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Department of Family Consumer Science
Policy for awarding FCS scholarship monies to students to attend professional meetings.
(Approved 2/25/04)
FCS scholarship money may be awarded to current FCS students who attend professional meetings
(for registration costs only), depending on the availability of funds. The maximum amount awarded
per academic year is $25, not to exceed the cost of registration. The funds are disbursed after the
meeting when the “Student Application for Stipend to Attend Professional Meeting” form (see below)
and proof of attendance (copy of check for registration or registration receipt) is provided to the FCS
The professional meetings that qualify are:
 Phi Upsilon Omicron District Conference
 Phi Upsilon Omicron Conclave
 Minnesota Association of Family and Consumer Science Annual Meeting
 American Association of Family and Consumer Science Annual Meeting
 Minnesota Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting
 National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting
 Minnesota Dietetics Association Annual Meeting
 South Central District Dietetic Association Meetings
 American Dietetics Association Annual Meeting
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Application for Stipend to Attend Professional Meeting
Name ______________________________________ Major _________________________________
Social Security Number (required) _______________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone __________________________ Email __________________________________________
Name of meeting attended ____________________________________________________________
Date(s) of meeting ________________________________ Cost of registration __________________
(The maximum amount awarded per academic year is $25.)
For reimbursement, please submit this form to the FCS administrative assistant in WC 102 with a
copy of your check or a registration receipt.