Download Timeline of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

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Timeline of Rise of Hitler and Nazis
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims
to a big lie than to a small one. ~ Hitler
Hitler is born April 20 in Austria
Hitler’s mom dies of cancer. Hitler blames a Jewish doctor who treated her
Hitler moves to Vienna and is rejected twice at the Academy of Art in Vienna
Hitler develops his prejudices about Jews, his interest in politics, and debating skills.
WWI breaks out; Hitler living in Munich submits a petition to enlist in the Bavarian army
Hitler fights bravely and is promoted to corporal; wins two Iron Cross for bravery
Hitler was in hospital recovering from mustard gas attack when armistice is signed
Hitler joins the Free Corps, an organization of war veterans in opposition to those who
“lost the war”: profiteers, politicians and Jews were blamed as those who “stabbed the
army in the back.”
Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler was asked by the army to investigate the German Workers Party which had tried to
join workers and nationalists. He joined the group as party member seven.
Hitler transformed the party to the National Socialist German Workers Party (National
Sozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei- SMDAP)
Nazi Twenty-five Point Program announced: revoking the Versailles Treaty, confiscating
war profits, revoking civil rights for Jews, blaming the Jews for inflation, political
instability, unemployment, and the defeat of Germany in WWI
Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party
Hitler criticizes the German democratic government (Weimar Republic) and supports the
theory that all Germans were part of an Aryan superhuman race and all others (Jews,
gypsies, Slavs) were to be eliminated
NOV. 8 / 9- Beer Hall Putsch: Nazi attempt to overthrow the Munich government fails,
and Hitler sentenced to prison for 5 years where he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
-Hitler if freed after 9 months
Mein Kampf is published; the book sold 9473 copies that year.
Mein Kampf outlines: Hitler’s plan for attaining power; blames Jews for all the problems
and evils of the world and for defeat of Germany in WWI; proclaims Germans or Aryans
as the “master race” of highest racial purity and Jews as the “anti-race”; calls for
Germany to stop the Jews from conquering the world only by eliminating them and find
“Lebensraum” (living space) for all pure Germans; eliminating democracy and calling
upon a "Fuhrer" to rebuild the German Reich.
Nazi Party membership reaches 17 000 members
vast increase in Nazi power in German parliament (Reichstag)
Nazi Party membership reaches 60 000 members
Germans 1930 elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany
Hitler ran for President and won 30% of the vote, forcing the eventual victor, Paul von
Hindenburg, into a runoff election.
A political deal was made to make Hitler chancellor in exchange for his political support.
JANUARY 30 - Hitler appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Germany by President
FEBRUARY 27 - a week before the election, the Reichstag burns. Hitler blames it on the
Communists. Hitler granted emergency powers
Nazi party only had a small majority in the Reichstag (parliament), but arrests his
opponents, has another vote to and gains the power to re-write Germany’s constitution
MARCH 23 - Hitler passes the Enabling Act (power to make own laws, abolish political
parties, and open concentration camps), establishing himself as dictator
APRIL 1 – Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops; first concentration camps open
JULY 14 – Nazi party declared only party in Germany
OCTOBER 14 – Germany resigns from League of Nations
JUNE 30-“Night of the Long Knives”
AUGUST 2- President Hindenberg dies
AUGUST 19 - Hitler names himself Furher (dictator) of Germany
MARCH 16 – Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription
SEPTEMBER 15- German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws
FEBRUARY 10 – German Gestapo (SS) is placed above the law
MARCH 7 - Germany marches into Rhineland (violation of Treaty of Versailles) and
League of Nations takes no action
Non-aggression treaty signed between Italy, Germany and Japan = AXIS powers
Olympics hosted in Berlin, Germany
MARCH 12 / 13 - Germany invades Austria (Anschluss = union)
SEPTEMBER 30 – British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich
OCTOBER 15 - Sudetenland (northwest part of Czechoslovakia) occupied by Germany
NOVEMBER 9 / 10 – “Night of the Broken Glass” (also called Kristallnacht or Night of
the Broken Crystals) -Nazis fine Jews one billion marks for damages
MARCH 15/16. – Germany takes rest of Czechoslovakia (violation of Munich
MAY 22- formal treaty “Pact of Steel” signed between Italy and Germany (Rome-Berlin
AUGUST 23- Soviet Union signs Non-Aggression Pact with Germany
SEPTEMBER 1- Nazis invades Poland
SEPTEMBER 3 – Britain, France / Austria / New Zealand declare war on Germany
SEPTEMBER 10 – Canada declares war on Germany; Battle on Atlantic begins
Mein Kampf -sold over 5 million copies
“Final Solution” (complete extermination of Jews)is co-ordinated at Wannsee Conference
APRIL 30-Hitler’s long-term mistress and new bride, Eva Braun, joined him in suicide
MAY 7 –Germany surrenders unconditionally = VE DAY
However, one of Hitler’s chief objectives was achieved-- the annihilation of two-thirds of
European Jews (6 000 000 Jews, 11 000 000 total deaths in Holocaust)
How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. ~ Adolf Hitler
The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. ~ Adolf Hitler