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Orphaned MSDTC transactions (-2 spids)
Any dba looking after a server that takes part in a distributed
transaction will probably have come across situations where a spid
that does not show up in master..sysprocesses or
sys.dm_exec_sessions (depending on your version of SQL Server)
ends up blocking other users.
Looking at sp_locks or syslockinfo or sys.dm_tran_locks would show
resources being locked by a spid with a value of -2. Spids with a
negative cannot be killed in SQL Server.
Often, especially in older (pre version 7) versions of SQL Server the
only option was to restart SQL Server to clear those locks.
Spids with a value of -2 are orphaned distributed transactions.
What’s an orphaned distributed transaction?
In a nutshell, it’s a distributed transaction for which the transactional
state is unknown. A distributed transaction is a database transaction
that involves more than one database system (usually) located on
different servers.
In order to maintain transactional consistency these transactions need
to be coordinated, as we can’t have one database involved in the
transaction committing the data it has been sent, whilst another
database fails to commit the data it has been sent; either all the data
is successfully committed by all the databases involved in the
transaction, or the entire transaction is rolled back and no data gets
committed by any database.
The process responsible for coordinating these transactions is the
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator, or MSDTC.
You can get to it via Start > Run and typing dcomcnfg.
This brings up the Component Services plugin. Click on Component
Services > Computers > My Computer.
Under My Computer, click on the Distributed Transaction Coordinator
folder. Under Local DTC you will find the following information about
MSDTC transactions:
Transaction List lists active distributed transactions
Transaction Statistics reports summary statistics for previous
MDTC transactions
Both items provide useful information, but in the context of this blog,
it’s the Transaction List that we’re interested in. This lists all the
currently active transactions that have not been successfully
completed, or been successfully rolled back. The status column lists
what MSDTC regards as the state of the transaction, and the Unit of
Work ID column with those strange GUID type values displays a
unique identifier that is assigned to that transaction; this is a very
useful value to have as it will allow any MSDTC transactions executing
within SQL Server, including transactions that MSDTC has lost control
of and thus have a spid value of -2 to be killed by specifying the Unit
of Work (UoW) ID in place of the spid number.
If the status of the transaction is ‘Active’ then the transaction is
currently executing. Figure 1 below, shows an active distributed
transaction when viewed in the MSDTC console (the screenshot was
taken from a Windows Vista host):
Figure 1: The MSDTC Console
The problems arises when, for whatever reason, MSDTC loses track of
one of these transactions. The transaction will then be marked as indoubt. If this happens, SQL Server will honour the locks the spid
bound to that transaction has left, but the spid itself will be assigned a
negative value of -2.
This means it will no longer appear as an internal process, but will still
cause blocking if the original transaction was accessing tables at the
time it went awol, as the locks will have been retained. This is because
SQL Server does not know whether it can commit or roll back the
transaction as MSDTC has control of distributed transactions.
Sometimes this can happen because the MSDTC service (Distributed
Transaction Coordinator) has been terminated, or is in a hung state.
When MSDTC is restarted it will go through its own internal transaction
log and try and regain control of transactions that were left open in
order to commit them or roll them back. Usually, however, it’s because
one or more of the applications involved in the distributed transaction
has mis-behaved in some way and has hung or crashed, and the only
option there is to try and restart the application(s) concerned and
hope that it has a recovery mechanism to deal with any MSDTC
transactions that were left unresolved.
From time to time, therefore, MSDTC will not be able to regain control
of a transaction and it’s status will be marked as ‘in-doubt’ in MSDTC
Once upon a time (well, before SQL Server 6.5 SP5 at any rate) the
only way to resolve this was to restart SQL Server, and because this
was once the only way to deal with orphaned spids, it’s become
something of a myth that it remains the only way to deal with the
However, since Service Pack 5 of SQL Server 6.5
( it has been
possible to kill an MSDTC transaction by specifying something called
the UoW ID, as opposed to just the spid number.
The Unit of Work (UoW) ID
The UoW ID is a 24 character GUID assigned to each transaction
issued by MSDTC, and it is the UoW ID that is used to identify and kill
orphaned MSDTC transactions in SQL Server.
Killing an MSDTC transaction
So, you’ve come up against an MSDTC transaction that the MSDTC
service has been unable to successfully commit or rollback.
This transaction has now left locks on your data that are associated
with an orphaned spid and you’ve got no option but to kill that MSDTC
You first need to retrieve the UoW ID. This should be displayed in the
MSDTC console, but to verify it is the correct ID, you can interrogate
the syslockinfo system view. Specifically the req_transactionUoW
column. The req_spid column in syslockinfo hosts the spid number.
So, to pull out the UoW ID for an orphaned MSDTC transaction you
just need to run the following query:
select req_transactionUoW as [UoW ID] from syslockinfo where req_spid = -2
The above will work in SQL Server 2000 onward, but from SQL Server
2005, it’s more politically correct to use the DMVs, so the table and
column names have changed slightly:
select request_owner_guid as [UoW ID] from sys.dm_tran_locks where
request_session_id = -2
Then to kill it:
kill {'UoW ID'}
where {UoW ID} is the result of the above select statement.
However, this must only be done as an absolute last resort when other
methods, such as e.g. restarting the applications/processes involved in
that distributed transaction do not resolve the problem. At the end of
the day, those locks will have been placed for a reason, so you don’t
know if the consistency of the data is now compromised.