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AAutomatic SMS Scheduler Without Using GPRS
Mr.Nilesh Patil ,
Department Electronics & Communication Engineering , North Maharashtra University
[email protected]
Technology is spreading widely in the world
in every area around us whether it is in the field of
computer, telecom, business trade or any other
professional or personal area. Now a days many types
of value added services, various response system and
various public response systems are available and
running in our world. This services always adds
attractive notice as being unusual or extraordinary.
Short Message Service in wireless system is a text
messaging service component of phone, web, or
mobile communication systems. Now a days many
websites provides automatic message sending
technology for registered user to send a message on
user defined time using GPRS. Many times people
forget to wish their dearest person for birthday ,
anniversary etc. or sometimes unable to send a
message from their mobile due to their busy schedule
at that time they can use this system to send a
message on time automatically at given time. This
system is built using Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
(J2ME), MYSQL Database and Mobile information
Device profile (MIDP) toolkit. By this technology
mobile user will not blame for their forgetness.
The scheduler is used to perform automatic
sending and receiving of SMS. Short message service
is a mechanism of delivery of short messages over
the mobile networks. It is a store and forward way of
transmitting messages to and from mobiles. The
message (text only) from the sending mobile is stored
in a central short message center (SMS) which then
forwards it to the destination mobile. This means that
in the case that the recipient is not available; the short
message is stored and can be sent later. Each short
message can be no longer than 160 characters. These
characters can be text (alphanumeric) or binary NonText Short messages. An interesting feature of SMS
is return receipts. This means that the sender, if
wishes, can get a small message notifying if the
short message was delivered to the intended
A. Scheduler
The scheduler is used to perform automatic
sending and receiving of SMS. It works like the
"Start Button" is being pressed at a specific time. You
can also control when a schedule should stop by
specifying the stopping time of schedule. It has been
re-designed to accommodate multiple schedules.
There are two types of schedule: One time and Daily.
Fig.1 Proposed System
One Time Schedule
It is a simple schedule type which runs one
time only. You can specify a starting time and
optionally a stopping time. If the stopping time is
omitted, it runs until the Outbox is all cleared.
Daily Schedule
It is a repeated schedule type which runs
according to the days of week (Mon, Tue...). It has a
starting time and an optional stopping time. For
example: starting time = 8am and stopping time =
6pm means the running time is from 8am to 6pm in
one day. If the stopping time is earlier than the
starting time, it means an overnight time period. For
example, starting time = 6pm and stopping time =
8am means the running time is from 6pm to the next
day's 8am.
Application Database
Application Database is used in our
proposed system for retrieving information from the
database for sending message or short messaging
services. In our system database is in mobile that is
calendar and contact information. Mobile databases
are highly concentrated in the retail and logistics
SMS Gateway
SMS gateway providers facilitate SMS traffic
between businesses and mobile subscribers, including
mission-critical messages, SMS for enterprises,
content delivery, and entertainment services
involving SMS, e.g. TV voting. Considering SMS
messaging performance and cost, as well as the level
of messaging services, SMS gateway providers can
be classified as aggregators or SS7 providers.
The aggregator model is based on multiple
agreements with mobile carriers to exchange twoway SMS traffic into and out of the operator's SMSC,
also known as local termination model. Aggregators
lack direct access into the SS7 protocol, which is the
protocol where the SMS messages are exchanged.
SMS messages are delivered to the operator's SMSC,
but not the subscriber's handset; the SMSC takes care
of further handling of the message through the SS7
Another type of SMS gateway provider is
based on SS7 connectivity to route SMS messages,
also known as international termination model. The
advantage of this model is the ability to route data
directly through SS7, which gives the provider total
control and visibility of the complete path during
SMS routing. This means SMS messages can be sent
directly to and from recipients without having to go
through the SMSCs of other mobile operators.
Therefore, it is possible to avoid delays and message
losses, offering full delivery guarantees of messages
and optimized routing. This model is particularly
efficient when used in mission-critical messaging and
SMS used in corporate communications.
Mobile & SMS
In addition to telephony, modern mobile
phones also support a wide variety of other services
such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access,
short-range wireless communications (infrared,
Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and
photography. Mobile phones that offer these and
more general computing capabilities are referred to as
smartphones.While SMS reached its popularity as a
person-to-person messaging, another type of SMS is
growing fast: application-to-person (A2P) messaging.
A2P is a type of SMS sent from a subscriber to an
application or sent from an application to a
subscriber. It is commonly used by financial
institutions, airlines, hotel booking sites, social
networks, and other organizations sending SMS from
their systems to their customers. According to
research in 2011, A2P traffic is growing faster than
P2P messaging traffic.
Mobiles have become an integral part of our
lives. They have become better than our better halves
acting as schedulers, reminders, organizers, file
sharers, personalized music systems and much more
than one can expect.
B. Toolkit and Technologies
Mobile Information
MIDP stands for Mobile Information Device
Profile. MIDP, combined with the Connected
Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), is the Java
runtime environment for today's mobile information
devices (MIDs) such as phones and entry level PDAs.
