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Characteristics of Populations
A group of individuals of
the same species that
live in the same area at
the same time.
These are the
characteristics of
a population:
Geographic distribution
Growth rate
Age structure
Geographic distribution is the range of the population.
This term describes:
the area that is
inhabited by the
size It
The range can vary in ______.
may be just a few centimeters,
such as the mold on a piece of
bread. Or the range may be
huge, such as the migration
area of whales.
Population density is:
the number of
individuals per unit area.
Density is one of the main
characteristics that describes a
population. There is
tremendous variation in density
depending on the species
_________ and
the _____________.
ecosystem Some
low densities,
populations have _____
while other populations have
high densities.
1. What is the population density of China?
_____________ people per square mile
◦ Population: 1,321,851,888
◦ Area: 5,795,162 square miles
2. What is the population density of the
U.S.? _____________ people per square mile
◦ Population: 301,139,947
◦ Area: 5,692,955 square miles
3. What is the population density of
Canada? _____________ people per square
◦ Population: 33,056,500
◦ Area: 3,854,085 square miles
Dispersion is….
…. the spatial distribution of individuals within the
The three types of dispersion are:
Clumped Dispersion
Clumped Dispersion
b) Clumped distributions
often occur when:
resources such as
food, water, or living
spaces are clumped
In clumped dispersion
the individuals are
clustered together.
c) Clumped distributions
may also occur because
a species has:
a certain social
behavior, such as
herding animals, flocks
of birds, schools of fish
or hives of bees.
Even Dispersion
These penguins exhibit
even dispersion because of
aggressive interactions
that occur between
b) Even distributions are
usually the result of
social interactions but
the interaction results in
the individuals trying to:
get as far away from each
other as possible.
a) In an even
separated by
a fairly even
a) In random
the location of
one individual
is independent
of the location
of the other
b) Random dispersal may
result from seed dispersal:
by the wind or animals.
c) A forest or a field of
wildflowers results from
the random dispersal of
Population Dynamics
All populations are
dynamic, meaning
that they:
change in size and
composition over
To understand the changes that are taking place in a population,
the following must be considered:
1. Birth rate:
the number of births occurring in a given period of time.
2. Death rate or mortality rate:
the number of deaths in a given period of time.
3. Life expectancy:
the length of time an individual is expected to live.
Number of survivors
Age (years)
The mortality rate of the
individuals in the
population generally
follows one of the
following patterns.
These are called
survivorship curves
because they show the
likelihood of ___________
survival at
ages throughout
different _____
the lifetime of the
a) This curve is:
flat at the start,
indicating a low
death rate in the
early and middle
stages of life.
b) It drops steeply
near the end
c) An example is large
a high death rate
mammals that produce very
as the organisms
few offspring, but provide
become older.
good care
Type I Survivorship Curve:
them with _______________.
Type III Survivorship Curve:
a) This curve drops sharply at
the start, indicating:
a high death rate among
the young.
b) It flattens out as death
decline for the few that do
survive the early die-off.
c) This would include organisms that produce:
large numbers of offspring, but provide them with
little or no care.
d) Examples include:
fishes, many plants, and most marine invertebrates.
Type II Survivorship Curve:
a) This curve is:
intermediate to the
above 2 curves.
b) There is a constant
death rate over the
organism’s life span.
c) This may occur in rodents
and lizards.
A population may remain very stable
over time, or there can be fluctuations
in population size.
At any given time a
population may
rapid decline
or ______________.
There are three factors
that can greatly increase or
decrease the size of a
1. The number of births.
2. The number of deaths.
3. The number of
individuals that enter or
leave the population.
Growth Rate:
The amount by which a population’s size changes
in a given time.
If more individuals are being born
than die in a given period of time,
the population size will __________.
If birthrate is equal to death rate,
the population will remain ________
in size.
If the death rate is greater than the
birthrate, the population will
Migration is…
…the movement of
individuals into and out of a
The movement of individuals
into an area.
Emigration: The
movement of individuals
out of an area.
Immigration would _________
the size of the population
while emigration would cause
the population to __________
in size.
