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Sit back and enjoy the stars!
They're BRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people think that the stars in our galaxy are right outside our planet but
really they’re billions of miles away!! Now we know that about the sun which is
actually a small sized star compared to the biggest star known in our galaxy (VY
Canis Majoris)9.3 billion sun’s fit can fit into VY Canis Majoris! VY Canis Majoris is
actually 4,892 light years away!!
Here's a video on different star’s sizes.
How are stars born?
Some people think stars are angels appearing in the sky watching down on us.
Stars are actually born when the force of gravity compresses atoms in interstellar
gas until the fusion reactions begin. Then, you have a beautiful bright star.
How do stars die?
Some people think that stars, once in the sky, they can never die. They actually
have a lifespan, just like us. Infact, if you see a star being born, your great, great
grandchildren wouldn’t even get to see that same star die. It takes millions of
years for a star to die. When a star, such as the Sun, dies, it has burned all of it’s
hydrogen fuel, then it expands and becomes a red giant(a bigger type of star), this
might be millions of kilometres across, enough to swallow Mercury and Venus!
The light from our stars
The stars that are billions of miles away produce more light in the night sky then
you think. Our sun produces the light we need to make it day time, but when we're
not facing the sun in our rotation we get night, but how do we still have faint little
lights in the sky, the answer is simple. STARS!! In the night the stars along with the
moon produce faint light that keep our earth set on dim, even when we can’t see
them at night they are there.
The stars in our galaxy are very, very far away, but that still does not keep us from
gazing at them. But how far away are they actually?? Well these bright lights are
4.3 LIGHT YEARS AWAY! that's saying something considering 1 light years is 10
trillion kilometers!! Underneath are some pictures of the nearest stars!
Glow, Glow, Glow!
The stars in our night sky glow, but how?? Well the stars we can barely see
through all the city lights produce there glow by the temperature the star
produces is extremely hot at whopping temperature of 15 million Kelvin!! This heat
is so strong it produces a very strong glow!
How many stars are there?
Did you know that the stars you see every night in the sky, are only a small fraction
of the amount of stars in the universe! There are about 100 billion stars just in our
galaxy! Scientists have found 10 billion galaxies, but there are still many out there,
if there are 100 billion stars in each galaxy, that would mean there are about
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 just in the galaxies we know of! Can you imagine
how many stars are in the rest of the universe?
What do we see?
We see the light from stars, but, from when? The closest star, besides the sun,
Proxima Centauri, is 4.3 light years away. Therefore, if we look at Proxima
Centauri, we would see what it looks like 4.3 years ago. If Proxima Centauri blows
up, we would see that 4.3 years later.
The future in our stars
The stars have been explored a lot, but there is still so much more that we can do
with the exploration of stars that we know is possible, but some things we can not
achieve with the technology we have today, but in the future who knows what we
can do with exploring the stars! And I hope that the lights in the sky are going to be
explored till there's no more to be explored… but there is always more to be
Thank You!