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THE GRAND SEXTILE: Tool for Personal and Spiritual Evolution
© Roxana Muise June 2013
Our world needs our help. On July 29 of 2013 there is a configuration in the sky that
historically may enable us to join our energies for the betterment of our planet and
ourselves. Astrologers in particular will be able to view the patterns in the heavens and
define the possible energies available to humankind for resolutions to personal and
societal problems. Metaphysicians will be called upon for spiritual leadership because
they have already learned to look beyond the trappings of conventional belief systems
and to seek viable solutions.
The Grand Sextile is the ultimate in symmetrical configurations. It is a multidimensional
mandala composed of sextiles; trines; oppositions; midpoints; dual elements, and singular
sign polarity. The GS is a rare configuration, as you might understand – it is quite a feat
for our solar system to manage the orbits so that at least 6 of our planets find
themselves exactly 60° apart around the wheel of our zodiac. Such a pattern will fill our
heavens on July 29, 2013 at 2:30 PM EDT. I used Washington, DC as the location. Each
reader can set the chart in their own location to use this energy for their own lives. The
pattern is composed of: Moon 9:07 Taurus; Jupiter 7:30 Cancer; Venus 8:41 Virgo;
Saturn 5:11 Scorpio; Pluto 9:37 Capricorn Rx; Neptune 4:42: Pisces Rx. (orb 4:55) At the
top of this chart, Sun 6:47 Leo, although not an active part in the Grand Sextile, holds a
place of authority as the midpoint of the configuration, and a possible point of focus
that enables us to take action in solving our current problems. This chart will appear
later in the article
The Grand Sextile is also a good teaching tool, as it contains nearly all of the
components of basic astrology. There is no repeatable time frame available that enables
us to find this design without a computer. It is best to keep the orb at 5 to 7°, which
narrows the possible number of Grand Sextile charts, although often there are other
mitigating factors involved. There have been just a handful of Grand Sextiles within
the past century, and not all are composed of 6 traditional planets. I list the previous
Grand Sextiles for you, complete with their “non-planet” components.
March 10, 1925, 12:56 PM EST – Mars 21:27 Taurus; Pluto 11:27 Cancer; Moon
21:26 Virgo; Saturn 14:04 Scorpio Rx; Jupiter 17:12 Capricorn; Sun 19:39
Pisces. (orb 10:00) Neptune/N Node and Chiron are trine each other in fire
signs are at the midpoint of this pattern. This is an earth and water chart, with
all the points filled with traditional planets.
July 27, 1937, 1:15 PM EST – two grand trines (water/earth) loosely
interconnected by midpoints, Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Leo. (orb is 15
degrees) so it is not described here, however it is composed of traditional
planets at all 6 points. See Orbs & Connections (below).
February 27, 1948, 6:23 PM EST – Venus 19:11 Aries; Uranus 22:06 Gemini Rx;
Mars 23:57 Leo Rx; Moon 23:01 Libra; Jupiter 25:37 Sagittarius; Mercury
22:59 Aquarius. (orb 6:26). Chiron 24:39 Scorpio is at the midpoint of this
chart. This is a fire and air configuration, with all the points filled with true
December 28, 1971, noon EST – Mars 1:15 Aries; Saturn 0:36 Gemini Rx; S
Node 5:31 Leo; Pluto 2:02 Libra; Neptune 3:59 Sagittarius; Venus 6:43
Aquarius/N Node 5:31 Aquarius. (orb 6:07) The Sun 6:18 Capricorn occupies the
Midpoint of this GS. This is a fire and air configuration.
August 27, 1987, 5:15 AM EDT – Jupiter 29:38 Aries Rx; Chiron 27:45 Gemini;
Mars 2:54 Virgo/Sun 3:34 Virgo/Venus 4:42 Virgo; Pluto 7:36 Scorpio; Neptune
5:20 Capricorn Rx; Juno 29:11 Aquarius Rx. (orb 9:51) This GS is listed even
though it has a large orb and two “non-planet” components, because it had a
total of 6 traditional planets involved in the GS. “Harmonic Convergence” is the
name given to the world's first globally synchronized meditation, which
occurred on August 16–17. This GS is a mixed element figure - fire and water
components tend to accompany an outer projection of the potency of the
spiritual flavor of the earth and water elemental components. Also, the Moon at
6:00 Libra was at the midpoint of the configuration. The Harmonic Convergence
captured the attention of many people worldwide and addressed their need to
July 21, 1995, 1:28 PM EDT – Moon 22:53 Taurus; Sun 28:25 Cancer; Chiron
23:37 Virgo; Pluto 27:54 Scorpio Rx; Neptune 24:02 Capricorn/Uranus 28:29
Capricorn both Rx; Saturn 24:33 Pisces Rx. (orb 5:52) This chart had an EXACT
opposition between Sun and Uranus and Chiron and Moon were EXACTLY trine.
