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The Digestive and Excretory
The Digestive System Structure
• The digestive system is made of many
different organs including; the mouth,
esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder,
pancreas, small intestine, and the large
The Mouth
• The mouth is the beginning of
the digestive system.
• Teeth grind food into small
• Saliva in your mouth begins the
breakdown of food
The Stomach
• Your esophagus passes the food to
your stomach
• Involuntary muscles make waves to
mix the food
• Gastric juices including acids and
enzymes break down food.
– Enzymes- a chemical that breaks down
The Small Intestine
• Digests and absorbs nutrients
from food
• Intestinal juices and chemicals
break down food even more.
• Very small pieces are absorbed
into the body and used by your
The Large Intestine
• The final passage of food
through the body.
• Absorbs remaining water
from your food.
• May produce some vitamins.
• Forms and gets rid of the
bodies feces.
The Liver and Gall Bladder
• Produces chemicals to use in the
small intestine
• Stores sugars, vitamins, and
• Removes old blood cells and bacteria.
• The gall bladder stores and releases
the chemicals to the small intestine
The Pancreas
• Produces chemicals
that are used by the
small intestine to break
down food
Putting It All Together
• Important for the body to
receive nutrients.
• The organs work together to
break down different parts
of food and absorb those
parts to be used by the
bodies tissues.
Excretory System Structure
• The organs of the excretory system include
the the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and
the urethra.
The Kidneys
• Filter the blood to remove
• Returns water and some
chemicals to the body
• Blood is filtered in a nephron
• Remaining wastes called urine
The Bladder
• Urine passed to the
bladder through the
• Bladder holds the urine.
• Urine is released through
the urethra
Putting It All Together
• The excretory system
functions to help clean
the blood and to help the
body maintain water.
• It also removes wastes
through the production
of urine.