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The Endangered Species Act 1973
-designed to protect critically imperiled species
from extinction as a "consequence of economic
growth and development untempered by adequate
concern and conservation.“-
By: Elizabeth Bohrisch
Period 4
Amendment Years:
The Endangered Species Act of 1973:
The 1973 Act
implemented the
Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora
(T.I.A.S. 8249), signed
by the United States
on March 3, 1973, and
the Convention on
Nature Protection and
Wildlife Preservation
in the Western
Hemisphere (50 Stat.
1354), signed by the
United States on
October 12, 1940.
1) authorized the determination and listing of species as
endangered and threatened
2) prohibited unauthorized taking, possession, sale, and
transport of endangered species
3) provided authority to acquire land for the
conservation of listed species, using land and water
conservation funds
4) authorized establishment of cooperative agreements
and grants-in-aid to States that establish and maintain
active and adequate programs for endangered and
threatened wildlife and plants
5) authorized the assessment of civil and criminal
penalties for violating the Act or regulations
6) authorized the payment of rewards to anyone
furnishing information leading to arrest and conviction
for any violation of the Act or any regulation issued there
Group Responsible for Regulation and
Enforcement of the Endangered Species Act
President Richard Nixon declared current species
conservation efforts to be inadequate and called on the 93rd
United States Congress to pass comprehensive endangered
species legislation. Congress responded with a completely
rewritten law, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 which was
signed by Nixon on December 28, 1973. It was written by a
team of lawyers and scientists, including the first appointed
head of the Council on Environmental Quality.