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The Weimar Republic
Name _______________________________________
1918: Abdication of the Kaiser
1. On Nov. 10, 1918 Kaiser ________________ fled to ____________
Why did the Kaiser abdicate?
1918: The End of World War I
3. Why was Germany forced to seek peace?
When was the armistice signed? (exact date and time)
What is the General Staff? _____________________
6. What name was given to those who negotiated the Treaty of Versailles?
Why was the news of a German surrender a shock for the German people?
1919: Spartacist Revolution
8. __________________________ and _____________________ founded the
Spartacists, a revolutionary anti-war faction within the moderate Social
Democratic Party
What did the Spartacist’s hope to create?
10. Who was used to put down the rebellion? ____________________
1919: Weimar Established
11. When and where was the Weimar Republic established?
12. The Weimar Republic was established under the leadership of the
View Socialist Newspaper from Nov. 9, 1918
13. Who was named as the Chancellor of the Weimar Republic?
View the Weimar Constitution
14. Look at articles 109-137. What are your reactions?
15. What was the significance of Article 48?
16. Article 48 is often called The _________________ Act
Weimar Politics
17. Prior to World War I, who had the right to vote in Germany?
18. Under the Weimar Constitution, who had the right to vote?
1920: Berlin Kapp Putsch
19. Who led the first attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic?
How effective was the Social Democrats leadership in trying to get the military
to put down the rebellion?
21. What was President Ebert’s reaction?
22. Although the Weimar Republic survived this first coup attempt, what was its
major pitfall?
1920: Founding the Nazi Party
23. The German workers party became known as the _________________
____________ German Workers Party or the Nazi’s (Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiter Partei-NSDAP)
24. View the following party platforms and write 3 sentences comparing and
contrasting the three parties. Communist Party Platform (KPD) Nazi Party
Platform (NSDAP) Social Democratic Party SPD
1920: Paul Whitman Band
25. ________________ became a symbol of American culture to Germans.
26. How was American Jazz viewed in Germany?
Founding of the Hitler Youth
27. What was the name of the first Nazi Youth Organization?
1922 - Walter Rathenau Assassinated
28. What role did Walter Rathenau play in the ending of World War I?
29.. What position did Walter Rathenau hold in the Weimar Republic?
1923: Berlin Riots on Hyperinflation
30. Who did these Germans blame for the hyperinflation and why did they blame t7
31. Why did American Jewish leaders tended to play down the seriousness of
the situation?
German Inflation 1919-1923
32. What two methods did Germany use to finance the war?
33. What segments of the German population endured the most hardship?
34. In 1919, how many German marks equaled a U.S. dollar? ________ By
Nov. 1923, that number rose to ________________________________.
View a picture of German women waiting in line to buy substandard meat.
1923: Dawes Plan
35. What was the Dawes Act and what was its effect?
1923: Hyper-Inflation At Its Highest
36. How did hyper-inflation change shopping?
1923: 1923 - Kurt Tucholsky Attacks Judges
37. Why did Kurt Tucholsky attack judges?
1923 - Munich Beer Hall Putsch
38. What was Hitler's sentence for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch?
39. In what way was the law not followed in Hitler's sentencing?
Hitler's Final Speech at His Trial for Treason, March 27, 1924
40. What did Hitler's speech at his trial for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch allow
him for the very first time?
41. In his speech, Hitler says he is the destroyer of ____________________
42. Who does he claim to want as his partner in this battle? ______________
43. The period between 1924-1929 was known as the __________________________
44. What position in the Weimar Republic did Gustav Stresemann hold between 19231929? ___________________________
1925 - Friedrich Ebert Dies Before Re-election
44. Who was Friedrich Ebert?
1925: Paul von Hindenburg
45. What role did Paul von Hindenburg play in World War I?
46. Who did Hindenburg say was responsible for Germany's defeat in World War I?
47. Paul von Hindenburg becomes the _______ President of the Weimar Republic.
1926: Black Reichswehr Investigation
48. What were these investigations?
1926: German joins the League of Nations
49. What was the significance of Germany joining the League of Nations?
1927 - Founding of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
50. What did the Kaiser Wilhelm institute pave the way for?
1928 - Kellog-Briand-Stresemann Pact
51. What was this treaty?
52. Who signed this treaty?
1929: The Young Plan
53. What was the Young Plan?
1929 - Nazis Protest Opening of "All's Quiet on the Western Front"
54. How popular was the book All's Quiet on the Western Front"?
1929 - Ruth Fisher Loses Leadership Position in German Communist Party
55. Why did the Communist Party aid Hitler and help him to destroy the Weimar
1929: U.S. Stock Market Crashes
56. How and why did the U.S. stock market crash bring despair to Germany?
57. How had German Industrialists invested the short-term loans from the U.S.?
58. What were many Germans feeling at this time?
1930: Max Schmelling Wins Heavyweight Title
59. Who did Max Schelling defeat for the heavyweight title? ______________
60. How did Hitler react to this news?
1932: Unemployment
61. By 1932, how many Germans were unemployed? ___________________
1932 Elections
62. What percent of the vote was obtained by Hitler and the Nazi Party? ______
View 1932 Election ballot
63. What is significant about this ballot?
1933 - Hitler named the last Weimar Chancellor
63. What was Hitler's first action as Chancellor of the Weimar Republic?
1933 - Weimar Republic Destroyed
64. The Nazi's used violence to intimidate voters in the 1933 elections and yet, they
only received __________ percent of the vote.
65. What was the significance of the Enabling Act?
Culture In The Weimar Republic
If you were any sort of progressive artist, writer, musician, filmmaker, photographer, or
director, Berlin during the Weimar Republic was the place to be. Germans were in the
forefront of the most exciting developments. The unprecedented freedom and widespread
latitude for varieties of cultural expression led to an explosion of artistic production,
Berlin, the heart of Germany, was liberal, open, tolerant, and creative. In many ways, the
arts were a mirror of the eagerness of Germans to survive, despite difficult circumstances,
and live their lives during the Weimar Republic.