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Deep Fitting Hearing Aids
The First Truly Invisible Hearing Aids!
By Dr. Dempesy
All Ears Hearing Center
Deep fitting hearing aids—those that sit invisibly deep in the ear canal—are
the latest in new hearing aid technology. This article describes two currently
available deep fitting aids: the Lyric (by InSound), and Otolens (by Starkey).
Although both are deep fitting, they are two very different aids.
“Deep Fitting” as shown in the illustrations below, means that the hearing
aids fit very close to the eardrum.
The Lyric
The Lyric is used much like disposable contact lens for the eyes. That is,
your Doctor of Audiology determines a prescription to “correct” your
hearing. You wear the aids for approximately 2-3 months and then you get
them replaced with new ones. The Lyric is inserted by your Doctor of
Audiology and is worn day and night. There is a small tool that you can use
to turn the aids to “off” or “mute” for sleeping at night or the aids can be
kept on at night for safety reasons, such as being able to hear any warning
sounds that one might not otherwise hear when sleeping. The Lyric’s
internal battery lasts 2-3 months and then you schedule another appointment
to see your audiologist for removal of the old and insertion of a new set of
Lyric hearing aids. You buy a yearly prescription. The cost ranges from
$3,800 year to $4,600 per year for a pair of Lyric aids.
The Otolens
The Otolens is made and operates similar to custom “Canal” hearing aids.
Your Doctor of Audiology makes a silicon impression of the ear canal, and
Starkey manufactures the aids to fit that ear canal. The Otolens runs on a
small removable battery. Your Doctor of Audiology can set the volume and
programs, and, if you want the option, you can use your cell phone to change
the volume settings and programs yourself. There is a small invisible
removal line to remove the hearing aid at night. The aid must be cleaned
every night and put in a desiccant jar (to keep the circuits dry). The lifespan
of the Otolens is approximately 4 years if they are cared for properly. The
cost for the Otolens is comparable to the cost of other high-end custom aids - approximately $7,000 to $8,000 for a pair.
Is a Deep Fitting Canal Aid for You?
Not all people with hearing loss are good candidates for deep fitting canal
aids. Here are some tips. To be a good candidate the ear canal has to be of
sufficient depth and diameter, that is, big enough, to accommodate the aid
and the sophisticated circuits. The skin in the canal has to be intact; dry,
fragile skin in the canal is not conducive to deep fitting hearing aids. People
on blood thinners are usually not good candidates as there may be potential
If YOU would like to determine if you are a candidate for a deep fitting
canal hearing aid, or other hearing aid, call All Ears Hearing Center at 508747-4055 to schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation and