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Dr Deepika Rodrigo B.A.M.S.
The Publisher and Author of this e-book do not warrant or assume any legal liability
or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information
provided here. This book is not a substitute for professional medical prevention,
diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist or health care
provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any
treatment suggested in this e-book. Only your health care provider, physician or
pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique
needs or diagnose your particular medical history.
Table of contents
Ayurveda – Ancient Remedies for Modern Life
What is Ayurveda?
Effective Skin Treatment – Inside Out & Outside In
What Causes Skin Disease?
Eat What You Are
What is Your Dosha?
Vata Pitta Kapha Common Skin Disorders
Supporting the Body to Eliminate Skin Disorders
Advice for Vata Pitta Kapha Skin Disorders
Eczema – Vata-type Eczema
Treating Vata-type Eczema
Eczema – Pitta-type Eczema
Treating Pitta-type Eczema
Eczema – Kapha-type Eczema
Treating Kapha-type Eczema
Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis
Vata Pitta Kapha type Psoriasis
Ending the War Within – Treating Psoriasis
Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis
Ayurvedic Advice for Vata Pitta Kapha Psoriasis
Dermaved Cream – Ayurveda Skin Care
Dr. Deepika Rodrigo B.A.M.S.
Ayurveda - Ancient Remedies for Modern Life
Ancient and timeless, Ayurveda offers us the secrets to attaining and maintaining
optimal health and wellbeing. Its benefits have been proven over thousands of years
and its methodologies continue to help millions of people across the world live a
balanced and vital life in the 21st century.
Ayurveda recognises that each person is unique and offers a highly customised
approach to health and wellbeing. This e-book outlines the basics of Ayurveda and
explains how you can begin using the secrets of this science to heal skin disorders.
Skin disorders can range from mild irritation and inflammation to chronic and long
term conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, acne and other
inflammatory skin disorders. Perhaps you have always had sensitive skin that burns
easily in the sun or breaks out in hives when it has contact with “foreign” objects.
What is Ayurveda?
Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the
mind-body connection, Ayurveda was developed in the Indian subcontinent. It is the
world’s oldest and most sophisticated health system. More than merely a means of
treating physical illness, Ayurveda literally means ‘the science of life’ (“Ayu” in
Sanskrit meaning life and “Veda” meaning science or knowledge). It is an ancient and
dynamic body of wisdom which can help people live at their optimum best, vibrant
and happy.
Effective skin treatment – Inside Out & Outside In
Ayurveda offers the perspective that while all skin conditions can seem superficial in
nature, our skin, the largest organ of the body, is a reflection of the hidden realities
within our bodies. Skin conditions are rarely caused exclusively by an external factor;
they are far more likely to be the result of a deeper imbalance.
A disorder is like a weed. What we see on the surface of the skin are just the leaves.
Treating the leaves alone doesn’t eliminate the weed. We also have to go to the root
and treat the disorder from there. Skin care from an Ayurvedic approach aims to
identify and treat the underlying causes of skin imbalances as well as alleviating the
discomfort of the superficial symptoms – both from the inside out and from the
outside in.
The benefits of this deeper and more conscious approach are real and sustained
results which increase your overall wellbeing in the process. The best part of
Ayurveda is that the improvements you will notice on the surface of your skin are
usually the result of a more significant transformation which improves your life and
overall wellbeing in ways you may never have imagined skin care could.
What causes skin disease?
According to this ancient knowledge the cause of all skin disorders is impaired
digestive fire (known as “Vishama Agni” in Sanskrit), which in turn is caused by
incorrect diet and lifestyle. When the digestive fire is imbalanced, either too high or
too low, it causes some food to convert to toxins (known as “Ama” in Sanskrit).
These toxins or Ama then circulate throughout the body, and are deposited on the
superficial fascia, which can leave the skin feeling and looking dry, causing irritation,
scaling or inflammation and infection. Like a blocked and overflowing drain, the
body finds the point of least resistance to deposit toxins.
