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Kelsey Davis
ECI 435
Mini Lesson
The Power of Propaganda
Context: This lesson is designed to show students how Hitler used propaganda as a way to
establish power over his nation and people. From the beginning of the Nazi party in the 1930’s
until the end of WWII in 1945, Hitler used propaganda in the form of posters, radio speeches,
newspaper and book publications, and video to establish control. Much of Hitler’s propaganda
was centered on demoralizing and creating hatred for the Jewish people living in Germany.
Hitler’s used propaganda to set the stage for mass genocide of Jews in Germany and the
surrounding countries. By exploring the way Hitler used propaganda, this lesson will show
students how powerful forms of propaganda can be in influencing people and even whole
Lesson Goals: By the end of the lesson students:
Should have an understanding of what propaganda is and how it could be used to
influence people’s beliefs and opinions about certain ideas, events, people, and cultures.
Students will be able to make inferences about what life was like for Jews living in
Germany during Nazi control based on the propaganda they view.
After watching videos and looking at propaganda posters created by the Nazi party,
students will be able to analyze the effects propaganda had on the German nation while
under Nazi control.
Students will be able to compare and contrast the effects propaganda had on the Jewish
population versus the rest of the German people (of Arian descent).
Students will be able to trace the development of relationships between individuals and
their governments in selected cultures of South America and Europe, and evaluate the
changes that have evolved over time. NC Standard Course of Study 10.01.
YouTube Videos:
Nazi propaganda posters from WWII
Nazi newspaper clippings
Instructional Plan:
1. Anticipatory Set: Present students with the questions: What is propaganda? How is
propaganda used? Allow students to think about those questions and then have a
couple of students volunteer to share their answers. Make sure they write down the
questions and their answers. Once the class has answered their questions, define
propaganda and introduce the various forms used by Hitler and the Nazi government
during his reign as Fuhrer of Germany. (This will take place in the middle of a unit of
WWII so students will already be familiar with Hitler and the Nazi government.).
2. Show students the YouTube video on propaganda:
1 This video outlines how Hitler used propaganda for many purposes. It is a short but
interesting video that shows students some examples of the types of propaganda used
by Hitler.
3. Class work: After the video has been presented, explain to the class that they are
able to be presented with three different forms of propaganda Hitler used: a clip from a
film, posters, and newspaper pictures created during WWII.
a. Before showing
the short clip, explain that the video they are about to watch is a clip from one of Hitler’s
propaganda films he produced. After they have watched the video, have a class
discussion about some of the ideas and beliefs that were presented about Jewish
people. Ask the students how those biases may have affected people’s view of Jews
during that time in Germany. Have them make inferences about how films such as those
could have lead to the Jewish genocide in during WWII.
b. The next form of propaganda they will see is a series of posters created by Hitler
and the Nazi party. Have the students work in groups (the students will already be in
groups by the table they sit at). Together, have the groups analyze each poster by
thinking about why that poster was created, the audience it was created for, and the
significance it may have had on the people viewing them during the time they were
created. Have one person in each group write down their group’s analysis of each
c. Have them go through the same process for the newspaper clippings as they did for
the posters.
4. Closure and Check for Understanding: Have each group present their analysis of one to two
of the posters or newspaper clippings. This is a way to assess their understanding of how Hitler
used propaganda to “brain-wash” his nation. Once each group has presented, end the lesson by
asking answering any questions the students may have. Have each student write a “ticket-outthe-door.” Ask them to write down which form of propaganda they felt was most effective in
presenting the bias ideas and control of Hitler.