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Astrology Research
Using Vibrational Astrology
The Kepler Conference
David Cochrane and Linda Berry
6 Research Studies
We will briefly describe the research
procedure and results of 6 studies:
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data
2. Zodiac signs: extreme case sampling
3. Introversion-Extraversion
4. Gold prices
5. Rock musicians
6. Harmonic aspects in famous and notorious people
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data
My goal for this research is to see if a fairly
simple and elegant AstroSignature
(combination of astrological influences) based
on VA could be developed that is a good
classifier, i.e., able to identify the professional
I used exploratory research to see
distributions of harmonic aspects that
theoretically make sense. I made the
AstroSignature based on the results of the
exploratory research, and then performed ttests to confirm that the AstroSignature does
properly classify the charts by profession.
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: The AstroSignatures
Sun-Saturn is in the AstroSignature for every profession.
Sun-Saturn indicates what is important to you, is
meaningful, and worthy of focusing on. All orbs are 16
degrees in the harmonic chart.
Scientists: Sun-Sat, Mer-Sat, and Mar-Sat in harmonics
7, 14 or 28. Three points are assigned to Sun-Sat and
Mar-Sat, and 1 point is assigned to Mer-Sat.
The 7th harmonic gives focus, discipline, maturity, capacity
for sustained effort, and aptitude for understanding
symbols and abstractions. Regardless of the kind of
science pursued, this kind of temperament is helpful.
Painters: Sun-Sat, Moo-Sat, Ven-Sat, and Mar-Sat in
harmonics 5, 10, 20 or 40.
These are harmonics of play and creativity. With Saturn
involved, there is focus and a serious approach to
creativity. Painting is relatively solitary and quiet activity.
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: The AstroSignatures
Musicians: Sun-Sat, Ven-Sat, Jup-Sat, Sun-Nep, and VenNep in harmonics 11, 22, and 44.
These harmonics are restless and moving. Music and dance
are dynamic art forms. You have to keep flowing to the next
note. These 11-based harmonics are better suited to music
and dance rather than an activity that involves less
Actors: Sun-Sat, Ven-Sat, Jup-Sat and Sun-Nep in
harmonics 17 or 34. Note that the planetary pairs are very
similar to the pairs for musicians. The simplicity and
consistency of the AstroSignatures makes replication with test
data (not just training data) MUCH more likely.
The 17th harmonic is interested in the stories of other people.
It steps outside our personal experience to engage in the
stories of others. The 17th harmonic also gives an inclination
to feel empathy. This is helpful for acting!
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: The AstroSignatures
Athletes: In this study I was not able to
come up with a simple AstroSignature
for athletes that looks similar to the
AstroSignatures for the other
In a later study using extreme case
sampling I found indicators of athletic
ability, but this was in a study done
years after this analysis of the
Gauquelin data.
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: Results
T-test results: Actors
Actors – All 4 other groups .01
Pairwise comparisons:
Actors - Athletes
- Musicians ns
- Painters
- Scientists .01
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: Results
T-test results: Musicians
Musicians – All 4 other groups .01
Pairwise comparisons:
Musicians - Actors
- Athletes
- Painters
- Scientists
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: Results
T-test results: Painters
Painters – All 4 other groups .001
Pairwise comparisons:
Painters - Actors
- Athletes
- Painters .001
- Scientists .001
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: Results
T-test results: Scientists
Scientists – All 4 other groups .05
Pairwise comparisons:
Scientists - Actors
- Athletes
- Musicians
- Painters
1. Harmonic aspects in Gauquelin data: Conclusions
We were able to create simple
AstroSignatures based on VA that classify the
charts into professions.
These are positive and promising results. Our
goals for this study were modest and just a
small step towards identifying astrological
variables that predict behavior, and we did
have success with this small step. The
software tools were tested and used and
worked well, and the software tools and
research procedures were refined during the
process of conducting this research.
2. Zodiac signs: extreme case sampling
Astrologers believe that there is some
kind of relationship between zodiac signs
and human personality.
1. Would studying people with
stelliums in a zodiac sign help us
understand the meaning of a zodiac
sign? For example, Clint Black has a lot
of Aquarius in his chart.
Extreme Case Sampling
Extreme cases like this are often referred to as
Outliers are often discarded in research because of
a sense that they are not representative of the
majority of cases.
However, David and research methodologists have
recently emphasized that discarding extreme cases
is often like throwing out the most nutritious part of
the food and keeping only the part that has very low
nutritional value. There are specific rules for
understanding when extreme cases provide the
most useful information.