Even though skin disorders are influenced by genetics, according to Ayurveda, they
can be eliminated or significantly reduced by using the right combination of topical
preparations to help heal and repair the skin, diet and lifestyle choices, in
accordance with your constitution (known as “Dosha”).
Eat What You Are
Today we are bombarded with information about nutrition and what to eat.
Researchers, doctors and nutritionists are providing us with rules about how many
portions of fruit and vegetables to eat; what the latest super-food can do for us; how
much water to drink; which foods are now deemed to be harmful; what to cut out of
our diets … and the lists go on. We are often left in a state of confusion. According to
Ayurveda, even if you followed all this advice to the letter (which would be
impossible anyway as so much is contradictory), you may still be eating the wrong
foods to attain your optimal health and wellbeing. This is not because these foods
are bad or good. Breaking down our diets in this way is oversimplified. In Ayurveda,
each of us is recognised to be as unique as our DNA codes and so any principle that
suggests everyone should eat in the same way is bound to fail.
We are unique in our physical build, our metabolism, our energy levels, our genetics,
our ethnicity, our environment, our work, our feelings, our relationships, our tastes
… ever wondered why some people have acne and others don’t? We are individuals
with unique needs that must be satisfied in order to enjoy optimal health and
It is also why some people can eat chilli with no side effect while others break out in
a rash and feel terrible the next day. It is why some of us cannot tolerate certain
foods such dairy products while others have no problem tucking in. One woman’s
medicine can be another woman’s poison. Depending on who you are, the same
food can either harm you or help you. It comes down to constitution, connection
and consciousness, not nutrition.
What is Your Dosha?
According to Ayurveda’s fundamental principles each person is a combination of the
three Doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Doshas or constitutions are the physical or
biological and spiritual threshold to sustain your health and wellbeing. Each Dosha
has specific qualities and it is the combination of these qualities, which make us each
as unique as our DNA or genetic code. Each of the Doshas is a combination of two of
the five elements – space, air, fire, water and earth.
Vata has the light and mobile qualities of air and space; pitta is passionate and
energetic like fire; and kapha is steady and reliable like earth.
Once a person understands their own constitution (particularly with the help of an
Ayurvedic doctor) and re-orders any imbalance through the use of diet, lifestyle,
medicinal herbs, and detox treatments such as Panchakarma, they can expect to live
unhindered by skin disorders. Take our dosha quiz at the end of this e-book.
Vata, Pitta, Kapha Common Skin Disorders
Long before the existence of microscopic technology, Ayurveda recognised that the
skin was made up of three main layers.
The superficial fascia (known as “Apicharma”) is in constant contact with the outside
world and so it constantly repairs itself to adjust to the outside atmosphere. As a
result it tends to get dry, flaky and irritable frequently. People who are
predominantly Vata (made up of the qualities of air and ether) are more likely to
suffer with irritable skin disorders at the most superficial layer of skin. Hence Vata
people have a greater tendency to dry skin, dry eczema, irritable skin, and dandruff.
Damp weather, dry, cold and raw food and stress tend to aggravate and increase
Vata dosha. Reducing exposure to these aggravators can help to eliminate this
disorder, as well as applying the right moisturiser and making simple adjustments to
life style and diet.
Just like vata people, vata type eczema is ‘easy come, easy go’.
The second layer of skin (known as “charma”) consists of more connective tissue,
blood vessels and plasma. It tends to be more moist and warm. When toxins or Ama
circulate in this layer, skin tends to get irritable, hot and red. Hot blooded ‘Pitta’
people (made up of the qualities of fire and water) are more prone to a type of
eczema which is inflammatory, hot and red as well as rosacea, dermatitis and other
types of inflammatory skin conditions. Stress and anger can further aggravate these
types of skin disorders. The application of suitable moisturisers, following a Pitta
reducing diet and stress reducing adjustments to lifestyle can help to significantly
heal these types of disorder.
