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This half term I will learn:
The basic theory, creation and use of a single-table database and a
simple relational database involving two tables in a one-to-many
relationship. You will focus on understanding:
Pupils will start by looking at an existing single-table database,
learning how to add records and make queries.
a flat-file or two-table relational database of their own, using
suitable field types and adding in appropriate validations
an input form with help text, combo boxes and list boxes
queries and a report using data from one or both tables
a front end menu for their application linking to the database input
form and report
Key Terms I will learn
this half term are:
Flat-file database,
relational database,
table, column, record,
field, query, parameter,
criterion, criteria,
primary key, linked
Half-termly assessments will be:
Pupils will create a Database Assessment Portfolio.
Learning Outcomes
Week 1 & 2 – I will be able to:
Introduction to databases
Understand what a database is and why it is useful in many
different applications
Learn what is meant by a flat file database, record, field
Enter data into a database in datasheet view
Create queries using multiple criteria to answer questions relating
to a given flat file database
Use different operators such as >=, BETWEEN, AND, OR, NOT and
the wildcard * in queries
Week 3 & 4 – I will be able to:
Creating a database table
Design a database with one or two tables
Create the database structure
Use suitable field types including numbers and text
Add validations and validation text to at least one field
Add records to the table and test the validations
Week 5 & 6 – I will be able to:
Note examples of queries on websites
Use complex criteria to select records
Create a parameterised query
Sort the data on one or more fields
Choose which fields to display in the Results table
Add a calculated field
Introduction to database half unit assessment
Development of a learning portfolio with evidence of creating a
database with use of appropriate data types and use of basic and
complex queries.