Download Bulging Discs - Ayr Physiotherapy Clinic

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A bulging disc is a common spine injury where the disc bulges outside of
the space it normally occupies between your vertebrae. This can happen
in the lumbar spine (lower back), thoracic spine (upper and mid-back)
and also in the cervical spine (neck).
As the disc bulges between the vertebrae and presses on the nerve, pain,
tingling, and numbness can occur at the site of the disc bulge and along
the pathway of the nerve.
Physiotherapy can help with the pain of bulging discs by using different
treatments. Mobilization will help relieve muscle tension/spasms,
improve joint mobility, reduce disc pressures and relieve pressure on the
nerve. Heat can help increase blood flow to the target area and assist
healing by delivering extra oxygen and nutrients. It also removes waste
byproducts. Cold therapy reduces circulation, inflammation, muscle
spasms and pain.
Another method the Physiotherpist may use is a TENS or IFC machine.
The TENS and IFC machines use an electrical current to trigger the release
of endorphins and enkephalins, which are the body’s natural pain killers.
If you think you may be experiencing the symptoms of a bulging disc,
please ask the front desk to book you an assessment with one of our
Physiotherapists today.