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EGMS User Guide
Chapter 6: The Other Support Database
What Is the Other Support Database?
Read Me First: Tips for Using the Other Support Database
Keeping Track of Current Funding with the EGMS Other Support Database
Setting Up Other Personnel to Add Data to and Update Your Other Support Database Record
Accessing the Other Support Information Screen
Assigning Members to Your Other Support Group
To add members
To remove members
Removing Your Access to Another Person's Other Support Database Record
Creating an Other Support Database Record
Accessing a Particular Other Support Database Record for Data Entry
Entering Key Data into the Other Support Subsection
Auditing an Other Support Database Record
Updating Other Support Records: Modifying Existing Information and/or Adding New
Adding a New Data Set
Modifying an Existing Data Set
Deleting an Existing Data Set
What Is the Other Support Database?
The Other Support Database is an independent database in the Electronic Grants Management
System (EGMS) that stores details on institutional support, current funding, and pending
applications. You can use this information to generate Other Support pages in EGMS-based
Read Me First: Tips for Using the Other Support Database
Use your Other Support Database record to populate EGMS proposals.
You can pull data in the EGMS Other Support Database record into a proposal
you are preparing in EGMS. The information does not flow automatically but
you choose it when you are completing the Key Personnel section of a proposal
in the Proposal Preparation Database. Your other support information has to be
entered only once in the Other Support record and can be pulled for all future proposals. Data
sets from the Other Support Database that have not been audited are still available for extraction
into an EGMS proposal.
EGMS User Guide
Share the work of creating and maintaining Other Support Database records.
You can create and maintain your personal EGMS Other Support Database record
or grant access to other University personnel to manage your record for you. Once
they are given access, others can enter data and update the record. In addition, you
may be able to access and work on another individual's Other Support record if you
have been included in that person's Other Support Group.
Add newly entered data to the database before you leave your computer.
The Other Support Database has a two-hour time-out feature. If you have partially
completed or updated a data-entry screen and leave your computer without using an
action button (Add, Update, Re-Submit) to post the information to the record on
which you are working, new data are lost after two hours.
Audit your Other Support record for completeness.
The Other Support Database does not have a Show Form or Validate function to
facilitate proofreading of the record for accuracy. You can, however, audit the
Other Support record for completeness before pulling the data into the Key Personnel section of
an EGMS proposal.