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Digoxin Poisoning
PY Mindmaps
PY ICU Drug Book
commonly used to treat atrial arrhythmias
useful in controlling ventricular rate in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction
weak inotropic, neurohumoral and vagomimetic effects
narrow therapeutic index
- CVS: arrhythmias, sinus bradycardia, AF, atrial flutter, AF with AV block, conduction
dysfunction, ventricular ectopic beats
- GI: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain
- CNS: lethargy, confusion, weakness, headache, delirium, psychosis, photophobia, blurred
vision, decreased visual acuity, coloured halo’s around lights
- METABOLIC: hyperkalaemia
- digoxin level: can be mis-leading and needs to interpreted in the context of presenting
symptoms given it displays two compartment pharmacokinetics (fast absorption then slow
- therapeutic range = 0.6-1.2nmol/L
- sample @ 8-24 hours post dose
- if started in ICU only measure level @ 5-7 days
ACLS protocol as indicated
activated charcoal
induced emesis not recommended
supportive care of dysrhythmias + digoxin immune Fab
Electrolytes and Acid-base Balance
- hyperkalaemia -> indication for digoxin immune Fab
Specific Therapy
- digoxin immune Fab
- number of vials = (serum digoxin concentration – ng/L) x (weight – kg)  100
Underlying Cause
Jeremy Fernando (2011)
psychiatric assessment if deliberate
acute renal failure
change medications
genetic predisposition
Jeremy Fernando (2011)