Two processes
increase the size of
the population:
birth rate and
Two processes
decrease the size
of the population:
death rate and
Under what conditions would
rapid growth occur in a
 There would have to be
plenty of space and an
abundance of food.
 There could be no predators
or disease.
Exponential Growth
If all factors for
reproduction and
growth are ideal, the
population might
grow ______________.
Exponential growth
describes a population
that is increasing __________.
larger the population
The ________
faster it grows.
gets, the ________
For example: A single bacterium can reproduce by
dividing into two cells every 20 minutes.
At the end of the first 20 minutes, there would be two
bacterial cells.
At the end of 40 minutes, four cells will have been
produced, and by the end of the first hour, there would
be eight cells.
This growth doesn’t seem too impressive at first.
But, if the number of cells doubles every 20 minutes, then
at the end of one day the colony would contain 4.72 x
1021 cells (4,720,000,000,000,000,000,000 cells!)
Exponential Growth:
This occurs when the
members of the
population are
reproducing at a
constant rate.
At first, the population
seems to be growing _______,
but over time, the power of
exponential growth can
produce a population of
extremely ______
large size.
Under _______
conditions, with
resources, a
population will grow
When exponential growth is viewed on a graph, the
J-shaped curve.
pattern of growth is a ______
In reality, populations ______
continue to grow exponentially
for very long.
Resources will become scarce
wastes will accumulate,
and ______
______ growth.
In addition, competition for the
limited resources will intensify
as the population grows.
Exponential growth
NOT continue
does ________________
in natural
populations for
very long.
Carrying Capacity
At first a population may appear to be
experiencing exponential growth, but as
less available the
resources become ______________,
or stop
growth of the population will slow
f) There will be increased
competition between
the members of the
g) The accumulation of:
wastes could lead to an
increase in diseases and
poor health.
a) Food will become:
more and more scarce.
b) There may be:
water shortages.
disease might be
c) A ________
introduced into the
d) The population will:
run out of space.
predators may
e) Additional __________
be attracted to the rising
prey population.
Eventually a
population will
reach the carrying
capacity of the
The carrying
capacity is:
the number of
individuals the
environment can
support over a long
period of time.
The ___________
overshoot in
the graph to the right
indicates that the
population has
exceeded the
carrying capacity of
the environment.
Many members of the
population will
die or starve
causing the
population size to
drop below the
carrying capacity.
The size of the
population will
above and below the
carrying capacity of
the environment.
Logistic Growth
Logistic Growth:
A graph of logistic
growth looks like a
stretched out
letter “S”
A model of
population growth in
which growth slows
or stops following a
period of exponential
Logistic Growth
When the
population is at the
carrying capacity:
the birth rate equals
the death rate, and
growth stops.
When the population size
small birth rates are
is ______,
high and death rates
low causing the
are _____,
population to grow
nearly _______________.
As the population
reaches the carrying
capacity, the growth
rate _______.
Limits to
Examples of limiting factors
1. Competition
2. Predation
3. Parasitism and disease
4. Drought and other climate
5. Human disturbances
No population can
undergo exponential
growth forever.
There are…
…limits to how fast and
how big a population can
Limiting Factors:
A limiting factor is a
factor that causes
population growth to
1. A limiting factor
that depends on
population size is
called a densitydependent limiting
Density-Dependent Factors
2. This means that the limiting factor only
limiting when:
becomes “_________”
the population density reaches a certain
Population density refers to the:
number of organisms per unit area.
Density-dependent limiting factors include:
 competition
 predation
 parasitism and disease
 shortages of food
 shortage of nesting sites.
As a population becomes more and more crowded,
organisms will have to compete with one another for:
food, water, sunlight, space to grow, and nesting sites.
Competition is a
Competition may also occur
between populations consisting
of separate species.
The more individuals
that live in the
the sooner they will use
up the available
The greater the
population size
becomes, the more
intense the competition
for resources.
The densityindependent factors
all populations in similar
ways, regardless of the
size of the population.
Density-Independent Factors
Examples of density-independent factors include:
a) Unusual weather or natural disasters such as
floods and fires.
b) Certain human activities, such as the damning of
a river, or clear-cutting a forest.