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Athenian Case Study Activity
Use Civilizations: A Cultural Atlas to answer your question in your groupg. Be prepared to
share with the class.
Art, pg. 30
1. Study the sculptures at the top and the bottom of the page. How do they reflect
Athens’ shift to the classical period? How are men and women portrayed, and what does
that tell you about Athenian society? Use evidence to support your answer
Medicine, pg. 31
2. Read “Case Study of a Woman’s Death” on pg. 31 and compare it to the relief
“Traditional Healing.” How does Hippokrates’ method differ from traditional healing and
modern medicine? Use evidence to support your answer
Philosophy, pg. 31
3. Read “Sokrates as Midwife”. What were his goals as a philosopher? How is he a
midwife? What do we learn about the relationship between religion and reason through
Sokrates? Use evidence to support your answer
Citizenship, pg. 32
4. How did the social structure and the layout of the city reflect the Athenian emphasis
on civic duty? Use evidence to support your answer
Gender Roles, pg. 32
5. How did the roles of men and women differ in Athenian society? Use evidence to
support your answer
Theatre, pg. 33
6. Explain the significance to the Athenians of the following:
Orchestra, Skene, masks, Katharsis, Comic actors. Use evidence to support your answer
Justice and Law, pg. 34
7. Read both “The Justice of Solon” and “Inheritance Laws.” Are Solon’s principles
reflected in the laws. Use evidence to support your answer
Unity, pg. 35
8. Read “Chalkis’ Oath of Loyalty” and “The Athenian Fleet.” What can you infer about
Greek and Athenian unity from these two accounts?