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Advanced Web Authoring I:
Organizing Information with Tables
Written by Kevin Treu for the Furman-Wofford Mellon Advanced Workshop
In our profession we frequently find it helpful to organize data in tabular
form—grades information, economic statistics, etc. Accordingly, a
potentially useful tool is the HTML table facility. As we will see, tables
can also be used to organize/design the artistic content of Web pages.
A convenient way for presenting data of all kinds is in tabular form. This
includes not only numerical figures but images and text as well. The Hypertext Mark-up
Language (HTML) offers an appealing way to present such data on a Web page, using the
<table> tag. Web tables can be created in one of four ways: using raw HTML, using a
Web editor, using a program which converts data from one form (such as a spreadsheet or
word processor file) into HTML, or using a Web-based table generator. We'll explore
some of these options today, and leave the rest as opportunities for further
1. Creating tables using HTML
Class-related idea: Advertising your grading scale to your students.
To create our first table, we'll have to begin with a Web page. You can either use
an existing page of yours, or you can write a new one.
a. Use your chosen editor to either open an existing .htm file or to create a new one. If
you are creating a new one, simply use the following HTML code:
<head><title>Table Test Page</title></head>
<h1>A Table Example</h1>
The tags used for creating tables are really quite simple once you get the hang of
them. They are:
<table>, </table>
— indicate the beginning and ending of a table
— indicate the beginning of a table header
— indicate the beginning of a table row
— indicate the beginning of an item of table data
b. To begin, insert the <table> tags between the <body> tags on your page. Between the
<table> tags insert your header information, like this:
<th>Percentage <th>Grade
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c. Now leave the editor and start Netscape. Use Open File to take a look at your page
so far. (Remember that you can keep both the editor and Netscape running at once,
flipping back and forth using the Alt-Tab key combination.)
Notice that you don't seem to have accomplished much yet—just two bold words
on the page. This is because no border for the table has been set yet.
d. Return to the editor to add a border. Do so by specifying a border width inside the
<table> tag, as follows:
<table border=3>
Then check the results using Netscape. Experiment with different border widths to
find one that appeals to you.
e. Begin adding data. To do this, simply indicate when a new row is to begin, and then
specify the data to go in that row. You must take care to enter the right number of
data items per row, making sure that it's the same as the number of column headers
you have specified. For example:
<td>97-100 <td>A+
<td>93-96 <td> A
<td>90-92 <td> A<tr>
<td>87-89> <td>B+
Once again, use Netscape to note the changes.
Non-standard table structure
Your table does not always have to be a standard two-dimensional grid of data
items. If you would like one cell to span multiple rows or columns of the table, you can
do it in HTML. Suppose you have eschewed the plus-minus system, and want to
emphasize it in your grade table by listing all of the ranges (e.g., 97-100, 93-96, 90-92,
etc.) but a single grade for each.
f. Do this by modifying your HTML to read:
<table border=3>
<th>Percentage <th>Grade
<td>97-100 <td rowspan=3>A
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<td>87-89 <td rowspan=3>B
Note that the directive colspan also exists and works in analagous fashion.
When using these, you must take care not to include data in places where you have
already specified a data cell using rowspan or colspan previously.
Tidying up
There are a number of additional features of tables which allow you to design
them to your tastes. For instance, tables can be centered on the page. In addition, you can
align individual data items and format them using italics, bold characters, etc.
g. Center the table by enclosing it entirely within <center>...</center> tags.
h. Center the data items by including the directive align=center within the <td>
tags, as follows:
<td align=center>97-100 <td rowspan=3 align=center>A
<td align=center>93-96
Three additional table directives permit additional modifications.
cellpadding allows you to put some space around your data. cellspacing
specifies the width of the separators between cells. Finally, width specifies the
percentage of a Web page that will be taken up by your table. Each of these directives is
placed within the <table> tag.
i. Incorporate these directives, for example
<table border=3 cellpadding=6 cellspacing=5 width=50%>
and consider how they change the table.
A caption can be added above or below your table by simply using the
<caption>...</caption> tags.
2. Creating a table from a spreadsheet
Class-related idea: Posting of up-to-date grades from a spreadsheet
One method for creating Web pages that is growing in effectiveness with each
new generation of tools is the use of HTML converters. These specialized programs
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allow users to take documents in one form (e.g., word processing, spreadsheet) and
translate them automatically into HTML.
Though such converters can be very useful tools, it must be stressed that they
typically produce only the simplest of HTML code. While they are effective as a starting
point for page creation, they are no substitute (yet) for knowing the basics of HTML.
One effective converter has been installed on the PCs in Riley 202. It will take
any specified cells of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and turn them into an HTML table
like the one we've created above. With a suitable scheme for ensuring anonymity—such
as using social security numbers in place of student names—current course grades can be
posted regularly to a course-related Web site quite easily.
a. Either open up an Excel spreadsheet that you brought on disk, or briefly create a new
one to use.
b. Highlight the cells you wish to make into a table.
c. Click once on the yellow "smiley-face" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the
Excel tool bar. (This icon may actually be off the screen on your machine. It is just
to the right of the Help button.)
d. Answer the subsequent questions as they are asked. When you are finished, quit
Excel and go to Netscape. Use the Open File command (in the File menu) to open
your new HTML file and see the result.
Note that you can use Notepad or another HTML editor at this point to re-edit the
table you have created to make it look more appealing.
3. Other ideas for using tables
In short, the data that is displayed in the cells of a table need not be just numbers
and/or text. Images can be incorporated using the img tag. Often tables are created with
a single data item—a picture—thus creating the effect of a "framed" image.
a. If you'd like to try this out, find and download a suitable image from the Web. If the
image's file name is picture.jpg, you could display it with a frame using the HTML
<table border=6 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
<td><img src="picture.jpg">
Data items can also be hyperlinks to other Web pages. You need only use the
<a href="URL">...</a> tags. Tables and hyperlinks (and possibly clickable
images) can be combined to create an effective table of contents page for a Web site.
Rather than simply list links down a page, they can be organized into a table.
Another way to make table creation easy
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The Web site ( provides a
painless way to create the HTML code for a table. You may find it convenient to check it
Finally, the Web editor you have chosen to use may have a table-making facility
built into it. This is another alternative which may make your task in building a table
quite easy.