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Unit IV Concepts
Chapter 23
If the Enlightenment is the source of revolutionary thought, what component of Enlightened thought was
the model used for justification of revolution?
What were the effects of the population pressure in the 18th Century?
What was protoindustrialization refer?
Population upheaval and the spread of a propertyless working class working for money led to which
development ?
What were the causes of the American Revolution?
What were the causes of the French Revolution?
On July 14, 1789, what event happened in Paris during the revolution?
What was a lasting reform passed during the initial, moderate phase of the French Revolution?
What did the radical phase of the French Revolution result in during its time period?
What was the impact of the French Revolution on the rest of Europe?
What was the purpose and impact of the Congress of Vienna?
What was the purpose of Liberalism in Europe during the 19 th Century?
What was Louis Pasteur responsible for?
What British conservative prime minister was responsible for extending the vote to working-class males in
Who was responsible for managing the unification of Italy?
What German conservative was responsible for the unification of Germany in 1871?
What was the term used for socialists movements that proposed the possibility of gradual and peaceful
change rather than revolution?
Chapter 24
What were the aspects of European expansion in the pre-industrial era?
What were the aspects of imperialism in the period following European industrialization?
By what time did the shift from preindustrial imperialism clearly take place?
How were 18th century land empires in Asia accumulated?
What tactic led to the Dutch control of the entire island of Java?
In what way was the British East India Company’s intrusion into India similar to the Dutch entry into Java?
Who was the British commander during the military victories over the French in India during the 18 th
Which empire’s territories were controlled by the British East India Company after its collapse?
What were the handicaps faced by the Indian princes in defending their kingdoms from the British?
What were the reasons why India became the pivot of the great British Empire?
At what battle in 1879 did the Zuklus defeat British military forces?
What most accurately defines the term “tropical dependences? (pg 552)
What is an example of a “White Dominion”
How would you describe the European strategy with respect to the government of tropical dependencies?
What economic sectors increased as a result of European economic exploitation of their colonies?
Chapter 25
33. In what way was Latin America different from the other regions that remained outside the direcet control
of Western imperialism?
34. For whom in Latin America did the independence of Haiti serve as a symbol of freedom and hope>
35. Who initiated the movement for independence in Mexico by calling on the mestizos and Indians to rebel
in 1810?
36. In what way was the experience of the Napoleonic wars different for Portugal than for Spain?
37. How was Brazilian independence achieved?
38. In which areas did slavery exist in the Western hemisphere?
39. In what way were both Liberal and Conservative parties in Latin America similar?
40. In what policy did the United States express its attitude toward Latin American independence in 1823?
41. What nation replaced Spain prior to 1850 as the dominant economic force in Latin America?
42. What was Peru’s primary export to Europe between 1850 and 1880?
43. How would you characterize politicians who led Liberal government in post-1860 Latin America? (pg. 574)
44. What was the name of the agreement following the Mexican-American War in which Mexico ceded about
one half of its territory to the United States?
45. How did the status of women change in the post-independence Latin America?
46. How would you describe Argentina between 1880 and 1920?
47. Where did the Spanish American War break out in 1898?
Chapter 26
48. What were the weaknesses associated with the Ottoman Empire in the 18 th century?
49. Which European powers seized territories of the Ottoman Empire in the early decades of the 18th
50. Who was responsible for the unification of the Manchu tribesmen prior to the invasion of China in the 17 th
51. What was the dynastic name taken by the Manchu dynasty?
52. What was the make-up of the Manchu government?
53. In what areas did the Manchus attempt to take strong measures of reform?
54. What accounts for the general failure of Manchu attempts at reform?
55. What was the name of the new groups of merchants that developed in China under the more relaxed
commercial system of the Manchus?
56. What were the signs of dynastic decline apparent in the Qing regime by the beginning of the 19 th century?
57. What was the impact of the British opium trade on China?
58. Who was the Chinese official charged with eliminating the opium trade in the 1830s?
59. What was the outcome of the Opium War?
60. What was the semi-Christian rebellion that broke out in southern China in the 1850s and early 1860s?
61. What was the political and social position of the Manchu rulers at the end of the 19th century?
62. In what year was the last emperor of China deposed in favor of a republican form of government?
Chapter 27
63. Which regions defied the common pattern of growing Western domination in the 19 th century?
64. How did Russia and Japan grow and change during the last part of the 19th century?
65. What reflects a significant similarity between Japan and Russia during the period of industrialization prior
to 1914?
66. What was Russia’s fear about Westernization in the first decades of the 19 th century rooted in?
67. What nations were linked together in the Holy alliance that grouped conservative monarchies together in
defense of religion and the status quo in 1815?
68. What was the name of the Russian revolt inspired by Western values in 1825?
69. What accounts for Russia’s lack of significant revolution in 1830 and 1848?
70. What best describes the Russian economy at the beginning of the 19th century?
71. What war in the mid-19th century demonstrated Russia’s widening gap with the West?
72. What accounted for the West’s victory over Russia in the Crimean War?
73. What tsar began the process of reform in the 19th century?
74. What considerations were given in the reform of serfdom?
In what year were the Russians emancipated?
What reforms were introduced in the Russia in the 1860s and 1870s?
What was the first step toward industrialization in Russia?
Who was the Russian minister of finance from 1892 to 1903 responsible for much economic
By 1900, how successful was the Russian industrialization program?
What aspects were part of the rising tide of unrest in Russia during the second half of the 19 th century?
What were Russian radicals who sought the abolition of all formal government?
What was the chief political method used by the anarchists to achieve reform?
What was the name of the Russian Marxists, who adopted Lenin’s approach?
What failure led to the Revolution of 1905 in Russia?
What was the Duma?
Who was responsible for the forced opening of Japan in 1853?
How did Tokugawa intellectual and cultural life change at the end of the 19th century?
How did the Tokugawa Shogunate change Japan in the 19th century?
What was the primary difference between the reformed Japanese government and reformed Russian
institutions by 1914?
What were the major similarities between Japanese and Russian industrialization ?
What was the name of huge industrial combines put together in Japan by the 1890s?
What western characteristics were adopted by large numbers of Japanese?