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Good Afternoon!
• We have several things to do today so
please be ready with your completed
homework assignment, textbook, graph
paper and your definitions pages.
–The Glovernment
What’s a widget?
Think-Pair-Share: Decide which figures (A, B, C, or D)
are widgets. How do you know?
What makes a widget a widget?
What is a square?
• A square is a figure with four equal sides.
• “A square is a 4-sided figure that has all sides
congruent and all angles measuring 90
Steps to Creating a Good Definition
• Classify your term. What is it?
• Differentiate your term. How does it differ
from others in it’s class?
“A square is a 4-sided figure that has all
sides congruent and all angles measuring
90 degrees.”
Define these terms:
• Parallel Lines
• Perpendicular Lines
Parallel lines are lines in the same _______that
never ___________.
Perpendicular lines are ________ that
With your partner…
• Create quality definitions for all 7 terms on
pages 49 and 50. Be sure you both agree on
the wording of your definition.
• Put them in your yellow definitions pages.
• Use pencil! We will go over them and you
may need to make corrections.
Right Angle
• A right angle is an angle that measures 90
Acute Angle
• An acute angle is an angle that measures less
than 90 degrees.
Obtuse Angle
• An obtuse angle is an angle that measures
more than 90 degrees but less than 180
Complementary Angles
• Complementary angles are a pair of angles
that have a sum of 90 degrees.
Supplementary Angles
• Supplementary angles are a pair of angles that
have a sum of 180 degrees.
Vertical Angles
• Vertical angles are a pair of angles formed by
two intersecting lines that share a common
vertex but not a common side.
Linear Pair of Angles
• A linear pair of angles are supplementary
angles that share a vertex and a common side
(they’re adjacent).
A ray that divides an angle into two
angles is an angle bisector.
If two circles intersect, then they
must intersect at exactly two points.
• 1.3 # 1-9, 11, 15-24
• For the true/false questions (15-24)…
– If the statement is true, just write true (there are
only 4)
– If the statement is false, draw a counterexample
to show why!