Pitta people are characterised by their dominant qualities and so pitta skin disorders
take some effort to overcome.
Third layer (known as “addhus charma”) is made up of connective tissue, fat and
blood. It tends to be the moistest layer of the skin and has a greater tolerance for
toxicity. However, when toxins build up to saturation point, disorders begin to
appear slowly. When this third layer gets affected it is much harder to cure. Normally
people with Kapha constitutions (made up of the qualities of earth) are more prone
to disorders of third layer, such as Psoriasis, the most common disorder in this layer,
infected boils and wet eczema. With effort and a longer term approach, through
application of the correct moisturisers, herbs, and adjustments to life style and diet
as well as deep cleansing programmes like “Panchakarma”, Kapha skin disorders can
be cured.
Just like Kapha people, it takes a long time to come, a longer time to eliminate but
once gone it may never return.
Supporting the Body to Eliminate Skin Disorders
As we are all as unique as our DNA code, specific diagnosis along with highly
individualised advice to identify the cause of the disorder, eliminate toxicity built up
in the body and to heal, repair and maintain healthy skin can be provided by a
qualified Ayurvedic Physician.
This foundational advice will significantly support the body in eliminating any type of
skin disorder:
Daily moisturising of the skin with a suitable, healing cream such as
Protecting the skin from extreme weather conditions, whether cold or hot
Improving circulation by staying properly hydrated and taking regular
exercise, especially stretching, yoga or walking
Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system
Following a diet which allows proper, regular bowel movements
Avoiding acidity, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold
raw salads, oily nuts and seeds
Passing urine regularly throughout the day whenever the body requires
Reducing stress levels through meditation or other leisure activities
Advice for Vata, Pitta, Kapha Skin Disorders
Foods to avoid
Physical activity
Dry, cold, raw
Acidic, raw, spicy
Good night’s sleep;
maintaining routine
in lifestyle
Regular meal times
Gentle yoga,
walking, swimming
Stress reduction;
Avoid frequent
Regular relaxing
exercise such as
Dairy, starchy,
creamy, sugary
Regular vigorous
exercise; regular
Moderate food
intake in long
Regular, vigorous,
aerobic exercise
Eczema – Vata-type Eczema
If you’re Vata predominant, your eczema is likely to look like dry, irritable and flaky
skin and feel itchy. You may also have dandruff.
The good news for Vata constitutions is that they tend to experience eczema in the
uppermost layer of the skin, which means it is ‘easy come, easy go’. Using the right
topical cream to help soothe and heal the skin and a few simple adjustments in diet
and lifestyle you can see off eczema easily.
For Vata eczema, moisturising is key to counteract the lack of moisture in the skin.
Apply moisturiser that deeply nourishes dry skin and draws out heat to reduce
irritability and itchiness. Stress, damp weather and dry, cold or raw food and act as
aggravators to Vata. So stay warm, calm and eat nourishing warm food too,
especially during the winter months.
Vata – is this you?
To know more about whether you’re predominantly Vata, read our quick guide
Vata has the light and mobile qualities of air and space.
If Vata dosha predominates in you, movement and change are characteristic of your
nature. You’re always on the go, with an energetic and creative mind. In balance,
you are lively and enthusiastic and tend to have a thin, light frame with excellent
Your energy comes in bursts, as does do your bouts of fatigue. You tend to have dry
skin and hair and cold hands and feet. Your sleep is generally light and your digestion
sensitive. When Vata is imbalanced, it manifests in the body typically as weight loss,
constipation, hypertension, arthritis, weakness, restlessness and digestive disorders.