This is an earth and water GS, and there is NO planet at the midpoint position,
so an activating planet would have to be provided by the chart of a person or
November 8, 2003, 8:13 PM EST – Moon 16:12 Taurus; Saturn 13:03 Cancer
Rx; Jupiter 14:20 Virgo; Sun 16:12 Scorpio; Chiron 14:06 Capricorn; Mars 10:34
Pisces. (orb 5:38) This earth/water GS took place at the time of the total Lunar
Eclipse, and Neptune 10:28 Aquarius was at the midpoint of the configuration.
Perhaps Neptune was symbolic of hidden or spiritual pursuits from its place at
the foot of the T-Cross with the Lunar Eclipse. Again we have Chiron as the
“non-planet.” This was the date of the “Harmonic Concordance.” Advertisements
featuring the Harmonic Concordance were not as widespread as the Harmonic
Convergence, perhaps due to the inner focus that accompanies the purity of the
earth/water elemental components.
July 29, 2013 – (earth/water) M/P Sun in Leo – perhaps a natural progression
from the previous Harmonic events, we could call this “The Harmonic Covenant”:
Perhaps with the Sun in Leo, we can each make an inner covenant to manifest
the energy of Peace.
Figures 1 Grand Sextiles in History
Figures 2 – Grand Sextiles in History
Even though it is rare, the Grand Sextile was well known to astrologers of old as the
Seal of Solomon; to ancient Hebrew Prophets as the Star of David; and was used as a
spiritual tool by ancient cosmologists, such as Plutarch, Plato, Da Vinci, Kepler, in the
study of Sacred Geometry.
All in all, this example of Sacred Geometry is a most mystical figure when it appears in
the heavens, even though this and all planetary aspects are actually two-dimensional1
configurations, which means that distances and declination are not part of the
traditional calculations. A configuration is a primary planetary pattern.
Rudhyar and Rael define it thus:
“The three basic features of a primary planetary pattern are:
• combinations of two or more kinds of aspects that display a clear-cut kind of
• the configuration of aspects should be closed and complete, spanning 360°, and
• it should be a regular polygon capable of being inscribed in a circle. “2
Imagine that you are looking into a kaleidoscope. As an observer, you change your
perspective by dimensionally changing the way you see the patterns within. Using the
Earth as the center, at least 6 interactive patterns can be viewed within a Grand
Sextile (GS).
1. Six (or more) points 60° (a sextile) apart from each other around a circle, forming a
hexagonal pattern.
2. These six points are composed of two interlaced Grand Trines (each Grand Trine is
made up of three planets 120° apart). The Grand Trines are separated by sextiles.
3. Within the two Grand Trines, there appear three Oppositions (each pair at 180°
4. A fourth view reveals three Mystic Rectangles (two planets trine each other
paralleled by two other planets trine each other, joined by sextiles). The axes provide
the six points of the GS.
5. Another view shows 6 Kites. Each Grand Trine expands on one side to join with the
Midpoint of one of its sides.
6. Each point of the Grand Sextile (6 of them) becomes a Midpoint to two opposing
trines and two sextiles.
All of these are symmetrical figures.
Figure 3 Grand Sextile – A Magical Configuration
Humans are basically symmetry-conscious creatures – pattern-seekers by nature – they
pursue comfort, stability, and security). There are many types of symmetry, the most
noticeable of which are reflection, repetition, and rotation. The GS contains all three of
these forms of symmetry.
( X )
Koch snowflake
The Grand Sextile (GS) is a magical configuration that offers us energy that is
Creative; unfocused; radiant; magnetic; passive; potential; supportive; collective;
The GS alone is not enough. Even though it contains oppositions, it lacks the dynamic
aspect family known as squares3. All by itself, its energy pattern is radiant, not dynamic.
By itself, a GS offers too many choices – its inertia makes it go round and round without
a specific goal to fulfill. We need the motivation to make it manifest, and the will power
to reach out for success.
Planets at 60° separation in the zodiac form a sextile. Plenty of opportunities; very
versatile; may lack focus and motivation.
Sepharial4: calls the sextile “…a benefic aspect and a great solvent of all troubles.”
Water is a universal solvent, entering into more combinations than any known element,
and the chief coagulate of Nature.
Water crystallizes at an angle of 60°, It is represented by two interlaced triangles,
each composed of two oxygen atoms and one atom of hydrogen – the formula for water.
Water is indeed like a grand trine – a miracle ingredient for life as we know it.
The hexagram is repeated in planetary characteristics: one such design is found on the
north pole of Saturn5. Saturn is also the 6th planet from the Sun, and Saturday (Saturn’s
day) is the 6th day of the week.
Thales of Miletus: c. 624 BC – c. 546 BC, one of the Seven Sages of Greece said that
the world was made of water.
Scientists agree today that our earth is composed of 70 % water, as is the human body.