What MIDP provides is the core application
functionality required by mobile applications including the user interface, network connectivity,
local data storage, and application lifecycle
management - packaged as a standardized Java
runtime environment and set of Java technology
MIDP is a specification published for the
use of Java on embedded devices such as mobile
phones and PDAs. MIDP is part of the Java Platform,
Micro Edition (Java ME) Whenever framework and
sits on top of Connected Limited Device
Configuration, a set of lower level programming
interfaces. MIDP was developed under the Java
Community Process as JSR 37 (MIDP 1.0) and
JSR 118 (MIDP 2.0). The first MIDP devices
were models i80s and i50sx from Motorola,
launched in April 2001.
Provides a form of persistent storage for Java ME; a
database for the mobile device.
The following Java Specification Requests
are a selection of the optional JSRs which can be
added on top of a MIDP implementation to add extra
functionalities. As optional JSRs there is no
guarantee that a MIDP handset will implement such
Wireless messaging API (optional), for sending SMS
and MMS messages.
Personal information management API (optional),
access the device's Address Book, to-do List,
C. Development tools
There are several different ways to create
MIDP applications: code can be written in a plain
text editor, or one can use a more advanced IDE such
as NetBeans, IntelliJ (with bundled Java ME plugin),
or Eclipse (with plugins such as EclipseME) which
has a user interface for graphically laying out any
forms you create, as well as providing many other
advanced features not available in a simple text
Mobile Information Device toolkit
A MIDlet is an application that uses the
Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) of the
Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC)
for the Java ME environment. Typical applications
include games running on mobile devices and cell
phones which have small graphical displays, simple
numeric keypad interfaces and limited network
access over HTTP.[1]
The .jad file describing a MIDlet suite is
used to deploy the applications in one of two ways.
Over the air (OTA) deployment involves uploading
the .jad and .jar files to a Web server which is
accessible by the device over HTTP. The user
downloads the .jad file and installs the MIDlets they
require.[2] Local deployment requires that the MIDlet
files be transferred to the device over a non-network
connection (such as through Bluetooth or IrDa, and
may involve device-specific software).[3] Phones that
support microSD cards can sometimes install .jar or
.jad files that have been transferred to the memory
A MIDlet requires a device that implements
at least Java ME, CLDC and MIDP to run. Like other
Java programs, MIDlets have a "compile once, run
anywhere “potential. MIDlet distributions main file
is a .jar file, but MIDlet distributions can also
consist of a .jad file containing the location of and
describing the contents of the .jar file. The
implementation of a MIDlet may or may not
require the presence of a .jad file. A MIDlet has
to fulfill the following requirements in order to
run on a mobile phone: The main class needs to
be a subclass of javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet.
The MIDlet needs to be packed inside a .jar file (e.g.
by using the jar-tool). The .jar file needs to be preverified by using a preverifier. In some cases, the .jar
file needs to be signed by the mobile phone's carrier.
These MIDlets are basically developed using J2ME
tool used for developing applications running on
mobile device. Unlike a Java applet, a MIDlet is
limited to use of the LCDUI rather than the more
familiar widgets of AWT and Swing. There are also
restrictions on the size of .jar files and the number
of concurrent HTTP connections based on the MIDP
Java Platform,
In computing, the Java Platform, Micro
Edition or Java ME (previously known as Java 2
Platform, Micro Edition or J2ME) is a specification
of a subset of the Java platform aimed at
providing a certified collection of Java APIs for
the development of software for small, resourceconstrained devices such as cell phones, PDAs and
set-top boxes. Java ME was designed by Sun
Microsystems and is a replacement for a similar
technology, Personal Java. Originally developed
under the Java Community Process as JSR 68, the
different flavors of Java ME have evolved in separate
JSRs. Sun provides a reference implementation of
the specification, but has tended not to provide free
binary implementations of its Java ME runtime
environment for mobile devices, rather relying on
third parties to provide their own. Java ME has
become a popular option for creating games for cell
phones, as they can be emulated on a PC during the
development stage and easily uploaded to phones.
This contrasts with the difficulty of developing,
testing, and loading games for other special
gaming platforms such as those made by
Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and others, as expensive
system-specific hardware and kits are required.
Java ME devices implement a profile. The most
common of these are the Mobile Information
Device Profile aimed at mobile devices, such as
cell phones, and the Personal Profile aimed at
consumer products and embedded devices like Settop boxes and PDAs.
Start the Application
Application Searches
Event in Database
Application Searches
Urgent Plan in
If Event
Application sends a
SMS to that Particular
Fig 2 Data Flow Graph
Though mobile is switch OFF sms should
sent automatically to a particular person to whom we
had planned to wish or remembering a particular
thing which will leads to avoid misunderstanding
between the population.
By the realization of the above proposed
system one can learn many aspects of a mobile
communication and Java software. Population can
avoid misunderstanding between each others by this
[2] SMScaster E-Market User Manual, Sept 30, 2008
[3] Shreyas Patankar , Sunil Sansare , Rajkalpesh Jaiswal “
Information retrieval system using SMS” , Emerging Trends in
Computer Science and Information Technology -2012
(ETCSIT2012) Proceedings published in International Journal of
Computer Applications® (IJCA)
[4] J2ME The complete reference for J2ME,by
McGRAW HILL Publication, first Edition.
Application Searches
Birthday Reminder
[1] Rajesh K Rai & Kalpana Rai ”Automatic Response system
using SMS” , Journal of Intelligence Systems, Vol. 1, Issue 1,
2010, pp-01-06