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OVERVIEW Definition – in the context of T. testing
(Definitions) by Tim Schäfer
The Manual of Tests and Criteria contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for classification of
dangerous goods according to the relevant provisions of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport
of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, as well as of chemicals presenting physical hazards according to the
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
It should give the definitions for clarity and usability up to date.
 “Cell means a single encased electrochemical unit (one positive and one negative electrode)
which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals, and may contain its protection
Note: Proposal in 1. – 5. does not affect testing requirements or tests itself and procedure.
1. Proposal : Cell  a (galvanic) Battery Cell (no influence on T.test)
2. Single encased ec unit  as shown; certain celltypes on the market do not comply with
Proposal: a (single) encased electrochemical unit
3. Battery Cells are made of different design, especially with more than one electrode assembly
or cell inside (winding, stacking, e.c.). ..
Follow up 1st T. Schaefer
Seite 1
Proposal for Definition “Cell”: „at least one positive and one negative electrode“.
4. Inactivated cells are transported as not dg, but are in the transport not without risk
(including all chemical ingredients or partly) :
…which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals…
Proposal : Define Voltage in
 The theoretical standard cell voltage, E 0 (cell) can be determined using the electrochemical
series and is given by the difference between the standard electrode potential at the
cathode, E 0 (cathode), and the standard electrode potential at the anode, E 0 (anode) [2] as
E0 (cathode) −E0 (anode) = E0 (cell).
5. …which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals…
Cells, Pouch Cells or combined Pouch and hardcase cells, cylindrical cells must not have two
terminals as design element comparable with the hardcase cell, but further could beeing
equipped on other hand with more than two terminals, maybe 5 terminals…
Proposal 5.1. Definition terminal
 Battery terminals are the electrical contacts used to connect a load or charger to a battery
cell, single cell or multiple-cell battery, a battery assembly. These terminals have a wide
variety of designs, sizes, and features that often not well documented. Tabs, e.c. are Battery
Cell terminals in regard of this Manual.
Proposal 5.2.
…which exhibits a voltage differential across it`s at least two terminals…
Follow up 1st T. Schaefer
Seite 2