Download chemical reactions chapter 8

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a. Definition
1. What is Chemical reactions?
Is the process by which one substance is changed to one or more other
2. What is chemical equations?
is a conventional method by which chemical reactions are formulated
3. What are reactants?
Are the starting materials before the reaction.
4. What is a products?
Are the resultant materials after the reaction
5. What are the whole numbers that tell the number of atoms of each
element in a molecule and changing them means changing the
composition and identity?
6. What tells the number of molecules and changing them means changing
the amount?
7. What are two or more substances react to form one product?
Combination Reactions
8. What is decomposition reactions?
One substance breaks down into two or more substances
9. What is combustion reactions?
Generally rapid reactions that produce a flame. Combustion reacts most
often involve hydrocarbons with oxygen in air.
10.What is substitution reactions?
A single free element replaces or in substituted for one of the elements in
a compound. The free element is more reactive than the one its replaces.
See activity series for single replacement reactions.
11.What metathesis reactions?
Can be viewed as an “exchange partners.” For ionic compounds, the
positive ion in the first compound combines with the negative ion in the
second compound, and the positive ion in the second compound
combines with the negative ion in the first compound.
b. Balancing chemical reactions
1. Hydrochloric acid reacts with solid sodium hydrogen carbonate. The
products formed are aqueous sodium chloride, water and carbon dioxide
gas. Write a chemical equation for the chemical reactions.
NaCl + CO2 + H2O
2. Aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid
producing sodium aqueous chloride and water/
NaOH (aq) + HCL(aq)
NaCl(aq) + H2O (l)
3. Aluminum Bromide and Chlorine gas react to form Aluminum Chloride
and Bromine gas.
AlBr3 (s) + Cl2 (g)
AlCl2 (s) + 3Br (g)
4. ___ CH4 + 2 O2
5. __ N2+ 3 H2
6. 2 KClO3
7. 2 NaCl + ____ F2
CO2 + 2 H2O
KCl + 3 O2
2 NaF + ____ Cl2
c. Classifying reactions
1. 2NaCl + 1F2
2NaF + 1Cl2
Substitution Reaction ; Single displacement ; Single-Replacement
2. 2AlBr3 + 3K2SO4
6KBr + 1Al2(SO4)3
Metathesis Reaction; Double Displacement; Double-Replacement
3. 1C3H8+ 5O2
3CO2+ 4H2O
Combustion Reactions
4. 2Ag2O
4Ag + 1O2
Decomposition reactions
5. 1S8+ 12O2
Combination reactions
6. 2H2O + 1O2
Combination reactions
7. 1H2SO4+ 2NaNO2
Metathesis reactions
2HNO2 + 1Na2SO4
8. 4P + 5O2
Combination reactions
9. 1CH4 + 2O2
1CO2 + 2H2O
Combustion Reactions
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