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SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PHARYNX MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY Superior Pharyngeal Constrictors Middle Pharyngeal Constrictors Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictors Stylopharygeus MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE SOFT PALATE MUSCLE Palatoglossus Palatopharyngeus Levator Veli Palatini (Levator Palati) Tensor Veli Palatini ORIGIN INSERTION SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE MANDIBLE MUSCLE Anterior Belly of Digastric Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Lateral Pterygoid Medial Pterygoid Masseter Temporalis ORIGIN INSERTION MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE a. EXTRINSIC MUSCLES MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY INSERTION MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY Hyoglossus Styloglossus Genioglossus Palatoglossus MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE b. INTRINSIC MUSCLES MUSCLE Superior Longitudinal Inferior Longitudinal Transverse (lingualis) Vertical (lingualis) ORIGIN SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FACE, LIPS & CHEEK MUSCLE Buccinator Risorius Platysma Orbicularis Oris Zygomatic Major Zygomatic Minor Levator Labii Superior Depressor Labii Inferior Levator Anguli Oris Depressor Anguli Oris Mentalis ORIGIN INSERTION MECHANICAL ACTION MOTOR SUPPLY SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PHARYNX MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Superior Pharyngeal Constrictors Medial pterygoid plate Pterygomandibular ligament Hyoid bone Middle Pharyngeal Constrictors Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictors Midline pharyngeal raphe MECHANICAL ACTION Constricts pharynx MOTOR SUPPLY pharyngeal plexus (CN IX, X) Midline pharyngeal raphe Constricts pharynx Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage (cricopharyngeus) Midline pharyngeal raphe Styloid process Fibers interlace with the fibers of the pharyngeal constrictor Constricts pharynx Constricts upper esophageal sphincter elevates the pharyngeal walls pharyngeal plexus (CN IX, X) pharyngeal plexus (CN IX, X) Stylopharygeus MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE SOFT PALATE MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Soft palate Sides of the tongue Soft palate Fibers split around the lev. veli palatini and insert into the lateral pharyngeal wall Palatine aponeurosis MECHANICAL ACTION Depress soft palate MOTOR SUPPLY CN X (pharyngeal branch) Depress soft palate CN X (pharyngeal branch) Elevates soft palate CN X (pharyngeal branch) CN V (V3) Palatoglossus Palatopharyngeus Levator Veli Palatini (Levator palati) Tensor Veli Palatini Temporal bone Cartilage of auditory tube Sphenoid bone Juncture of sphenoid & temporal bone Auditory tube CN IX Quickly becomes a Tense soft palate narrow tendon which Opens auditory hooks around the tube hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate and inserts into the palatine aponeurosis SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE MANDIBLE MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Anterior Belly of Digastric Inside surface of mandible near midline Intermediate tendon which is attached the hyoid bone Midline raphe (tendon) and hyoid bone Anterior surface of the hyoid bone Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Lateral Pterygoid Medial Pterygoid MECHANICAL ACTION Depress mandible MOTOR SUPPLY CN V (V3) Depress mandible CN V (V3) Depress mandible C1 through CN XII Neck of mandible Depress mandible Slide mandible forward CN V (V3) Medial surface of angle of mandible Elevate mandible CN V (V3) zygomatic arch Lateral surface of angle of mandible Elevate mandible CN V (V3) Temporal fossa of temporal bone Coronoid process of mandible Elevate mandible CN V (V3) Inner surface of the mandible (deep to digastric) Inside surface of mandible near the midline (deep to digastric and mylohyoid) Lateral pterygoid plate Greater wing of the sphenoid Medial pterygoid plate Masseter Temporalis SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE c. EXTRINSIC MUSCLES MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Hyoid bone Dorsal half of tongue Styloid process Lateral edges of the tongue dorsum Dorsum of the tongue Hyoid bone Hyoglossus Styloglossus Genioglossus Inner side of the midline of the mandible Soft palate Palatoglossus Sides of the tongue MECHANICAL ACTION retract and depress the tongue MOTOR SUPPLY CN. XII draws tongue dorsally (posteriorly) and rostrally (upward) Largest and most powerful extrinsic muscle Protrude tongue tip Depress the tongue Form a midline groove elevate the tongue and groove the dorsum CN. XII MECHANICAL ACTION Shortens the tongue, and turns the tip upward Shortens the tongue or pulls the tip down MOTOR SUPPLY CN. XII Narrows and elongates the tongue CN. XII Flattens the tongue CN. XII CN. XII CN X (pharyngeal branch) MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE d. INTRINSIC MUSCLES MUSCLE ORIGIN & INSERTION Transverse (lingualis) Fibers runs along the length of the tongue dorsum just deep to mucosal membrane Fibers run from the apex to the root parallel to the length of the tongue Fibers run from tongue center to sides Vertical (lingualis) Fibers run rostral-caudal (up and down) Superior Longitudinal Inferior Longitudinal CN. XII SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FACE, LIPS & CHEEK MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Pterygomandibular raphe/ligament Muscles of lips Buccinator Fascial sheath overlying masseter Angle of the mouth Risorius Platysma MECHANICAL ACTION Compress cheek MOTOR SUPPLY CN VII Retract angle of mouth CN VII Thin flat muscle with no definite origin and insertion Tense skin of neck CN VII Fibers run around the orifice of the mouth with a variety of attachments Often subdivided into superior (OOS) and inferior fibers (OOI) Lateral surface of Fibers of OOS zygomatic b. Sphincter action to compress the lips CN VII Elevate angle of mouth CN VII Medial to z. major on the lateral margin of the orbit Fibers of OOS Zygomatic Minor Elevate angle of mouth CN VII Levator Labii Superior Lower margin of the orbit Fibers of OOS Depressor Labii Inferior Mandible Fibers of OOI Orbicularis Oris (Superior & Inferior) Zygomatic Major Levator Anguli Oris CN VII Depress lower lip CN VII Deep to levator labii superior on the maxillary bone Mandible Fibers of OOS Fibers of OOI Depressor Anguli Oris Mentalis Elevate upper lip Mandible, just below the incisors Skin of the chin Elevate angle of mouth CN VII Depress angle of mouth CN VII Elevate lower lip CN VII