Extreme Case Sampling
Extreme cases of the predictor or outcome variable are extremely important
1. The predictor variable is believed to have a linear or non-linear continuously
increasing or decreasing effect on an outcome variable,
2. Potential predictor variables are well-defined but potential outcome
variables are unclear, difficult to measure, or difficult to assign values to.
3. A "double sampling" procedure can be performed where a minimum of three
cases to a maximum of 5% of cases from a sample of at least 100 subjects
that is representative of some population can be obtained.
4. Scores for a predictor variable or composite of predictor variables can be
assigned to all of the 100 or more subjects from which either the highest or
lowest scores can be selected as the cases to study.
5. There are one or more theories or models that can be evaluated by a
person or persons with content expertise.
6. These theories or models have not already been confirmed with more
definitive quantitative studies, and
7. The possible relationships between predictor variables and outcome
variables may be complex and/or there are a large number of potential
predictor variables.
Even if all seven of these conditions do not exist, studies of the most extreme
cases on the predictor variable, where the extreme cases are selected frm a
sample of thousands of data, may still be a very effective research design.
Extreme Case Sampling
Extreme case sampling is qualitative research! The
extreme cases typically are analyzed with
qualitative descriptions rather than numerical
values. We select the extreme cases based on a
quantitative measure but we analyze the data using
a qualitative assessment. Typically, the assessment
is a careful consideration of the facts, and
alternative views and perspectives are given by
Extreme case sampling is exploratory research
often used to determine what theories are viable,
and potentially useful in more rigorous research.
Extreme Case Sampling
If a theory does not agree with the
finds from the extreme case
sampling research, the theory can
be discarded!!! This is because in
a regression model, correlations of
predictor and outcome variables
will not be found if the extreme
cases do not demonstrate the
hypothetical relationship of the
predictor and outcome variables!
Aries: Prince Leopold.
Shy, not loud or aggressive,
despite illness made his own way
in life. Forged his own path despite
his domineering mother.
Aries: goes is own way, separates
from the crowd, not necessarily
confrontational or aggressive.
Taurus: Eddie Milner.
Baseball player. “streak hitter” (batting
performance varies a lot), fast and stole
bases. Career ended with cociane use.
Became and ordained minister and
stopped using drugs. More interesting
life story than most baseball players.
None of this sounds Taurean.
Taurus: Unfolding from within. A kind of
Taoist approach to life. Zodiac signs are
extremely difficult to assess with
measurable criteria.
Gemini: Chris Bearde
Comedy writer, producer, director. Chris
Bearde exhibits the traits we expect
from Gemini. He is clever and has a gift
for using words, and does a variety of
different things. The typical symptoms
of a sign often happen, but do not
necessarily happen!
Gemini: Curiousity, looking at what is
before us without a lot of philosophical
beliefs, and just curious about how
things work.
Cancer: Pierre Fournier
Musician. Known for his lyrical playing
of the cello and impeccable artistic
Cancer: Creates in a protected shell.
Finds a home, mood, club, or team
where one can be natural, without
being self-conscious and live without
playing a role, impressing others, worry,
or fear. Cancer lives in a “cosmic egg”.
An egg is not a wall; there is some
interaction with the rest of the world.
Leo: Jean Piaget
Famous child psychologist. Discovered
principles by which children grow up to be
healthy individuals.
Leo: Awareness that we are separate beings
and we orchestrate our own lives. I have
direct control over my body and my thoughts
but not yours. I have a collection of traits that
I can creatively synthesize, and so do you.
Piaget does not have Leo personality traits
but his life work is extremely Leo! He
embodies the essence of Leo without any of
the typical personality traits!
Virgo: Anton Mauve
Painter. Cousin-in-law of Van Gogh and for a
short time a mentor of Van Gogh. Paintings
are realistic but reveal beauty we often
overlook. Technically impressive. Breakdown
in relationship with Van Gogh when Van
Gogh had a relationship with a pregnant
Virgo: Manifests a kind of Platonic perfection
in the mental world in the physical world (the
virgin birth). Other extreme Virgos are
jewelers and mathematicians. Service is not
fundamental. They serve because they want
to fix what is imperfect in the material world.
Libra: Marcello Abbado
Composer, pianist, conductor. Brother of
Claudio, a well-known coonductor. Has a
strong partnership with the Vienna
Philharmonic, has been a jury member for
many international competitions, and a
member of institutes in Texas, Japan, etc.
