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PATIENT NAME ___________________________________ SOC_______________
Action of digoxin.
______ ______ A. It controls the rate and rhythm of the heart and strengthens contractions.
______ ______ B. It is used to treat congestive heart failure and heart dysrhythmias.
Possible adverse reactions.
______ ______ A. Loss of appetite.
______ ______ B. Nausea and vomiting.
______ ______ C. Diarrhea.
______ ______ D. Fatigue.
______ ______ E. Green-yellow halos around visual objects.
______ ______ F. Drowsiness.
______ ______ G. Dizziness.
______ ______ H. Arrhythmias.
______ ______ I. Blurred vision.
______ ______ J. Muscle weakness.
______ ______ K. Headache.
General precautions.
______ ______ A. Take apical pulse one full minute before administering; report any unusually
low pulse rate.
______ ______ B. Take a missed dose within 12 hours but do not double dose.
______ ______ C. Store in tightly closed containers and keep away from heat and light.
______ ______ D. Establish a regular routine of taking medication at the same time each day.
______ ______ E. Never change dose or discontinue without orders from the physician.
______ ______ F. Do not substitute one brand for another.
______ ______ G. Keep appointments with laboratory to have digoxin blood levels and
potassium blood levels taken as ordered.
______ ______ H. Keep follow-up appointments with physician and ECG studies as ordered.
______ ______ I. Avoid any over-the-counter medications without permission from the physician
due to possible interactions. (Certain medications such as antacids,
antidiarrheals, and laxatives decrease digoxin absorption.)
______ ______ J. Report any adverse reaction.
______ ______ K. Report signs of digoxin toxicity such as loss of appetite, nausea, blurred
vision, slow heart rate, mental confusion, blurred vision, and dizziness.