You love excitement and new experiences. You don’t hesitate to take initiative. You
love to talk and you are a lively conversationalist. Balanced, you are creative,
energetic and flexible. Unbalanced you are prone to anxiety, worrying, insomnia and
often feel overwhelmed or stressed. You tend to blame yourself when things go
Treating Vata-type Eczema
Foods to avoid:
Dry, cold or raw food
Lifestyle essentials:
A good night’s sleep; maintaining routine in lifestyle and regular mealtimes
Optimum physical activity:
Gentle yoga, walking, swimming and gentle, constant moving activity
This basic advice will significantly support the body in eliminating any type of skin
Daily moisturising of the skin with a suitable, healing cream such as
Protecting the skin from extreme weather conditions
Improving circulation by staying properly hydrated and taking regular
exercise, especially stretching, yoga or walking
Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system
Following a diet which allows proper regular bowel movements
Avoid acidity, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold raw
salads, nuts and seeds
Passing urine regularly throughout the day whenever the body requires
Reducing stress levels through meditation or leisure activity
At least 8 hours sleep
Eczema – Pitta-type Eczema
Pitta people are more prone to the type of eczema that is inflammatory, hot and red
as well as rosacea, dermatitis and other forms of inflammatory skin conditions. It is
accompanied by a burning sensation, swelling and even infection.
Pitta eczema is characterised by its dominant qualities and in this way penetrates to
the second layer of skin where it affects the connective tissues, blood vessels and
plasma. This means it can take a little effort to overcome.
Using the right topical cream to draw out the heat created by pitta will significantly
help to reduce inflammation, soothe and heal the skin. Specific changes in diet and
lifestyle can overcome pitta eczema completely.
Stress and excessive bouts of anger can aggravate this eczema, as well as heat
producing foods which are sour, salty and spicy.
Pitta – is this you?
To know more about whether you’re predominantly Pitta, read our quick guide
Pitta is passionate and energetic like fire and water.
If pitta predominates in you, you tend to have a fiery nature and are of medium
weight and size. You are more likely than other doshas to be a red head. You may
suffer baldness or thinning hair eventually. Everything about pitta is strong and fiery.
You have a strong appetite for food and for life. You have a strong sex drive, and
sleep soundly too.
Out of balance, Pitta predominance manifests in skin rashes, excessive body heat,
heartburn and indigestion.
If you are pitta predominant, you are blessed with a strong intellect and ability to
focus. You like precision and structure and you can also be sharp witted and often
outspoken. This means you make a good teacher, leader or decision maker. You also
make a good public speaker. Out of balance, you are short-tempered and can be
aggressive. You tend to blame others when things go wrong.
Treating Pitta-type Eczema
Foods to avoid:
Acidic, salty, spicy foods
Lifestyle essentials:
Stress reduction, anger management. Meditation can be of great help for pitta
Best physical activity:
Regular relaxing exercise such as yoga
This basic advice will significantly support the body in eliminating any type of skin
Daily moisturising of the skin with a suitable, healing cream such as
Protecting the skin from extreme weather conditions
Improving circulation by staying properly hydrated and taking regular
exercise, especially stretching, yoga or walking and oil massages
Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system
Following a diet which allows proper regular bowel movements
Avoid acidity, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold raw
salads, nuts and seeds
Passing urine regularly throughout the day whenever the body requires and
drinking water when thirsty
Reducing stress levels through meditation or leisure activity
Eczema – Kapha-type Eczema
Kapha people are more prone to the type of eczema that is wet, inflamed with
infected boils or water blisters. The skin tends to be cold, clammy, sticky, oozing,
swollen and itchy. Kapha predominant people suffer psoriasis.
Kapha type eczema penetrates slowly over time down to the third layer of skin,
which is made up of connective tissue, fat and blood. It is the moistest layer of skin
and so has the greatest tolerance for toxicity. It is harder to eliminate toxicity from
the third layer of skin and thus harder to cure these types of skin disorders. The good
news however is that once cured, it may never return.
Using the right topical applications regularly for a period of time to help draw out
infection, clean and soothe inflamed skin will aid the elimination of the disorder.
Combined with specific dietary advice, and deep cleansing Ayurvedic treatments to
clear the toxicity in the deeper levels, such disorders can be entirely eliminated.
Kapha – is this you?
