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Cosmic Birth Canal
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Cosmic Birth Canal
1) YOWUSA.COM, September 4, 2003, Marshall Masters
2) Message Board: YOWUSA, Crop Circles, September 6, 2003
You asked: Could you explain to me why the Pleiades/Pisces Chi-1Psa3/Cygnus to Aquila is a birth canal?
Do you mean that all ETs are coming from this region of our night sky?
The Milky Way has two visible regions on either
side of the central bulge, as seen from the solar
system. The bulge is the cosmic womb, and it has
substantial naked eye color. Going west
(clockwise) from the bulge the Milky Way
passes under Virgo through Argo to Auriga. At
Auriga there is an Opening in the Sea of Reeds.
Then above Perseus the Milky Way picks up
again and thickens the further west we travel
back to the central bulge.
If we start at the Opening in the Sea of Reeds and
go either way the Milky Way gives the
impression of a caiman or crocodile half
submerged in a pool of water. Just before the
bulge both branches have "open mouths," as if
they were consuming the Frog in the bulge. The
smaller crocodile is the female, while the larger
is the male. This is a simple association with
earthly experience. However, the mouth of the
female crocodile has a Swan, an Eagle, and a Fox
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in it. Additionally, on the back of the eagle, Aquila, there is a man-child, Antinous, Etana, Zeus, Horus,
Quetzalcoatl, etc. The child carries a flail and wears a crown. This man-child is the resurrected First Father
(king) in traditions all around the world, and dating on the record at least as far back as the Saraswati
civilization in India, over 8,000 years ago, with archeological evidence that the Australian Aborigines and
the Pacific Peoples of Melanesia trace the stories back 30-60,000 years. Since the female crocodile has the
man-child and the other creatures, she is carrying her children in her mouth. Deep in the mother's mouth at
the most secure place in all the river is Cygnus. In the middle of her mouth there is a dark region where
cosmic dust blocks that light and caused the Incas to wonder, "Why is the fox's tail black?" The following
image reveals the winter solstice of 2012, and shows why the Maya say First Father will come out of the
mouth of First Mother.
The Pleiades is the location where the two crocodile tails meet,
and the Pleiades represent the attachment of the embryonic child.
The legend of Quetzalcoatl is that of a caiman, a serpent, and
eagle, and a restored First Father. The Maya Popol Vuh is the best
place to find a drawing of the birth canal. But, the mouth of
Tauret, the Egyptian goddess of material birth, is shaped like the
mouth of the female crocodile in the Milky Way.
We are all raised with images from the past. Some are consciously
taught. Others are passed on unconsciously in fairy tales and
scriptures. Still others are passed on in the Jungian archetypes of
the collective unconscious mind, for which the only evidence of
their genesis is the equivalent images recovered during psycho
analysis of many different people. Those archetypes that can be
recovered with sufficient imagery that are taken from memories of
the sky can be fully restored when we make the dot-to-dot
connection "as above, so below." Carl Jung did a lot of work on
the human archetypes, but he never connected a single dot in the
sky. The mundane and sacred sciences of his day placed taboos on
such drawings as Graven Images. This during a time when
ancestors were considered to be superstitious. The truth is that we
have weak imaginations because we are bound by technology and
scientific rationalizations. The passage from the Seven Sisters to the Northern Crown releases the Wall of
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the Ruler that an overly rational mind sets up as a barrier to consciousness. This wall keeps psychoanalysts
very busy.
