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G.R.A.P.E.S. TCAP Review
G.= Geography of Mesopotamia
Southwest Asia
Present Day- Southern Iraq
Called the Cradle of Civilization and the Fertile
Mesopotamia means the land between 2 rivers
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Unpredictable Flooding= silt, fertile soil for the
FIRST farming community to become a
Sumer is an area with many city-states (Ur,
Uruk, Eridu)
R= Religion in Mesopotamia
Polytheistic= many gods and
Believed in rain/wind gods
Each city-state claimed its
own main god
Believed gods lived in the
very top of the ziggurats
A= Achievements in Mesopotamia
1st Irrigation!-to help bring water to
crops (dams, dikes, canals)
Ziggurats- used for worship of gods
large city walls for protection
1st written laws- Hammurabi's Code
("eye for an eye")
1st written language- Cuneiform
(wedge shaped stylus on clay)-keep
records of trade
Achievements con'd
Epic of Gilgamesh- epic is a
long story poem about a hero
Invented the wheel, wheeled
carts, chariots, sailboat, wooden
plow, bronze, Number system
based on 60 (60 sec. in a min.;
60 mins. in an hour, 360 degrees
in a circle), followed a 7 day
week, sundial
P= Politics in Mesopotamia
Government= Monarchy (king/
Empire= many lands under 1 ruler
Sargon conquers and unites Akkad
and Sumer into the 1st Empire
Later- Hammurabi conquers
Mesopotamia and names the capital
Babylon and builds the Babylonian
Empire; Hammurabi's Code- 1st
written laws!
Politics con'd
Assyrian Empire- conquers Mesopotamia area;
strong army- chariots, horses, food soldiers; tribute
(forced payments from conquered people); Iron
Weapons (learned from Hittites); split empire into
provinces; built roads; 1st Library at Nineveh;
conquered by Chaldeans
Chaldean Empire- Nebechadnezzar (ruler);
capital is Babylon; huge Ziggurat with gold topshined for miles; Hanging Gardens (7 Wonders of
Ancient World)- kings palace; God-Marduk; built
Fall of Mesopotamian Empires= weak rulers, poor
harvests; Persians attacked and took over, allowed
them to keep their culture!
E=Economics in Mesopotamia
Trade Routes- Tigris and Euphrates
Caravans-traveling groups for trade
Barter (trade without money) was used
Money was also mentioned in Hammurabi's
Agriculture- wheat, barley, dates, sheep,
pigs, goats.
Traded to get metal, timber, red and blue
S= Social Structure in Mesopotamia
Men farmed or learned a skilled trade from a father
Boys went to school and generally learned the job of the
Girls didn't go to school, learned to weave cloth, take
care of house and children
Women at home teaching girls women duties
Social Hierarchy (social classes)- people are born into a
King (gods gave power to kings)
Priests, warriors, gov't officials
Merchants, farmers, fishers, artisans
Slaves- captured in war, criminals, or couldn't pay debts