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Sedative and Hypnotic Fact Sheet
Moraine Park Technical College
Sedatives and Hypnotics: Sedatives and hypnotics are drugs that work on the central nervous
system to treat anxiety and insomnia. The main types of sedatives and hypnotic drugs are
benzodiazepines, barbiturates and anesthetics.
Benzodiazepines are often prescribed for individuals who suffer from sleep problems or anxiety
disorders. These drugs can be highly addictive, meaning the body develops a tolerance to their effects
resulting in increased dosages just to maintain the initial benefits. As a result, these drugs are only
prescribed for short-term use. The following are common forms or benzodiazepines, Ativan, Librium,
Xanax and Valium (use with caution).
Barbiturates can be used as sedatives, hypnotics, anticonvulsants and anesthetics. They were the
first type of hypnotic to be developed and marketed for clinical use. Barbiturates are categorized
according to how quickly they are felt in the body, and by how long these effects last. Those with an
"ultra-short" duration come in injectable forms, including Brevital, Surital and Pentothal. They also come
in tablet form such as Fiorina, Alurate and Butisol these tablets take anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes to
kick and the effects can last up to 12 hours.
Anesthetics hypnotics are drugs designed for use during surgical procedures. They can be used to
numb an area, or to cause a person to become unconscious. These drugs are either injected into the
body, or administered as a gas through the respiratory system. During surgical procedures, the amount
of the drug is controlled to account for changes in a person's heart rate, breathing rate and blood
pressure. Local anesthetics are used to numb an area of the body. Since a patient can be kept conscious
this use is much safer than general anesthesia.
STREET NAMES: Temazepam, Rohypnol, or Roofies (Commonly known as the date rape drug).
BRAIN EFFECTS: Sedatives and Hypnotics amplify the activities of GABA (gamma amino butyric
acid), one of the brain’s primary neurotransmitter’s. When taking sedatives/hypnotics the GABA shuts
off large portions of the brain, producing sedative, relaxing effects and decreased motor control.
Recreational doses produce similar effects to alcohol intoxication.
PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS: In higher doses it may result in slurred speech, staggering, poor
judgment, and slow, unexpected reflexes. Doses of sedatives such as benzodiazepines when used as a
hypnotic to induce sleep tend to be higher than those used to relieve anxiety whereas only low doses
are needed to provide peaceful and, calming sedative effects.
LONGTERM SIDE EFFECTS: Long term side effects can become physical and psychological
addiction, impaired cognitive abilities, memory problems, mood swings, overdoses when combined with
other drugs.