Download Structure of plants

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Structure of plants
• Vascular plants- have roots, stems and
leaves (
• Leaves are adapted for photosynthesisbroad leaves have Broad leafed
Thin leafed
Structure of a leaf
• Epidermis• Cuticle- top of epidermis,
• Stomata- openings found –
Allow for gas exchange
C02 in (photosynthesisO2 out (photosynthesisH2O vapor out (transpiration-
• Guard cells- regulate opening & closing of
stomate• Palisade Layer- below epidermis• Spongy Layer- below palisade, gas
exchange, •
Vascular Tissue
• Veins• Xylem- carries • Phloem- carries –
• Roots- absorb water and nutrients
Root hairs-
Vascular Tissue
Monocot Stem
This is a cross section through part of a plant:
Is it root or stem?
Is it monocot or dicot?
How do you tell? scattered vascular bundles
Name structure A. vascular bundle
Name tissue B. ground tissue
Example Corn
Dicot Stem
This is a cross section through part of a plant:
Is it root or stem?
Is it monocot or dicot?
How do you tell? ring of vascular bundles
Name tissue A. epidermis
Name structure B. vascular bundle
C and D are both ground tissue.
Specifically, C is pith and D is cortex.
Example Sunflower
Chemical Regulation
• Auxin- Plant hormone, causes • Phototropism- plant bends toward light,
auxin –
• Geotropism- roots grow down,
• Apical Meristem- region of growth
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