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Course Project
A) Create a medical record Web Service and consume the databse driven-service from the web
application. The service receives information regarding the types of seats a customer wishes to reserve
and makes a reservation if such a seat is available. In part-1, you will create the Seats tables for the Java
DB database, in part-2 you will create the service from a given code, and in part-3 you
will create a web application that allows a customer to specify the reservation request, and then use the
web service to execute the request.
Part.1 (Create Java DB database):
This part requires creating a Java DB database for use in the Airline Reservation. You will need to
configure Netbeans 6.5.
1.1) In Netbeans 6.5: Windows | Services |Databases |Java DB | Create Database |
Call the database Reservation
The database location should be created within the project folder.
Right-click Jdbc:derby://localhost | Connect | Expand jdbc |right-click Table | Create Table
Call the DB Table Seats. Set data type and sizes as shown in the figure.
1.2) Add a data to the Seats Database
Insert records as shown in the table below (click this icon
Note: You may use the given .txt file to run the SQL query and populate the table in one command (as
an alternative to step (1.2). To do this, copy the contents of file SQLCommandsForSeatsTable.txt and
paste them in the SQL Command tab in the Editor of NetBeans. Press the Run SQL button
(to the
right of the Connection drop-down list). Thus will insert the records into the table in one shot.Right-click
on the Seats table icon and View Data to see the table.
File: SQLCommandsForSeatsTable.txt (posted in the course site)
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 1, 'Aisle', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 2, 'Aisle', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 3, 'Aisle', 'First', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 4, 'Middle', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 5, 'Middle', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 6, 'Middle', 'First', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 7, 'Window', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 8, 'Window', 'Economy', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 9, 'Window', 'First', 0 );
INSERT INTO Seats VALUES ( 10,'Window', 'First', 0 );
Part-2 (Creating the Reservation Web Service)
Create the web service using the Reservation database. The code for the web service is shown below. It
has one single Web method- reserve() which searches a Reservation database continaing a singkle table
(Seats) to locate a seat matching the user’s request.
The file for the web service: (posted in the course site).
// Part-1: Airline Reservation
// File:
// Airline reservation web service.
package reservationservice;
@WebService( name = "Reservation", serviceName = "ReservationService" )
public class Reservation
private static final String DATABASE_URL =
private static final String USERNAME = "oct";
private static final String PASSWORD = "oct";
private Connection connection;
private Statement statement;
// a WebMethod that can reserve a seat
@WebMethod( operationName = "reserve" )
public boolean reserve( @WebParam( name = "seatType" ) String seatType,
@WebParam( name = "classType" ) String classType )
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT \"Number\" FROM \"Seats\"" +
"WHERE (\"Taken\" = 0) AND (\"Location\" = '" + seatType +
"') AND (\"Class\" = '" + classType + "')" );
// if requested seat is available, reserve it
if ( )
int seat = resultSet.getInt( 1 );
statement.executeUpdate( "UPDATE \"Seats\" " +
"SET \"Taken\" = 1 WHERE \"Number\" = " + seat );
return true;
} // end if
return false;
} // end try
catch ( SQLException e )
return false;
} // end catch
catch ( Exception e )
return false;
} // end catch
} // end try
catch ( Exception e )
return false;
} // end catch
} // end finally
} // end WebMethod reserve
} // end class Reservation
Part-3 (Creating a Web Application to interact with the Reservation Web Service)
Create a web application called ReservationClient that consumes the web service—Reservation.
The web application is to allow the users select seats based on class (Economy or First) and location
(Aisle, Middle, or Window). User then submit the request to the Reservation wbe service.
If the request fails, then the application should instruct the user to modify the request and try again by
resubmitting the modified request.
Both files Reserve.jsp and are listed below and are posted in the course site:
3.1) File: Reserve.jsp (posted in the course site).
This file defines two DropDownList objects and a Button.
It also defines three labels (instructionLabel, successLabel, and errorLabel).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp=""
< contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
<webuijsf:page id="page1">
<webuijsf:html id="html1">
<webuijsf:head id="head1">
<webuijsf:link id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
<webuijsf:body id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
<webuijsf:form id="form1">
<webuijsf:staticText binding="#{Reserve.instructionLabel}"
id="instructionLabel" style="height: 22px; left: 48px; top: 48px; position: absolute;
width: 238px" text="Please select the seat type and class to&#xa;
<webuijsf:dropDown binding="#{Reserve.seatTypeDropDownList}"
style="left: 48px; top: 96px; position: absolute"
<webuijsf:dropDown id="classDropDownList"
style="left: 48px; top: 144px; position: absolute"
<webuijsf:button id="reserveButton"
binding="#{Reserve.reserveButton}" primary="true" style="height: 20px; left: 47px;
top: 192px; position: absolute; width: 50px" text="Reserve"/>
<webuijsf:staticText id="successLabel"
binding="#{Reserve.successLabel}" style="height: 102px; left: 48px; top: 248px;
position: absolute; width: 238px"
text="Your reservation has been
made. Thank you!" visible="false"/>
<webuijsf:staticText id="errorLabel"
binding="#{Reserve.errorLabel}" style="height: 102px; left: 48px; top: 248px;
position: absolute; width: 238px"
text="This type of seat is not
available. Please modify your request and try again." visible="false"/>
3.2) File: (posted in the course site)
This file attaches event handlers to (SeatTypeDropDownList, classDropDownList, and reserveButton) in
the .jsp file, which provides logic in genral for the Reserve.jsp file.
Part-4 (Creating a Phone Book Web Service and Web Application that consumes the Service)--utilizing Java
DB and GoogleMap Viewer
Create a web service that stores phone book entries in the database PhoneBookDB and a web
application that consumes the service. Use the steps from part-1 to create the phone book DB.
The database should contain one table (PhoneBook) with three columns (LastName, FirstName, and
PhoneNumber) each of type VARCHAR. The LastName and FirstName columns should store up to 30
characters. The PhoneNumber columns should support phone numbers of the form (800) 555-1212 that
contain 14-characters.
Give the client use the capability to ebter a new contact (web method entry addEntry) and to find
contacts by last name (web method getEntries). Pass only Strings as arguments to the web service.
The getEntries web methd should return an array of Strings that contains the matching number for one
phone book entry. These values should be separated by commas.
The SELECT query that will find a PhoneBook entry by last name should be:
SELECT LastName , FirstName, PhoneNumber
FROM PhoneBook
WHERE (LastName= LastName)
The INSERT statement that inserts a new entry into the PhoneBook database should be:
INSERT INTO PhoneBook (LastName , FirstName, PhoneNumber)
FROM PhoneBook
VALUES (LastName , FirstName, PhoneNumber)
Table (PhoneBook) with four columns (LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, and Address).
View the address with Google Map Viewer as you search.
You need to create an account at Google Map to obtain a key in order to utilize the MapViewer.