To know more about whether you’re predominantly Kapha, read our quick guide
Kapha types have a strong build and excellent stamina. They tend to have large, soft
eyes, smooth, radiant skin and thick, lustrous hair. They benefit from sound sleep
and regular digestion.
Out of balance, Kapha predominant people can gain excessive weight easily, retain
fluids, sleep excessively and are prone to asthma, diabetes and depression.
Kapha types are naturally calm, thoughtful and loving. They have an inherent ability
to enjoy life and in balance are strong, loyal, patient, steady and supportive people.
Out of balance, they have emotional issues with letting go of things and people.
Kapha types are resistant to change and can be stubborn. In adversity, they are likely
to avoid dealing with difficult situations.
Treating Kapha-type Eczema
Foods to avoid
Dairy, starchy, creamy, sugary foods
Lifestyle essentials
Having a moderate intake of foods at mealtimes and avoiding excessive sleep
Best physical activity
Regular vigorous, aerobic exercise
This basic advice will significantly support the body in eliminating any type of skin
Daily moisturising of the skin with a suitable, healing cream such as
Protecting the skin from extreme weather conditions
Improving circulation by staying properly hydrated and taking regular
exercise, especially stretching, yoga or walking
Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system
Following a diet which allows proper regular bowel movements
Avoid acidity, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold raw
salads, nuts and seeds
Passing urine regularly throughout the day whenever the body requires
Reducing stress levels through meditation or leisure activity
Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting 2-3% of the UK population (an
estimated 1.8 million people). It is a non-infectious, auto-immune disorder that
affects the skin and sometimes the joints. The immune system turns on the very
thing it is designed to protect, the body. It sends out white blood cells to attack,
where there is no enemy and leads to inflammation in the skin and sometimes
There are several types of Psoriasis of which two most well known in conventional
medicine are Plaque Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Psoriasis is caused by new cells
of skin being produced faster than normal and before dead cells are shed. This
results in excess thickened skin. It can also cause inflammation of the joints, known
as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis can vary in severity ranging from a disorder that is a
nuisance to one that is physically and emotionally debilitating for sufferers.
Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis
According to Ayurveda, the cause of all skin disorders is impaired digestive fire
(known as “Vishama Agni” in Sanskrit), which in turn is caused by incorrect diet and
lifestyle. When the digestive fire is imbalanced, either too high or too low, it causes
some food to convert to toxins (known as “Ama” in Sanskrit). These toxins or Ama
then circulate throughout the body, and are deposited on the superficial, medial or
third layer fascia, which can leave the skin with symptoms ranging from feeling and
looking dry, causing irritation, scaling to inflammation and infection. Like a blocked
and overflowing drain, the body finds the point of least resistance to deposit toxins.
Depending on the individual constitution of the person or “dosha”, the Ama will
deposit itself in the different layers of the skin. This means that from an Ayurvedic
approach there are three (main) types of Psoriasis.
Vata-Pitta-Kapha type Psoriasis
Vata type Psoriasis
Vata type Psoriasis manifests in the superficial fascia. It is characterised by silvery
scaling skin, dryness and itchiness. It can be seen mainly on the skin around joints in
the body. Vata type Psoriasis doesn’t cause pain or discomfort over and above the
Pitta type Psoriasis
Pitta type Psoriasis manifests in the medial tissues of the skin or the second main
layer. It appears all over the body and can be identified by the coin-sized, elevated
red patches on the skin, which are weeping, irritated and painful. Pitta type Psoriasis
is characterised by inflammation.
Kapha type Psoriasis
Kapha type Psoriasis occurs when the Ama has travelled deep into the third layer of
skin. Here the disorder is well rooted and harder to cure. It is identifiable by the
large red patches of excess skin on the body often accompanied by a lot silvery
scaling skin and can even be pus producing. This type of Psoriasis can appear and
feel like wounds and be painful for the individual. The depth to which the Ama
travels into the skin means that it is the type Psoriasis which can become Psoriatic
arthritis by moving into the joints of the body. Whilst conventional medicine claims
that Psoriasis cannot be cured, in Ayurveda, the disorder can be fully eliminated
from the body. Using Ayurvedic methods, as the body is cleansed of excess Ama,
Psoriasis can leave the joints and re-appear on the skin in its journey to be fully
eliminated from the body.
