. For further information on how to deliver
the pre-task see step 3.
Step 1. Official online application
This official online process generates an applicant number, which will be needed in the next steps. The official
online application will be made at:
To see the information about the TAMK Degree Programme in Media and Arts at, search for ”TAMK Culture”
or ”TAMK Media and Arts”.
Be careful when choosing your order of preference in the application. The order of preference chosen is binding and
cannot be altered after the application closes.
More information:
Step 2. Assignments
See the pre-tasks 2.1 and 2.2. After creating and collecting the materials needed, fill in and send your personal data
using the form at: The guidelines for uploading the pre-task digitally are
described in step 3.
Make sure that you have your applicant number before filling the data form. It is not possible to edit your personal data
form after you have sent it. However it’s possible to fill in and upload the form again and only the latest form (if there are
multiple entries) will be evaluated.
2.1 Interactive Media Assignment: Changing Eating Habits
Food and eating habits have always been at the center of human culture. Global food production is facing some serious
challenges and new possibilities in the near future. For example, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO):
“Edible insects contain high quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans. Insects have a high food conversion rate,
e.g. crickets need six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and broiler chickens to
produce the same amount of protein.”
Eating insects is an emerging global trend that may revolutionize food production and our eating habits in the next 10-20
years. Your task is to choose a target group that needs to be inspired to change eating habits, and create a plan
(assignment A) and materials (assignment B1 or B2) for a campaign that makes that target group consume insects and
various insect food products regularly.
A. Write a max 300 words text (in English) explaining what your chosen target group is and what are the main goals
and methods of the campaign. How does your campaign make eating insect products appealing for people?
B. Choose one out of the two following options:
1. Create a concept document (max 1 A4 PDF file) for a new digital solution that is part of your campaign, for example
an app, a game, a web site, new social media channel, etc. Include text and visual sketches in your document to
illustrate the functionality and features of your solution.
2. Create a marketing poster (A4 or A3 PDF file) or a video (20-40 seconds) for your campaign. Make sure your
assignments (as one zipped file) do not exceed the file size of 50 megabytes.
You are free to use any technique or style to create the concept document, marketing poster or video.
Output: Two documents, including images and/or text, link to video if needed
Criteria for evaluation: Creativity, credibility, quality of content
Create a folder for the assignments with the name of: Lastname_Firstname_Assignments
2.2 Portfolio
Prepare material that includes the essential aspects of your personal history in relation to the Interactive Media study
path and the Degree Programme in Media and Arts. These samples of your work (3-6) are to be sent digitally.
See Step 3 for instructions how to upload the material.
Also fill in the Personal online data form at:
The tasks and questions in the Personal online data form are:
• Personal information
• Description of your work process (max 150 words)
• Courses or activities relevant for this education
• Work experience
• Hobbies/ interests
• Other projects and skills you are proud of (not only media)
Criteria for evaluation: Orientation, potential and suitability for media and arts professions.
Create a folder for the work samples with the name of: Lastname_Firstname_Portfolio
Step 3. Uploading the pre-task digitally
The assignments can be delivered digitally only. The entire pre-task has to be at our disposal by the end of the
application period, January 27th 2016 3:00 pm Finnish time (GMT +2)
Make sure to meet the deadline and we recommend uploading the assignments well before the deadline.
Only the most common text document file formats (doc(x), rtf ,odt, pdf), image file formats (jpg, png, pdf) and media file
formats (avi, mp3, mov, mp4) can be used. For presenting dynamic material like websites, blogs or games please use
screenshots or videos. The pre-tasks will be archived for one year.
After creating the assignment documents and portfolio work samples in correctly named folders, compress the folder
structure into a single ZIP-file. The maximum size of this zip-file is 50 megabytes. Name the ZIP-file with your name, Name the root folder this way: Lastname_Firstname.
Name the assignments sub-folder this way: Lastname_Firstname_Assignments
Name the work samples sub-folder this way: Lastname_Firstname_Portfolio
Name the samples of your work this way:
Lastname_Firstname_Work1.jpg, Lastname_Firstname_Work2.png,...
and your Interactive Media Assignment like this:
Lastname_Firstname.png or Lastname_Firstname_Assignment.pdf
To see an example of a ZIP-file with correct structure, follow this URL:
Send your pre-task using the form at
Please note that this form is not available before the date of 08.01.2016
All the best for your application process!