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Dependable Multiprocessor
John David Eriksen
Jamie Unger-Fink
Background and Motivation
Traditional space computing limited primarily
to mission-critical applications
◦ Spacecraft control
◦ Life support
Data collected in space and processed on the
Data sets in space applications continue to
Background and Motivation
Communication bandwidth not growing fast
enough to cope with increasing size of data
◦ Instruments and sensors grow in capability
Increasing need for on-board data processing
◦ Perform data filtering and other operations onboard
◦ Autonomous systems demand more computing
Related Work
Advanced Onboard Signal Processor (AOSP)
◦ Developed in 70’s and 80’s
◦ Helped develop understanding of radiation on
computing systems and components.
Advanced Architecture Onboard Processor
◦ Engineered new approaches to onboard data
Related Work
Space Touchstone
◦ First COTS-based, FT, high-performance system
Remote Exploration and Experimentation
◦ Extended FT techniques to parallel and cluster
◦ Focused on low-cost, high-performance, good
power-ratio compute cluster designs.
Address need for increased data processing
Bring COTS systems to space
◦ COTS (Commodity Off-The-Shelf)
 Less expensive
 General-purpose
 Need special considerations to meet requirements of
aerospace environments
 Fault-tolerance
 High reliability
 High availability
Dependable Multiprocessor
A reconfigurable cluster computer with
centralized control.
Dependable Multiprocessor is…
A hardware architecture
◦ High-performance characteristics
◦ Scalable
◦ Upgradable (thanks to reliance on COTS)
A parallel processing environment
◦ Support common scientific computing
development environment (FEMPI)
A fault-tolerant computing platform
◦ System controllers provide FT properties
A toolset for predicting application behavior
◦ Fault behavior, performance, availability…
Hardware Architecture
Redundant radiation-hardened system
Cluster of COTS-based reconfigurable data
Redundant COTS-based packet-switched
Radiation-hardened mass data store
Redundancy available in:
◦ System controller
◦ Network
◦ Configurable N-of-M sparing in compute nodes
Hardware Architecture
Hardware Architecture
◦ Variable number of compute nodes
◦ Cluster-of-cluster
Compute nodes
◦ IBM PowerPC 750FX general processor
◦ Xilinx VirtexII 6000 FPGA co-processor
 Reconfigurable to fulfill various roles
 DSP processor
 Data compression
 Vector processing
 Applications implemented in hardware can be very
◦ Memory and other support chips
Hardware Architecture
Hardware Architecture
Hardware Architecture
Network Interconnect
◦ Gigabit Ethernet for data exchange
◦ A low-latency, low-bandwidth bus used for control
Mission Interface
◦ Provides interface to rest of space vehicle’s
computer systems
◦ Radiation-hardened
Hardware Architecture
Current hardware implementation
Four data processors
Two redundant system controllers
One mass data store
Two gigabit ethernet networks including two
network switches
◦ Software-controlled instrumented power supply
◦ Workstation running spacecraft system emulator
Hardware Architecture
Platform layer is lowest layer, interfaces
hardware to middleware, hardware-specific
software, network drivers
◦ Uses Linux, allows for use of many existing
software tools
Mission Layer:
Middleware: includes DM System Services:
fault tolerance, job management, etc.
DM Framework is application independent,
platform independent
API to communicate with mission layer, SAL
(System Abstraction Layer) for platform layer
Allows for future applications by facilitating
porting to new platforms
HA Middleware foundation includes:
Availability Management (AMS), Distributed
Messaging (DMS), Cluster Management (CMS)
Primary functions
Resource monitoring
Fault detection, diagnosis, recovery and reporting
Cluster configuration
Event logging
Distributed messaging
Based on small, cross-platform kernel
Hosted on the cluster’s system controller
Managed Resources include:
Operating System
I/O cards
Redundant CPUs
Other middleware
Provides a reliable messaging layer for
communications in DM cluster
Used for Checkpointing, Client/server,
Communications, Event notification, Fault
management, Time-critical communications
Application opens a DMS connection (channel)
to pass data to interested subscribers
Since messaging is in middleware instead of
lower layers, application doesn’t have to
specify explicitly destination address
Messages are classified and machines choose
to receive message of a certain type
Manages physical nodes or instances of HA
Discovers and monitors nodes in a cluster
Passes node failures to AMS and FT Manager
via DMS
Database Management
Logging Services
Interface to control computer or ground
Communicates with system via DMS
Monitors system health with FT Manager
◦ “Heartbeat”
Detects and recovers from system faults
FTM refers to set of recovery policies at
Relies on distributed software agents to
gather system and application liveliness
◦ Avoids monitoring bottleneck
Provides application scheduling, resource
Opportunistic load balancing scheduler
Jobs are registered and trace by the JM via
Checkpointing to allow seamless recovery of
the JM
Heartbeats to the FT via middleware
Fault-Tolerant Embedded Message Passing
◦ Application independent FT middleware
◦ Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard
◦ Built on top of HA middleware
Recovery from failure should be automatic, with
minimal impact
Needs to maintain global awareness of the
processes in parallel applications
3 Stages:
◦ Fault Detection
◦ Notification
◦ Recovery
Process failures vs Network failures
Survives the crash of n-1 processes in an nprocess job
Proprietary nature of FPGA industry
USURP - USURP’s Standard for Unified
Reconfigurable Platforms
Standard to interact with hardware
Provides middleware for portability
Black box IP cores
Wrappers mask FPGA board
Not a universal tool for mapping high-level
code with hardware design
Adaptive Computing System (ACS) vs USURP
◦ Object Oriented Models vs Software APIs
Responsible for:
 Unifying vendor APIs
 Standardizing HW
 Organization of data for
the user application core
 Exposing the developer
to common FPGA
User level protocol for system recovery
Consists of:
◦ Server Process that runs on Mass Data Store
◦ API for applications
 C-type interfaces
Algorithm-based Fault Tolerance Library
Collection of mathematical routines that can
detect and correct faults
BLAS-3 Library
◦ Matrix multiply, LU decomposition, QR
decomposition, single-value decompositions
(SVD) and fast Fourier transform (FFT).
Uses checksums
Triple Modular Redunancy
Process Level Replication
System architecture has been defined
Testbench has been assembled
◦ More aggressively address power consumption
◦ Add support for other scientific computing
platforms such as Fortran