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1. Which of the following is a pseudocoelomate?
a. frog
b. cestode
c. pig
d. leech
e. kinorhynch
2. Animals with amniotic eggs:
a. may include eels and frogs
b. have a chorion, allantois, amnion and yolk sac
c. have no yolk sac
d. are pseudocoelmates
e. are birds
3. The most likely way you may get elephantiasis is
a. if you do not wash your hands thoroughly
b. if you eat raw pork
c. if you have unsafe sex
d. if you get bit by a mosquito carrying a certain type of nematode
e. if you do not wash your fruit
4. Which of the following statements is true?
a. dogs are more closely related to starfish than they are to clams
b. some fish have lungs
c. all birds lay eggs
d. some mammals lay eggs
e. all the statements above are true
5. George Bush
a. probably had a blastopore that turned into an anus
b. probably had a blastopore that turned into a mouth
c. is an arthropod
d. has very tiny gonopodium
e. is assymetrical
6. These have a complex life cycle:
a. frogs and cestodes
b. cestodes and turkeys
c. rotifers and rattlesnakes
d. trematodes and warthogs
e. some mammals and some birds
7. If you eat raw fish,
a. you may contract a cestode
b. you will definitely get anthrax
c. its ok; its always perfectly safe
d. it may be an endangered species
e. a and d
8. The following disease is spread by flies
a. West Nile Virus
b. loa loa
c. tularemia
d. small pox
e. malaria
9. Animals that transmit diseases to other animals are known as
a. parasites
b. hosts
c. victims
d. vectors
e. pests
10. Sharks
a. are all highly predaceous vicious meat eaters
b. are cartilaginous
c. have no gills
d. are found only in the Pacific Ocean
e. are not fish
11. Blind cave fish
a. are not totally blind
b. have well developed optic lobes
c. are endotherms
d. are all extinct
e. probably use chemical cues as a major mode of perception
12. This structure is only found on rotifers
a. a penis
b. zonites
c. gills
d. lophophore
e. corona
13. These are entirely parastic
a. sponges
b. acanthocephala
c. molluska
d. aves
e. annelida
14. Which of the following statements is true?
there are more shark attacks in Nebraska than Hawaii
coelocanths are extinct
amphibians are the direct descendants of birds
webs are made by some arthropods
ectotherms cannot be parasitized
15. Frogs and toads
a. Gave rise to fish
b. are ectotherms
c. have scales
d. are amniotes
e. have direct development with no larval stage
16. As stated by the United States government, this group of nasty things could be
used “effectively” in acts of bioterrorism:
a. anthrax and plague
b. tularemia and tapeworms
c. Hanta virus and elephantiasis
d. Liver flukes and trichinella
e. Monkey pox and whipworm
17. If you are real itchy in the anal region
a. you probably have the first symptoms of West Nile Virus
b. you certainly have the first symptoms of small pox
c. you might have a type of nematode
d. forget about it—there is no way you could have any parasite in North
e. you probably ate uncooked pork
18. These are found only in mollusks:
a. protonephridia
b. a radula
c. gonopodia
d. a cylindrical evaginable proboscis
e. cnidoblasts
19. These animals are asymmetrical
a. round worms
b. fish
c. sponges
d. primates
e. tapeworms
20. These animals are bilaterally symmetrical as larvae and radially symmetrical as
a. pseudocoelmates
sea stars
21. Sponges
a. have spicules and choanocytes
b. have protonephridia and are segmented
c. are entirely herbivorous
d. are entirely carnivorous
e. none of the above
22. Dr. Garcia talked about three important general traits relevant to the lives of
individual animals. These are:
a. physiological, morphological, and behavioral traits
b. visual, olfactory and endocrinological traits
c. ecological, physiological and pathological traits
d. predator, prey and parasitological traits
e. ecosystem, population and community traits.