Libra: Form partnerships where both
partners have equal importance, retain their
individual nature, but build something
important by combining forces. Fulfillment
through equal partnerships. Zodiac signs do
not tell us what we do but rather how we do
Scorpio: Hans Driesch and Rosemary DeCamp
Driesch is a biologist and DeCamp is an actress.
Driesch probes the way that cells divide and the
mysterious process by which an entire organism can
grow from a few cells. He was criticized for having a
kind of religious and metaphysical approach rather
than objective and scientific.
This is the Scorpio way: merge with your
experience. Become one with it.
With DeCamp the Scorpio expression is more subtle
but she gets fully immersed in what she does and is
a respected copper enamel artist. This keeps one’s
attention fully engaged . . . The essence of Scorpio.
Sagittarius: Maria Perego
An artist who makes the puppet in Italy
“Topo”. Topo is very popular. Topo goes on
adventures and encounters mishaps and
must make sacrifices. Topo succeeds in the
Sagittarius: Life is an adventure. Topo is the
story of Sagittarius! Zodiac signs are a way
of relating to the world and often the
successful person exhibits the story very
literally as is also true for Jean Piaget. The
personality characteristics are secondary.
Capricorn: Francesco Alberoni
Writer. A quote of Alberoni: “But what does being in
love mean? What is the meaning of ‘I love you’?
Some people say they are always falling in love or
never fall out of it. Others hold that falling in love is
a fairly rare occurrence . . . “ Extremely Capricorn!!!
He is observing what we are typically enmeshed in.
Capricorn is this relationship to our world and not
necessarily particularly archetypes or behaviors!
Capricorn: Objectivity, detachment, witness
consciousness, the ability to see things objectively
and manipulate them because one is an observer
and not enmeshed in the experience.
Aquarius: Jennifer Jason Leigh and Clint Black
Leigh is an actress and Black is a country and western
singer. Neither exhibits obvious Aquarian traits. Black is
a kind of representative or poster child for middle
American values and life style. This is often what
Aquarians do; their identity is merged with the group
identity! “Leigh has a reputation for playing characters
on society’s bottom rung like prostitutes or junkies” –
wikipedia. Attention to the group dynamics, issues, and
concerns is Aquarian. This is the best argument we can
make for Aquarius! You cannot ignore the extreme
Aquarius: Being part of a network, group, collective,
playing one’s part in society. Being part of an effective
and successful social, political, economic, intellectual,
or cultural system.
Pisces: Honore Daumier and John E Boswell
Daumier: Printmaker, caricaturist, painter, sculptor.
Boswell: Historian.
Daumier: Prolific, combined art and social
critiques, combined different media and concepts.
Boswell: Historian and professor at Yale U.
Specialization was Christianity and homosexuality.
He spoke 17 languages!
Pisces: Eclectic. Integrate seemingly disparate
things or things not usually associated with each
other. Juxtapose seemingly unrelated or opposite
things. Show the inter-relatedness of seemingly
different things. Some are technical and are
scientists. Not necessarily intuitive or imaginative
in the usual sense.
Without the need for doing a massive
study with statistics we can come to some
definitive conclusions about zodiac signs.
The usual traits associated with signs are
often not true. There is a consistent way
that the person relates to the world. This
is difficult to study in a quantitative way.
Whether we like this conclusion or not is
not very important.  We must respond to
the data and make sense of the data.
3. Introversion-Extraversion
There were three stages to this research.
Phase 1: Hypothesis test to determine if
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Gauquelin
sectors correlates with extraversionintroversion scores on a personality test.
Professor David Fink, chair of the
psychology department at a college in
Vermont conducted the study. I analyzed
the data.
3. Introversion-Extraversion
The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) was
administered to 982 college students. Subjects with
Mars and/or Jupiter in plus zones according to
Gauquelin's theory of planetary effects are
hypothesized to have higher E-scale scores than
students with Saturn in these plus zones. Of the 982
subjects, 274 meet these criteria, and a t-test
comparing mean scores between the two groups was
significant (one tailed p = .025, two-tailed p =. 05).
Older subjects were also found to have lower E-scale
scores. A structural equation model obtained
significant effects of age (p<.001) and the astrological
planetary effect (p=.02) on E-scale scores. A
regression analysis confirmed these results. Visual
inspection of the graphs suggests that modification to
the definition of "plus zones" may increase statistical
significance in future studies.
3. Introversion-Extraversion
This study is one of the strongest
confirmations of astrological theory ever
conducted. It is a hypothesis test that obtained
positive results. However, the results were just
barely statistically significant and whether the
results were statistically significant depended
on exactly how the Gauquelin plus zones were
defined. A narrower size of the plus zones is
needed to obtain statistical significance.
