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Psych 30 Glossary Terms (Chapter 5)
acute -- immediate or short-term effects after taking a single drug dose
addiction -- generally refers to the psychological attachment to a drug(s); addiction to "harder" drugs such as
heroin results in both psychological and physical attachment to the chemical properties of the drug, with the
resulting satisfaction (reward) derived from using the drug in question
additive interactions -- effects created when drugs are similar and actions are added together
antagonistic interactions -- effects created when drugs cancel one another
biotransformation -- process of changing the chemical properties of a drug, usually by metabolism
blood-brain barrier -- selective filtering between the cerebral blood vessels and the brain
chronic -- long-term effects, usually after taking multiple drug doses
cross-dependence -- dependence on a drug can be relieved by other similar drugs
cross-tolerance -- development of tolerance to one drug causes tolerance to related drugs
cumulative effect -- buildup of a drug in the body after multiple doses taken at short intervals
dependence -- physiological and psychological changes or adaptations that occur in response to the frequent
administration of a drug
dose-response -- correlation between the amount of a drug given and its effects
drug interaction -- presence of one drug alters the action of another drug
dysphoric -- characterized by unpleasant mental effects; the opposite of euphoric
half-life -- time required for the body to eliminate and/or metabolize half of a drug dose
intramuscular (IM) -- drug injection into a muscle
intravenous (IV) -- drug injection into a vein
margin of safety -- range in dose between the amount of drug necessary to cause a therapeutic effect and that
needed to create a toxic effect
mental set -- the collection of psychological and environmental factors that influence an individuals’ response to
metabolism -- chemical alteration of drugs by body processes
metabolites -- chemical products of metabolism
pharmacokinetics -- the study of factors that influence the distribution and concentration of drugs in the body
placebo effects -- effects caused by suggestion and psychological factors independent of the pharmacological
activity of a drug
plateau effect -- maximum drug effect, regardless of dose
potency -- amount of drug necessary to cause an effect
psychological dependence -- dependence that results because a drug produces pleasant mental effects
rebound effect -- form of withdrawal; paradoxical effects that occur when a drug has been eliminated from the
reverse tolerance -- enhanced response to a given drug dose; opposite of tolerance
side effects -- unintended drug responses
subcutaneous (SC) -- drug injection beneath the skin
synergism -- ability of one drug to enhance the effect of another; also called potentiation
teratogenic -- something that causes physical defects in the fetus
threshold dose -- minimum drug dose necessary to cause an effect
tolerance -- changes in the body that decrease response to a drug even though the dose remains the same
toxicity -- capacity of one drug to damage or cause adverse effects in the body
withdrawal -- unpleasant effects that occur when use of a drug is stopped