Download All of these artifacts are from th ancient Aztec civilization. These

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All of these artifacts are from th ancient Aztec civilization. These artifacts all connect to
the religion of the ancient Aztec civilization. They show how it was determined when to
make a sacrifice, to whom the sacrifice is for, and how the sacrifice was performed.
The Aztec calendar showed the people when a sacrifice was to be made during each day.
This calendar is significant because it determined when sacrifices were made, and Aztec
civilization was the first in the Americas to create a calendar.
The sculpture is of the sun god, Inti, to whom the Aztecs sacrificed everyday, so the sun
would continue to rise. The Chosen Women of the Sun were used to interpret the will of
Inti, and the woman spent most of their lives in service to the God. It was important to
the people that Inti was happy because their worst fear was of the apocalypse- the sun not
rising on day.
The sacrificial stone, or pedestal was from the place where the daily sacrifice to Inti
would be made. This would take place on the top of an Aztec pyramid, and the most
common sacrifice was a prisoner of war. It was important to sacrifice Aztec heart and
blood to the god as an offering from the people.
All three of these artifacts tie in with religion of the Aztecs. They decided when to
sacrifice, to who to sacrifice, and the place of sacrifice.