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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
NATURAL SELECTION Birds, Bears, Tigers, Biston Betularia, and Bacteria Birds Bears Biston Betularia Tigers Bacteria Summary Natural selection specializes diverse groups Natural selection removes the defective Natural selection responds to environmental changes Greater pressure leads to greater selection Natural selection provides no new information Natural selection does not encourage morality NATURAL SELECTION AND SOCIETY Identity Who are you? Are you an animal? General Morality Who is your neighbor? How should you treat them? Are there any absolutes of morality? Death Is it normal or abnormal? Is it good or bad? Is it permanent or temporary? Whose fault is it? Competition Natural selection and evolution kill or be killed the law of the jungle the driving force of evolution of man Abortion If they can’t defend themselves, they die Eliminate the unfit Euthanasia If they are no longer competitive, they die Handicapped Marriage If they die, evolution continues If they live, evolution is hindered Therefore, they must die Why get married? What’s the advantage? Do the animals get married? Did God create us that way? Chastity Why keep sex in marriage? Insects and unfaithfulness The Natural History of Rape Divorce Homosexuality Clothes Why wear clothes? Do the animals wear clothes? Economics Capitalist robber barons Rockefeller Carnegie Vanderbilt Mellon 16 tons and the company store Racism Separate genus and species Separate ancestors Stages of evolution Down’s syndrome Hitler Indian reservations Ota Benga Herroro’s Australian Aborigines Sexism DEVOTIONAL Romans 1:19-32 NATURAL SELECTION AND SPECIATION Kinds and species Genesis 1 -- “Kinds” Modern science -- “Species” Kind ° Species Classification systems Linnaeus King Phillip Came Over For Girl Scouts Archaeomin system Making a new species Variation Separation Genetic data loss Selection Reunion Lack of compatibility New species Speciation vs. Evolution •Genetic potential vs Innovation •Loss vs. Gain of information •Horizontal vs. Vertical •Percentages vs New Kinds