The statistical analysis was done as part of a
PhD program that I was enrolled in and two
university professors evaluated the research
methods and the paper. I posted the paper on
our company software website and did not
submit it to any journals.
3. Introversion-Extraversion
Phase 2: Is Saturn aspected to inner planets
in 7th harmonic aspects associated with
introversion in these 982 students?
A graph of Sun and Saturn in harmonics 7, 14,
28, and 56 all show that students with Sun and
Saturn in any of these harmonic aspects
scores very low on the E-scale, i.e., they are
highly introverted.
This was an exploratory study and not a strict
hypothesis test and no statistical analyses
were performed.
3. Introversion-Extraversion
Phase 3: After teaching an online class and
mentioning that the aspects of Jupiter to inner
planets in the 11th harmonic chart inclines the
person to be extraverted, I decided to see if
this is true for the 982 students in this study. It
was found that a correlation value of .12 and
p < .001 was found with this AstroSignature:
(1) Sun and Jupiter in harmonics 11, 11x2,
11x4, 11x8, 11x16, and 11x11
(2) Mars and Jupiter in the same harmonics
If only Sun and Jupiter are included in the
AstroSignature, then correlation = .09 and
p < .01
3. Introversion-Extraversion
The following appear to be very promising indicators of
Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter in Gauquelin plus zones
Sun-Saturn in the 7th harmonic and
octaves of the 7th harmonic up to 56
Sun-Jupiter and Mars-Jupiter in the 11th harmonic and
octaves of the 11th harmonic up to 11x16 and also
harmonic 11x11.
Further confirmation in future studies is needed to be
more certain that these astrological effects really exist.
Note also that age is a strong predictor of extraversionintroversion.
4. Gold prices
There are 2 phases to this study.
In the first phase a Forecast AstroSignature to
predict short-term changes in gold prices was
In the second phase a hypothesis test was
conducted on gold data not included in the original
study. The results mildly confirmed the hypothesis.
Like the hypothesis test of extraversion-introversion
scores with Gauquelin plus zones, this is one of the
most important studies conducted so far that
indicates that astrological variables produce
measurable effects.
4. Gold prices: Phase 1
An AstroSignature to predict gold prices was
developed. The formula is that gold prices go
up when the following transits occur (in the
sky, not to a natal chart):
* Sun and Jup h. 7 & 14
(5 points)
* Sun and Jup h. 21 & 35
(3 points)
* Sun and Jup h. 28
(2 points)
* Sun cnj Jup
(1 point)
* Jup and Nep h. 7
(1 point)
* Sun-Mar-Jup-Ura tri/sxt/9th h. mpt-mpt (1 pt)
4. Gold prices: Phase 1
This alternative formula has higher yield and
* Sun and Jup h. 7 (7 pts)
* Ven and Mar h. 5 (5 pts)
* Sun and Jup h. 14 (1 point)
* Jup and Nep h. 7 & 14 (1 point)
* Mar and Jup h. 5 (1 point)
* Sun trine Sat (1 point)
* Sun-Mar-Jup-Ura tri/sxt/9 h. mpt-mpt (2 pts)
* Mar-Jup-Ura-Nep tri/sxt midpt-midpt (1 point)
4. Gold prices: Phase 1
Research Results:
Low Yield and Risk: r = .084, p < .001
High Yield and Risk:
r = .057, p < .01
The statistical analysis was unusual:
Correlations for 3-month periods over 31
years (124 correlations) were obtained and
then a statistical significance test of
correlation values was conducted.
A correlation over all 31 years cannot be done
because long-term trends “drown out” shortterm trends.
4. Gold prices: Phase 2
Replication Study by Linda Berry:
Only 26 three-month periods, so
statistical significance is not likely
with this smaller amount of data. A
correlation value of about .03
would be considered a reasonable
confirmation (very small effect
4. Gold prices: Phase 2
Results of Replication Study:
High risk & yield: r = .02, p = .38
Low risk & yield: r = .04, p = .14
The low risk & yield, which has a more
consistent formula, produced better
results that the high risk & yield! (as
David expected from previous
Also, add Jup & Nep in 14th h. for more
consistent formula: r = .05, p = .09
4. Gold prices
Results are very promising.
The replication study produced
slightly better results than
Problem: there is no more
5. Rock Musicians
This is an extreme case sampling
study on the outcome variable. We
want to see if the most successful
and influential rock musicians have
something similar in their charts.
