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3 D’s Of Nutrition
Hari Ghuman, RHN
Improve Recovery
Improve Performance
Increase Muscle Mass
Decrease Body Fat
Decrease Inflammation
Improve Longevity
6 Commandments of Optimal Health
Eat Right
Move Right
Poop Right
Sleep Right
Love Right
Drink Right
What is Food?
Food is about Nourishment
3D Nutrition: Nutrients
Definition of Nutrients:
“a substance that provides nourishment
essential for growth and the
maintenance of life”.
- Eat foods that high amounts of natural nutrients
- Processed has the least amount of nutrients
“Let food be thy medicine”
Nutrients = Medicine = Better Healing
3D Nutrition: Pathway
Nutrigenomics :
• The study of how diet interacts with individual genetic make up
and expression, specifically the effects on a person's health.
• Every time ANY substance enters your body it MUST have a
reaction in the body
• Our 3 organs that require the most energy and nutrients are:
3D Nutrition: Fuel
• Are you eating enough nourishing food?
• Counting calories is not necessary
• Diets are not necessary
Essential Nutrients
• Essential Amino Acids
• Eaten at Every Meal
• Improves Detox, Immune, Muscle Mass,
Recovery, Mood & Blood Sugar
• Goal: 1 serving of protein for every 50/lbs
4 types:
• Vegetables – think green
• Starch
• Fruit
• Processed Food
Carbohydrates are dependent on your body
fat and ability to utilize the carbohydrates
• Creates an alkaline system
• Increases satiety
• Increases nutrient density
• Increases water intake
Servings: 1 cup for every 50 lbs
• Dehydration of less than 2% can effect
performance by 10%
• Dehydration increases:
– Joint pain, headaches, constipation, injury
– Water Intake:
– BW/2 = ounces
• Example: 250lbs = 125 ounces = 3.9L
• Airplane: loss of 1L every hour
Nutrient Timing
Biosignature Body Fat
• Breaking the fast
• Sets up blood sugar for the day
• Must have high amounts of protein and
• Red Meat is best = Yang Meat
Post Workout
Post Workout Meal #1 (PW#1)
• 1 second after training
• Shakes work best
• Fast digesting
Post Workout Meal #2 (PW#2)
• 30-60 minutes after your PW#1
• Must Contain: Meat, Starch and Vegetables
Thank You
If you have any questions please email me
[email protected]
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