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Spelling Homework
You must complete 25 points worth of spelling activities per
week. Every five points of extra credit you do is worth one point
added to your score. Only students earning an A in Spelling
are allowed to choose from the challenge section. Please save this
paper, this is the only one you will receive.
List your words in alphabetical order. (5)
Type your words. (5)
Write your words neatly in pen. (5)
Write your words and then list the consonant and vowel
patterns. Example: dinner: cvccvc (5)
5. Write your words from longest to shortest or shortest to
longest. (5)
6. Write the words from your list leaving out some of the letters:
butterfly: _ut_er_l_ (5)
7. Write each spelling word and scramble the order. Example:
dinner: nedinr (5)
8. Make flash cards to study your words. (5)
9. Write your words that start with a vowel on one list and words
that start with a consonant on another list (5)
Write your spelling words then divide them up by
syllables. Example: exclamation=ex/cla/ma/tion Use a
dictionary if necessary. (10)
Make small words from large words. You must use all of
your spelling words and list at least two smaller words that are
three letters or more. No proper nouns please. Example:
explanation= explain, plain (10)
12.Write your words four times each. (10)
13.Make a design for or around each of your spelling words that
somehow illustrates the meaning of the word. (10)
14.Write each of your words hidden in a line with incorrect
Example: differrent, diferent, different, deferent Mix up the
order so the correctly spelled word is in a different spot. (10)
15.Spelling Math either multiplication or addition. (10)
16.Find 10 words in a newspaper, magazine, or from the Internet.
Cut them out and glue them to a piece of paper. (10)
17.Write each word with a colored tool (crayon, pen, colored pencil)
using a different color for vowels and a different color for
consonants. (5)
18.Write each word three times each in your best cursive. (10)
Only students earning an A in Spelling are allowed to choose from the
challenge section.
1. Look up each of your words in the dictionary and write a
definition for each spelling word in your own words. (15)
2. Write the word and list at least two synonyms for each word.
3. Write the word and list at least two antonyms for each word.
4. Categorize your words according to what part of speech they
are. (10)
5. Write a letter to someone using at least 10 of your spelling
words. Each sentence can have no more than two spelling
words. Be sure to underline the spelling word. (10)
6. Write 15 sentences using 15 words. Each sentence must have
eight words and the spelling word must be underlined. (15)
7. Make a vocabulary chart for 15 of your words. The chart must
include: 1) spelling word, 2) part of speech, 3) definition, 4)
an 8 word sentence with the word underlined (15)
8. Write the words on flashcards with the definition on back (10)
9. Make a crossword puzzle using all of your words and clues to
solve it. Use graph paper. (20)