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Social groups
Meaning of social group
‘ A social group grows out of a situation which
permits meaningful inter stimulation & response
between the individuals, focusing of attention
on common situation or interest, the
development of certain common drives ,
motivation or emotions .’
- Gillin and Gillin
It is a system of social interaction.
- H m Johnson
Two or more individuals come together &
influence one another.
- ogburn & Nimkoff
A group , ‘‘ is a number of units of anything
in close proximity to one another. ”
- E.S.Bogards
By group we mean ant collection of social
beings, who enter into distinctive social
relationships with one another.”
Primary Group & Secondary Group
Primary Group:
Is referred to small associations of people by
ties of emotional feelings. The family is an
example of primary group.
• People will have intimate face to face , close,
co-operative relationship.
• Play fundamental role in forming the social
nature & ideals of an individual.
• Participation in primary group leads to a
fusion of individualities in a common whole.
• Wholeness involves the sympathy & natural
identification for which ‘we’ is the proper
expression close intimacy & nearness in
• It is very important to form satisfaction of the
child & also th development of child’s
Characteristics of primary group
• Cooley specified five characteristics of primary
1 Face to face association
2 The unspecialized character of association
3 Relative performance
4 Limited size & membership
5 Intimacy among the members
6 Stability in nature continuity in relationship
7 Common aims
8 Spontaneous, personal & inclusive relationships
Functions of Primary group
• Emotional support
• Socialization
• Encourages conformity
Importance of Primary group
• To develop personality
• The efficiency of members will be increased and
persons of the group get help , inspiration and cooperation from one another.
• Satisfaction of total needs ( physical , emotional ,
psychological , social and spiritual) of the individual.
• Group members will provide love , affection, security,
belongingness to the persons and satisfy their
desires of loving and beloved, a person gets benefits
of companionship sympathy, exchange of thoughts
and satisfies most of their psychological needs.
• Socialisation process will take its origin within
the family and maintain the control. Family
teaches the person to work in the society
according to their roles. The primary groups
are the foundation of the whole society, the
individual acquire the basic attitudes towards
people, social institutions and the world
around them.
• The individual acquires the attitudes of
kindness tolerance, love generosity, mutual
concern and affection.