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Aliaa El Sawy
Unit One: Culture and Social Structure
Chapter 1: The Sociological Point of View
Section One: Examining Social life
Sociological Terms and Definitions:
1 ) sociology: the study of human social behavior from a group perspective/ the study of human relationships and
2 ) social sciences: a group of related disciplines that study society and human relationships
3 ) social interaction: how people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior
4 ) Social phenomena: observable facts or events that involve human society
5 ) social perspective: looking at social life in a scientific systematic way
6 ) social imagination: the ability to see how your social environment influences you and how you can influence
your social environment.
7 ) anthropology: the comparative study of past and present cultures
8 ) psychology: the study of behavior and mental processes
9 ) social psychology: the study of how the social environment affects individual personality and behavior
10 ) economics: the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
11 ) political science: the study of the organization and operation of governments
12 ) history: the study of past events in human societies
Self Evaluating Questions
A) Answer the Following Questions:
1) Compare and contrast the focus of sociology with the focus of the other social sciences.
2) Why is a sociological imagination important to sociology?
3) What does a sociologist study?
4) Define: What is sociology?
5) Explain: Why do sociologists focus on group behavior rather than individual behavior?
6) Recall: What do sociologists examine in their study of human behavior?
7) Analyze: How does applying the sociological perspective enable sociologists to develop a greater
understanding of social issues?
8) Compare and Contrast: Using a graphic organizer, note how sociology is similar to or different from the other
social sciences.
B ) In the space provided, write the vocabulary term that best matches each description from the box
anthropology - economics - history - political science - psychology - social sciences - sociology –
sociological perspective - sociological imagination – social phenomena – social psychology – social
1) The social science that studies the people and events of the past is _____________.
2) The comparative study of past and present cultures is _____________.
3) ______________ are disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and functions of human
society in a scientific manner.
4) The examination of the principles, organization, and operation of government is ________________.
Aliaa El Sawy
5) The social science that studies behavior and mental processes primarily of individuals is____________.
6) The social science that studies human society and social behavior is ______________.
7) ______________________ are observable facts or events that involve human society.
8) _____________________ is the study of how the social environment affects an individual’s behavior and
9) ______________________ is the ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life.
10) ______________________ is the worldview that involves looking at social life in a scientific, systematic way.
11) ______________________ how people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior
A) Answer the Following Questions:
1) Sociology: focuses on human social behavior from a group perspective. // Other social sciences: focus on
individual behavior as it relates to past and present cultures, mental processes, production and consumption of
goods, organization of government, and past events.
2) Sociological imagination helps people view their lives within a larger social and historical context and gain
insight into how the social environment shapes them and vice versa.
3) Sociologists study the human social behavior from a group perspective. They focus on the group rather than on
the individual. They do this by examining social phenomena.
4) the study of human society and social behavior
5) to understand social interaction—how people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior
6) social phenomena—observable facts or events that involve human society
7) by helping sociologists to look beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind human actions
8) Social
Difference from Sociology
Similarity With Sociology
The comparative study of past and
present cultures.
In terms of subject matter, anthropology is the
social science most similar to sociology.
The study of behavior and mental
Social psychology uses approaches similar to
those of sociology
The study of the production, distribution,
and consumption of goods and services.
Sociology is interested in the impact of the
distribution of
goods and services on inequality.
The study of the organization and
operation of governments.
Government, particularly its impact on
people’s lives, is also of interest to sociologists.
The study of past events in human
Sociology sometimes
looks to past events for explanations of
present-day social phenomena.
Aliaa El Sawy
B) Mark each statement T if it is true or F if it is false. If false explain why.
1. history
2. anthropology
3. social sciences
4. political sciences
5. psychology
6. sociology
7. social phenomena
8. social psychology
9. social imagination
10. social perspective
11. social interaction
Aliaa El Sawy
Unit One: Culture and Social Structure
Chapter 1: The Sociological Point of View
Section Two: Now and Then
Sociological Terms and Definitions:
1 ) 1 ) social Darwinism: the term given to Spencer’s view of society due to its similarity to Darwin’s ideas.
2 ) function: the role an element of society plays to maintain the social order
3 ) Verstehen: the principle that involves an attempt to understand the meanings individuals attach to their actions
4 ) ideal type: a description comprised of the essential characteristics of a feature of society
5 ) theoretical perspective: a general set of assumptions about the nature of things
6 ) theory: an explanation of the relationships among particular phenomena
7 ) symbol: anything that represents something else
8 ) symbolic interaction: how people use symbols while interacting
9 ) functionalist perspective: views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable
social system
10 ) dysfunctional: the negative impact an element has on the stability of society
11 ) manifest function: the intended and recognized consequence of some element of society
12 ) latent function: the unintended and unrecognized consequence of some element of society
13 ) conflict perspective: focuses on the forces in society that promote competition and change
14 ) interactionist perspective : focuses on how individuals interact in society
Self Evaluating Questions
A) Answer the Following Questions:
1) What factors led to the development of sociology?
2) Why is objectivity in sociological research important?
3) What contributions did European scholars make to the development of sociology?
4) Which later European scholar do you think made the most significant contribution to sociology? Why?
5) How was Spencer’s approach to social problem different from the approaches of other early scholars?
6) How did Weber’s sociological focus differ from that of Durkheim?
7) Recall: According to functionalists, what holds society together?
8) Draw Conclusions: In what way is power a key element in social conflict?
9) Define: What is a theoretical perspective?
10) Contrast: How do functional elements of society differ from dysfunctional elements?
11) Identify: Give an example of a manifest function and a latent function.
B ) TRUE/FALSE Mark each statement T if it is true or F if it is false. If false explain why.
_____ 1. Employing a psychological perspective, you can look beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden
meanings behind human actions.
_____ 2. Social sciences are the observable facts or events that involve human society.
_____ 3. Herbert Spencer coined the phrase “survival of the fittest.”
Aliaa El Sawy
A) Answer the Following Questions:
1) A ) Rapid social and political changes that took place in Europe as a result of the Industrial Revolution. // B )
The growth of urban population during the 1800s caused scholars to question traditional explanations and to
analyze social problems using scientific methods
2) A researcher must remain objective so that personal bias does not influence the results of the study.
3) They helped to get sociology recognized as an academic subject.
4) Karl Marx because his writings fostered the concept of conflict theory—something that can be applied to all
aspects of society.
5) Herbert Spencer believed social change and unrest was a natural part of the evolutionary process as society
moved toward stability and perfection. He did not advocate change to solve the problems.
6) Weber was interested in separate groups within society rather than society as a whole.
7) Consensus, an agreement by most people on what is best for society, holds society together.
8) Once particular groups gain power, they tend to establish rules and laws that protect their interests at the
expense of other groups. This leads to social conflict as those with less power try to gain access to desired
9) a general set of assumptions about the nature of things
10) Functional elements are positive and they ensure that society runs smoothly through consensus while
dysfunctional elements are negative and they disrupt the workings of society.
11) Manifest Function: cell phones facilitate instant communication across distances. // Latent Function: certain
cell phones give an indication of wealth and status. Extra examples: (Traveling abroad& Joining sports clubs)
B ) TRUE/FALSE Mark each statement T if it is true or F if it is false. If false explain why.
(1. F sociology ) // (2. F; social phenomena) // (3. T)