Keep in mind that if a theory is not
confirmed an extreme case
sampling study, the theory is not
5. Rock Musicians
Removing selection bias (necessary!!!!!):
The lists of rock musicians I found on the
website mostly had musicians that we do not
have AA accuracy for, so I did this:
Listed all people in the database that have AA
accuracy. I selected the musicians that I
recognize and appear to me to be influential.
I did not change this list after I selected it, and I
had seen the charts of only 2 or 3 of these
musicians and I had not analyzed any of them
in detail.
5. Rock Musicians
The musicians (13 total):
Elvis Presley
Buddy Holly
Bob Dylan
Paul Simon
Carole King
Jim Morrison
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
Tori Amos
Jerry Garcia
Jimi Hendrix
Grace Slick
5. Rock Musicians
All 13 musicians charts can be understood in this
1. Venus-Uranus: hard aspect, 5th, 11th, or 55th
harmonic pattern with another planet, and usually
2. The 11th harmonic is restless. It won’t sit still. Music
is a good outlet. Aspects to Uranus in the 11th
harmonic are very restless! The 5th harmonic is
playful and creative. The 35th harmonic is often strong
when there is a high level of skill and mastery.
3. Pluto adds intensity. Venus-Uranus-Pluto is very
common for rock musicians.
5. Rock Musicians
All 13 musicians charts can be understood in
this way:
1. 55th harmonic is common for musicians who
have creative arrangements and for
2. 33rd and 66th harmonics incline to flowing
and graceful music (example: Donovan)
3. The 41st harmonic sometimes shows up, and
gives a love of folk melodies and harmonies of
many kinds.
5. Rock Musicians
Aretha Franklin: 11th h: Ven-Ura-Plu conj.
Bob Dylan: (Ven-Ura) opp Plu
Jim Morrison: 55th h: (Ven-Ura) opp Plu
Donovan: 66th h: (Ven opp Ura) tri/sxt Plu
Grace Slick: 5th h: Ven opp (Ura-Plu), Ven opp Ura natal
Buddy Holly: 5th h: Ven-Jup-Plu cnj. (bouncier sound)
Carole King: 5th (Ven opp Ura) tri/sxt Mer. 55th h: Jup-Sat-MerMar = songwriter. Dylan also has strong 55th h.
Elvis: Ven-Ura-Plu t-square in natal chart, Ura cnj Ven/Plu 15’
orb, and Ven-Ura-Plu conjunct in 41st h.
5. Rock Musicians
Janis Joplin: Ven-Sat-Ura-Plu hard aspects (8th h.) in 35th h:
Gifted rock musician creating new sound, which surprised me,
but biographies confirm this. Also in 11th h. Ven sqr Ura, and
Ura cnj Plu.
Jimi Hendrix: (Mer opp Ura) cnj/opp (Ven-Ura) / Mar. Very
strong. For example: Mer opp Mar 10’, Ven cnj Ura ½ degree
orb. Musical genius!
5. Rock Musicians
Tori Amos: 11th h: Ven-(Sat-Ura)-Mar t-square. Innovative
35th h: huge midpoint pattern:
Ven cnj Sun/Ura
Nep opp Ven/Ura 47’
Sun cnj Jup/Ura
Mar cnj Mer/Ura
1 deg 00’
Plu opp Ven/Mar
Ven cnj Jup/Plu
1 deg 08’
Huge midpoint patterns are important! She is a child prodigy in
music (35th h.) !
Ven-Ura in 2 midpoint structures, Sun-Ura in 2 midpoint
structures, etc.
5. Rock Musicians
Jerry Garcia:
8th h. Mer-Ven-Ura yod: musician (not necessarily rock)
11th h: (Sun-Ura) opp (Moo-Nep). Can’t sit still, gets into
trouble, drug use and mystical/way out.
Paul Simon: Ven-Ura conj in 11th harmonic.
Huge midpoint patterns in the 11th h. and 55th h.
Paul Simon is not hard rock!
5. Rock Musicians
There does not seem to be anything indicating rock music
unless we accept the possibility that there is an intricate
vibrational cosmic energy system which we are a part of.
Our research is taking us to insights that are “curiouser and
Vibrational Astrology has evolved into a sophisticated
astrological language, and with additional research we will
find out if we are on track to big discoveries or going down
dead end roads. Those of involved with VA are VERY
Extreme case sampling is very helpful for improving our
understanding of astrology!
6. Harmonic aspects in
famous and notorious people
Linda will now present her findings
on harmonic aspects that occur in
the charts of exceptional people
(benefic aspects)
and harmonic aspects that do NOT
occur in the charts of exceptional
people (malefic aspects).