Today we are narrow minded technocrats. We think in terms we learn consciously in school, such as
Frank's gravity vector toward Cygnus, or Alan Guth's expanding universe, and we project our conscious
experience to the stars as a means to communicate. But, before modern technology the ancients projected
their conscious experiences, as well. Here we see Quetzalcoatl coming out of First Mother's mouth with
some "advanced technology" looking deceptively like a flashlight. The idea is that of a flashlight, but there
is no evidence that the Maya had accomplished such technology, just that they had the intelligence to
imagine its usefulness for "seeing in the dark." That is how we came to have so many myths. The Greeks
were masters of myth, and they were the best celestial librarians. However, they failed to keep the "sacred
order" and turned the sky into a Hollywood production. Socrates screamed, "Fowl!," as in bird brain, and
they gave him a hemlock cocktail for his ranting condition. The cocktail stopped his ranting condition in
the flesh, but Western Civilization never forgave the doctors of the ancient sacred science, and his rant
continues. So, when I say that the female branch is the "birth canal" I am relaying the fact that our ancestors
saw many births (gods, ET's, etc.) through the female branch. The male branch did not give birth. However,
the legends all reveal that Father Sky myths rule in the Arc of Creation which is the male branch from
Ophiuchus to Gemini along the great ark with a dove flying from its bow sprit with twigs of a tree in its
mouth. We see the Arc of the Creation, and Noah's Ark when we look "up" toward Olympus and Zion.
My interpretations of the crop circles relate the ancient view. Thus, if we see something and it correlates
with the ancient myths with respect to a celestial region, then we are being contacted by an extraterrestrial
force (ETF) in the same way as the ancients. After several thousand years the cosmos develops a
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personality where the celestial regions will "speak with a local voice." If you have ever owned a car for a
long time, then you know the experience of a car with personality. It becomes difficult to separate our
experiences from the "car's spirit." And if the car has strong memories attached to it, we treat it like it was
an Old Friend. People who know the stars by name have Old People traveling on the Way of the Dead
speaking to them all the time. At first glance it is spooky, not because the sky is a threat, but because we
question our sanity. Eventually we accept our insanity and the "ghosts" disappear as the eyes of the "gods"
and the "Old People" begin to dance in the sky. That is when it becomes a Hollywood Production of
astronomical magnitude. It is also the signal that a flood of Biblical proportions is coming.
At any rate, whether the current encounter is a birth or not, is still open. But, if it is another birthing event
based upon some 17,000-60,000 years of myths, then I asked, "What is coming?" As far as the sky is
concerned, the Age of Pisces needs to be born. It was aborted when the Romans rejected the New Age
vision of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra at the Temple to Hathor. The ancients all believed that the End of the
World would occur in Pisces when the vernal sun fell farthest from the galactic plane. According to the
Egyptians, and the last living Son of Ra was a first born son of Julius Caesar, once the vernal sun began to
rise, the "midnight" and "winter solstice" point in the journey of the sun would be passed and a New Day
would begin as Osiris "opened his mouth." In the midst of the Arc of the Covenant under the female side of
the galactic cloud between Taurus and Sagittarius is the Bottomless Pit where life ends with death. This is
the flight path of Isis, who brought Osiris back from the dead. This is a magical journey where terrestrial
consciousness is remerged with celestial awareness of extraterrestrial forces. In the midst of the arc a tree
grows like a pillar on the top of which sit a queen and king, and at the bottom a fallen man with a woojoo
stick in his hand receives life giving waters at the mouth of the fish, Fomalhaut.
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All of this is happening now. As far as human experience is concerned, this is the most famous birth ever
anticipated by humanity. The birth is illustrated in nearly every great culture known to man that has any
correlation to the heavens. So, if we pass through these birth times and ignore the 1st of Pisces, then our
age would have been a "cosmic abortion." Those of us who can relate to "old cars" are also sensitive to the
"Old People" and their posthumous apprehension that humanity has totally forgotten them and their visions
of the heavens they desired to share with us. Those of us who can relate to Zeus and the gods, say, "Duck
and cover!"
The Hellenistic Age that gave birth to the Roman gods was the last age when humans watched the celestial
productions with an ear for the voice of the heavens. When they reverted to the earth centered heresy of
Aristotle and Claudius Ptolemy, the mystery of "as above, so below" was trashed, as Socrates took his
revenge. Since then, the heavenly aspirations have all become covert. We tell the same stories, but deny the
stars from which they came. We "know" that humans are the only intelligent beings in existence. But, a few
people keep looking and listening to the "silent stars" in the hope, or curiosity, that we have intelligent
neighbors. Rest assured, the Old People had more neighbors than they could count. And they could not
count on many of them. It was these demons, jinni, devils, and omens, that were erased out of fear. In other
words, when the vernal equinox passed the Chi-1Psi3 grouping in Pisces, doubt began to rule the visions of
the heavens. The effect was to close all the eyes of the gods. The dreamtimes ended precisely on the
schedule written in the stars. The phallus of Osiris had been swallowed by a fish.
