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Unit 6 –Gas Exchange / Circulation
Standards and Benchmarks:
STANDARD 1: Learners understand the nature of scientific knowledge and inquiry.
1. Analyze and evaluate experimental designs for accuracy, including variables, controls,
adequate data sampling, and logical conclusions and suggest design improvements when
2. Choose appropriate summary statistics to describe group differences, always indicating
the spread of the data as well as the scientific data's central tendencies.
3. Make and use tables, charts, graphs, and scale drawings to justify scientific arguments
and claims in oral and written presentations.
4. Participate in group discussions on scientific topics by restating or summarizing
accurately what others have said, asking for clarification or elaboration, and expressing
alternative positions.
5. Select the most appropriate tool for a specific, direct measurement and choose
appropriate units for reporting various magnitudes.
STANDARD 4: Learners understand the interrelationship between structure and function.
Level IV (Gr. 9-Gr.12)
1. Explain the structures and functions of the basic molecules of living organisms and the
chemical reactions necessary for life.
2. Describe the cell as the fundamental unit of living organisms capable of receiving and
integrating messages and responding to changes in the environment.
By the end of this unit Students should be able to…..
For Gas Exchange:
• List the features of gas exchange surfaces in animals
• Identify on diagrams and name the larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and
associated capillaries
• State the differences in composition between inspired and expired air
• Use lime water as a test for carbon dioxide to investigate the differences in composition
between inspired and expired air
• Investigate and describe the effects of physical activity on rate and depth of breathing
• Describe the role of the ribs, the internal and external intercostal muscles and the
diaphragm in producing volume and pressure changes leading to the ventilation of the
• Explain the role of mucus and cilia in protecting the gas exchange system from pathogens
and particles
• Explain the link between physical activity and rate and depth of breathing in terms of
changes in the rate at which tissues respire and therefore of carbon dioxide concentration
and pH in tissues and in the blood.
For Circulation:
• Describe the circulatory system as a system of tubes with a pump and valves to ensure one-way
flow of blood.
• Describe the double circulation in terms of a low pressure circulation to the lungs and a high
pressure circulation to the body tissues and relate these differences to the different functions of
the two circuits.
• Describe the structure of the heart including the muscular wall and septum, chambers, valves
and associated blood vessels
• Describe the function of the heart in terms of muscular contraction and the working of the
• Investigate, state and explain the effect of physical activity on pulse rate
• Describe coronary heart disease in terms of the blockage of coronary arteries and state the
possible causes (diet, stress and smoking) and preventive measures
• Name the main blood vessels to and from the heart, lungs, liver and kidney
• Describe the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries
• Explain how structure and function are related in arteries, veins and capillaries
• Describe the transfer of materials between capillaries and tissue fluid
• Identify red and white blood cells as seen under the light microscope on prepared slides, and in
diagrams and photomicrographs
• List the components of blood as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma
• State the functions of blood:
• red blood cells – haemoglobin and oxygen transport
• white blood cells – phagocytosis and antibody formation
• platelets – causing clotting
• plasma – transport of blood cells, ions, soluble nutrients, hormones, carbon dioxide,
urea and plasma proteins
• Describe the immune system in terms of antibody production, tissue rejection and phagocytosis
• Describe the function of the lymphatic system in circulation of body fluids, and the production
of lymphocytes
• Describe the process of clotting (fibrinogen to fibrin only)
Date / Day
Feb. 24
Day 1
Go over Unit 5 test
Begin Unit 6 PP 1
Feb. 26
Day 3
March 2
Day 5
March 4
Day 7
March 6
Day 1
Continue with PP 1 ; Do Lab Activity 9.4
Lab activity – Spirometer – Must finish in
class / We will discuss and review for quiz
as well. / Formative quiz on PP 1
Review for Quiz / Quiz on Gas Exchange
Go over quiz / Start with PP 2 –
Circulation system
March 10
Day 3
Formative quiz (name the parts of the
heart) / Continue with PP 2
Make sure you can remember
the details for gas exchange
for the quiz
As above
As above
By next class know all the
names of the part of the heart
(up to the end of slide 9)
By next class know the steps
of how the heart beats (till the
end of PP 2)
March 12
Day 5
March 17
Day 7
Formative Quiz (steps of heartbeat) / Lab
activity – Heart Dissection
Summative Quiz on Parts of the heart /
steps of heart beat (PP 2) / PP 3 start
March 19
Day 1
Formative quiz on arteries
/capillaries/veins (end of slide 9) / Lab
activity 8.1 / continue with PP 3
Finish PP 3 / study for quiz next class
March 23
Day 3
March 25
Day 5
March 30
Day 7
April 1
Day 1
Quiz on PP 3 (summative) / Lab Activity :
Microscopy of WBS
Go over quiz / study for Unit 6 Test next
Test on Unit 6 (summative)
By next class know the
differences between arteries
capillaries and veins (up till
the end of slide 9)
Continue with remembering
details of blood
Prepare for Quiz on PP 3
Prepare for following
summative assessments.
As above