23. Extinction
a. rates have increased in modern times
b. is a natural process
c. occurs in all major animal groups
d. is occurring all over the planet
e. all of the above
24. Endoparasites
a. are found inside their hosts
b. are found only in vertebrates
c. are found outside their hosts
d. have only one host
e. none of the above
25. The major cause for loss in biodiversity appears to be
a. ozone depletion
b. chemical contamination
c. global warming
d. habitat destruction
e. invasive species
26. This region(s) with the most species:
a. temperate zone and desert
b. arctic and tropics
c. tropics and coral reefs
d. open ocean
e. deciduous forests
27. Which of the following statements is true?
a. all mammals have hair
b. all birds can fly
c. all flatworms are parasitic
d. all round worms are parasitic
e. there are no endangered invertebrates
28. These animals may display bioluminescence
a. primates
b. comb jellies
c. fish
d. b and c
e. a, b, and c
29. Leeches are
a. usually ectoparasites
b. always endoparasites
c. do not usually feed on blood
d. are Oligochates
e. found only in the tropics
30. The most important cause for amphibian population declines is probably
a. human consumption
b. increasing ultraviolet radiation
c. global climate change
d. habitat destruction
e. introduced exotic species
31. Which of the following statements is true?
a. all lophophorates have a lophophore
b. Blaustein taught the first portion of this course
c. hibernating mammals are actually undergoing cryptobiosis
d. most animals have radial symmetry
e. there are no venomous lizards
32. Tiny, crawling multiple legged beasts found in the human pubic area are most
a. annelids
b. arthropods
c. flatworms
d. horses
e. snakes
33. A characteristic found only in cnidarians is
34. Protonephridia are used in
a. reproduction
b. excretion
c. neurosensory control
d. all coelomate animals
e. none of the above
35. These vertebrates can change sex (naturally)
a. birds
b. mammals
c. fish
d. reptiles
e. amphibians
36. If you found a, free-swimming animal with lots of sebaceous, scent and sweat
glands in a huge lake
a. you probably found an insect
b. you probably found an amphibian
c. you found a walking catfish
d. its probably a deuterostome
e. it has to be protostome
37. Malformed frogs with extra legs and missing limbs are probably the result of
a. ultraviolet radiation
b. pesticides
c. fecal decay
d. trematodes
e. laundry detergent
38. Which of the following statements is true?
a. amphibians are the first group with an amniotic egg
b. amphibians may have colonized land to exploit new habitats
c. there are no marine reptiles
d. adult whales respire via gills
e. bats are more closely related to birds than to rodents
39. The three components of biodiversity are:
a. species diversity, ethnic diversity, social diversity
b. pharmaceuticals, ecosystem resources, management
c. species richness, species diversity, endangered species
d. species diversity, habitat diversity, genetic diversity
e. habitat, biomes, ecosystems
40. Cryptobiosis
a. is a form of parasitism
b. only occurs in fish
c. is found primarily in pseuodocoelomates
d. is a form of cannibalism
e. occurs primarily in vertebrates
41.Bivalves and Gastropods
a. both lack an ability to perceive objects using vision
b.both have well developed jointed appendages
c.are more closely related to brachiopods than cephalopods
d.are pseudocoelomates
e.none of the above
42. A new species of aquatic vertebrate is discovered that closely resembles an
ancient form. It has lobed muscular pectoral and pelvic fins and lungs.
a. it is probably an ancient amphibian
b. it is probably an ancient reptile
c. it is probably an ectotherm
d. it is most likely lives on land
e. it is probably an invertebrate
43.Shafts, barbules and hooks are
a. excretory structures
b. are dental structures in mammals
c. are fish reproductive organs
d. are found in birds
e. are types of parasites
44. Metamorphosis occurs in
a. occurs in animals with a complex life cycle.
b. is only found in insects
c. is a key characteristic of sponges
d. occurs in mammals and birds
e. none of the above
45.Facial musculature is most well developed in
a. mussels
b. mammals
c. gastropods
d. fish
e. amphibians
46.Electric organs can be found in
a. fishes
b. amphibians
c snakes
d. nematodes
e. sponges
47.Compound eyes are found in
48.These are key distinguishing chordate characteristics:
a.gill slits, dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord
b.gill slits, post anal tail, brain
c.brain, eyes, nose
d.eye slits, ventral hollow nerve cord, harpsichord
e.lungs, gills, skin
49.These are adaptations for flying in birds:
a.hollow bones, feathers, reduced number of bones
b.teeth, crop, gizzard
c.feathers, lack of teeth, solid heavy bones
d.cartilage, rushlimbaugh, feathers
e.oil glands, helium in lungs, salivary flight glands
50.If a house fly lands on your burger (or fries, or burrito, or pizza or anything you might
a. it will probably use its sponge-like mouth parts to take small bits of food
b. it could transmit a nasty disease
c. it may have small bits of fecal material on its feet
d. a and c
e. a, b, and c.