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History Alive! The Ancient World
Humanities 6
Ancient China – Mapping Skills
Label the outline map below with the following locations and features:
Ancient India
Brahmaputra River
Ganges River
Kunlun Mountains
Taklimakan Desert
Gobi Desert
Chang Jiang (Yangtze River)
Huang He (Yellow River)
East China Sea
South China Sea
Yellow Sea
Plateau of Tibet
1. In what ways might the three seas (East China Sea, South China Sea, and Yellow Sea) have
influenced China’s history?
2. Use the maps on the “Geography Skills: Ancient China” handout to compare the sizes of the Shang,
Zhou, Qin, and Han empires. Which empire controlled the largest area?
3. Under which empire did ancient China control territories that are not part of present-day China?
4. What geographical features are shared by all four ancient Chinese empires?