Ending the War Within – Treating Psoriasis
Even though skin disorders are influenced by genetics, according to Ayurveda, they
can be eliminated or significantly reduced by understanding your body’s needs. This
means using the right combination of topical preparations to help heal and repair
the skin, intelligent diet and lifestyle choices, in accordance with your constitution
(known as “Dosha”) and sometimes detoxification treatments to cleanse and
support the body in its work.
From an Ayurvedic approach, you can learn to be your body’s best friend and put a
stop to the war within by caring for your body with some simple adjustments to your
routine. These can bring about significant changes within just days or weeks.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis
Superficially the elimination of toxins can be assisted by
Moisturising the skin daily with a suitable, healing cream such as Dermaved
Oleation or regular massage of the skin using suitable oil
Internally, to assist in proper elimination of toxins, the most important advice is to
restore the digestive fire to its optimum level. To do this, simple adjustments to
eating habits will make an enormous difference:
Eat plenty of cooked, leafy, green vegetables
Eat cooked, warm food
Eat only when hungry
Avoid eating frequent, small meals or snacks
Drink water when you are thirsty and avoid flooding the body
Avoid acidic foods, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold
raw salads, nuts and seeds
Avoid sour foods such as yoghurt, diary products
In addition, consciously incorporating these habits into your regular routine will have
enormous benefits for your well-being and keep psoriasis away long term:
Passing urine regularly whenever the body requires
Maintaining a diet which promotes regular, healthy bowel movements
Reducing stress levels through meditation or leisure activity
Exposing the skin to sunlight for 30 minutes a day if possible
Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system
If you choose to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner, some of the methods which can
catalyse the detoxification process to eliminate Psoriasis include:
Purgation or the use of specific herbal laxatives
Enemas using herbal medicated oil
Panchakarma therapy which is a last resort and deep, powerful detoxification
Ayurvedic Advice for Vata-Pitta-Kapha Psoriasis
Foods to avoid
Dry, cold, raw
Good night’s sleep;
maintaining routine
in lifestyle
Acidic, raw, spicy
Acidic, raw, spicy
and diary/sour
and diary/sour
Regular vigourous
Stress reduction;
exercise; regular
meals eaten only
when hungry
Moderate food
Regular meal times
3 times a day
Avoid frequent
intake; have a long
meals; only eat
gap between
when hungry
meals and avoid
Physical activity
Yoga, walking,
Regular relaxing
exercise such as
Regular, vigorous,
aerobic exercise
Dermaved cream – Ayurveda Skin Care
100% pure & natural. Dermaved is a unique preparation of 25 naturally active herbs
with Acacia, Venivel and Coral Tree seed plant extracts blended with Shea Butter to
instantly relieve itchiness, discomfort and inflammation and help heal and repair the
skin. Dermaved is made from sustainably wildcrafted herbs according to a trusted
Ayurvedic formula. Formulated with pure, natural ingredients, it is ideal for all skin
types and even infants. It is prepared to the highest standard and each ingredient is
laboratory tested for purity and potency. It is free from artificial colours, perfumes and
For more information visit
Dr Deepika Rodrigo B.A.M.S.
From exploring the medicinal plants in the rainforests of her native Sri Lanka as a child,
Dr Deepika’s journey has led her to become the most highly sought after Ayurvedic skin
specialist in Europe.
She is widely recognised as a principal driving force behind the growing awareness of
Ayurveda in Europe and has trained many of today’s leading Ayurvedic specialists and
many health care professionals. She practices from her London based clinic, established
in 1997.
For more information visit or call us on +44 208 405 4407.
Consultations are offered in person or via Skype for both domestic and overseas