If we want to learn history, we pick
up a book and read it. That is where
Osiris went, a Kingdom of Byblos,
i.e., books. Before books people
used to lay out under the stars and
read the oral traditions that had
been handed down for tens of
thousands of years. Each star gave
an "eye of a spirit" recorded in the
oral traditions. Thus, seeing the
Pleiades, Chi-1Psi3 Pisces, Cygnus,
Aquila, or the child in swaddling
cloths, would be reminders of
stories they hadn't told for some
time. The stars would open the eyes
of the story tellers, and the children
would listen as if the stars were the
"eyes of gods." And if the story
teller forgot the lines, he/she simply
had to look back at the stars and his
eyes would be opened to the Fables
of the Ancients.
This kind of vision irks modern scientific souls because we teach that star stories are lies, and this sends
technocratic souls flying off to some adjacent star in vehicles they have yet to imagine. We tell the children
that authors of books created the stories out of their imaginations. But, that is the lie. They did not imagine
the stars, they imagined intelligence coming from the heavens through the embroidery in the dot-to-dot
tapestry, precisely as you found in the crop circles of Wiltshire. So, if someone wants to believe that
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spaceships are coming with high technology extraterrestrial force fields, there is no difference between
today and yesterday. Look back at Quetzalcoatl's "flashlight.
Only the vehicles of space travel have changed. The actions in the sky appear to remain the same. If this is
true, the ramifications are so profound that all the stars in the expanding universe of Alan Guth could not
contain the wisdom therein. Why is the Pleiades to Aquila region the cosmic birth canal? The stars said so,
that's why. Think about it. We see spaceships coming where the ancients saw sun boats coming. We
expect Aquarius to bring a New Age. The Great Pyramids of Egypt mark the time when Osiris will be born
again as Horus in the New Cycle of the Ages as Hapi (Aquarius) restores Geb (Sculptor) to the throne room
of Nut (Virgo). What goes around comes around, whether we pay attention or not. It is easier to build a
field of pyramids on earth than it is to put a Hubble Space Telescope in orbit around the earth. But, a
thousand years after the Hubble Space Telescope has gone blind and been consumed by the atmosphere, the
Great Pyramids will be communicating with the extraterrestrial intelligence in the stars. And children who
have forgotten the stories of the Old People, as they always do, will tell the same stories in their own way.
They will sing proudly, "I did it my way!" The tapestry of the dot-to-dot embroidery represents the ultimate
proof that there are connections to extraterrestrial intelligence in the cosmos. Some have yet to reach earth,
others have come and gone many times. At Ch-1Psi3 in Pisces, the Old People said that doubt would take
us down until the "Sun Began to Rise." But, after the Sun Begins to Rise, the Old King will pass the
Fountain of Youth and ride a flying horse to the Swan Song at the Eagle's Nest.
Need a flashlight? The ancients carried an eternal flame.
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More evidence of the Pisces Connection
Go back to: A Message from the Bull of My Mother?
Go to: Taming the Dagons of Desire
Go to: Ishmael Comet and the Angel Crop Circle
Additional essays in reverse chronological order.
A Goddess gives birth to the New Age
Fulfilling Mother Nature's Dream of Kingdom Come
A Close Encounter with Mars
Reveals the Dream of First Father and First Mother
Of Flowers and Chariots- An essay on human sexual response
Return to: Close Encounter of Ares and Antares on Judgment Day
A Close Encounter of Ares and Antares on Judgment Day: Evidence of Past Lives Near Antares
The Circumcision of Kobe
The Circumcision of Hope, A Layman's Worries
Hope's Eternal Resting Place
Return to Aquarius
Return to New York Under Hell Fire and Brimstone
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First Posting: September 13, 2003
Last Update: September 18, 2003