Grand Trines
Grand Sextiles are composed of two grand trines, connected by sextiles: either a
combination of water and earth; or air and fire; or a mixture of adjacent signs (when
the points are close to the beginning and/or the end of a sign). Since sign polarity skips
a sign throughout the zodiac, a pure GS will be composed of either signs of all male
(positive), or all female (negative) polarity.
Sepharial describes the grand trine: “It produces the equilateral triangle in which all
the sides and all the angles are equal, and represents a trinity in unity…the most perfect
of all the aspects.”
The Grand Trine is the most stable of any configuration. Keywords: harmony; flow;
creation; momentum; latent energy. The trine of the soul points downwards (the descent
of spirit) and the trine of the body points towards heaven (the ascent of matter). The
Opposition between them links the Grand Trines through congenial elements, and
connects the Body with the Soul. Sometimes referred to as the Seal of Solomon, it is
also called the Star of David, referring to David, Solomon’s father who was king of
Israel in the 10th century. Solomon was known for being wise and wealthy, contributing
to the generous nature of the interlaced Grand Trines. When the Sun is at the top or
bottom of a Grand Sextile, it is a most potent configuration, reminiscent of the summer
or winter solstices, dates when the Sun (aka Sol) seems to pause at the top and the
bottom of the ecliptic – both powerful times of reflection and meditation.
Spiritual Symbolism of the Grand Trine:
The Mystic Rectangle is composed of one set of two elements: Fire/Air or
Earth/Water; and is made up of one polarity: masculine or feminine. As such, the
symbolism of the MR is very stable – strong, devoted, determined or stubborn – a
survivor. A Mystic Rectangle (MR) is a symmetrical configuration called a parallelogram6.
This is sometimes called an elongated square with a line of reflective symmetry (see
above) bisecting one pair of opposite lines. All the angles within a Mystic Rectangle are
90°, and are symmetrical within a circle. One might automatically assume that a 90degree angle always constitutes a square; however the symmetrical configuration, Grand
Square is defined as a rectangle in which all adjacent sides have equal length. Equal
length to each side makes the symmetry take on four elements instead of two, is all one
quality, and mixes the polarity. I.e.: Aries+ to Cancer– to Libra+ to Capricorn–.The
Mystic Rectangle is composed of two of the three opposition axes connected at their
ends by sextiles. It is, in effect 2/3 of a Grand Sextile. Again, using a change of
perspective, see the long ends of the oppositions connected vertically – they are 120
degrees apart. (I can see some of my readers’ eyes glazing over, and I promise not to
overburden you with more mathematical terminology. I’ll just stick with astrological
terms.) And so, the mystic rectangle is shaped like a door – two parallel trines on either
side joined together at bottom and top by two sextiles. Such a door can be used to pass
through into a different realm, generally where only the native can go, defined by the
four boundary planets. Perhaps these three doors in the coming Grand Sextile of July
29, 2013 may be an instrument for ascension in this great time of the dimensional shift.
Dag Hammarskjold’s chart contains a Mystic Rectangle.7 His MR was Mercury opposite
Saturn connected by Sextiles to Moon opposite Uranus. His Jupiter made a T-Cross with
his Mercury/Saturn opposition. This connection gave him the motivation to seek
achievement of his goal of uniting the world. His untimely death in a plane crash at age
56 kept him short of that goal. He served as UN Secretary-General 1953–1961.
A Grand Trine with one side elongated to create 2 sextiles. This adds the energy of a
self-contained opposition. Balanced and stable – flows with community needs – may
produce leadership qualities. In a GS, each side of each Grand Trine has a planet in
sextile that is 180° from the opposite point in the Grand Trine. A Grand Sextile contains
six of these Kites, all of which vie for attention. Can bring multi-tasking to an entirely
new high – but can lead to chaos and confusion unless there is a way to organize them.
One Kite in a natal chart can manifest as a leadership quality, usually focused on the top
planet which acts as a powerful midpoint. Albert Schweitzer’s chart contains a Kite.8 His
kite is composed of Moon 15:37 Aries; Uranus 14:02 Leo Rx; Venus 13:48 Sagittarius;
and Saturn 14:03 Aquarius. Uranus and Saturn form a T-Cross with Mars 13:35 Scorpio 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner and all around renaissance man. In his life, he answered
many challenges, and brought numinous solutions to many problems.
Although Oppositions are considered aspects, and not configurations, there are three of
them in each Grand Sextile. They are a semi-dynamic aspect, for the following reasons.
The keywords for oppositions are cooperation, separation, resistance, complementary,
release, relationships. However, they need motivation beyond their single polarity and
dual elements. The opposition is an aspect that leads to choices/decisions. If the
decision is arrived at consciously, then it is really a choice. This doesn’t always happen,
as our choices are more often than not a result of unconscious programming through
environment, religion, economics, biology, politics, authority and circumstances. As
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jewish-American 1978 Nobel Prize in Literature said, “We have
to believe in free will; we have no choice.”
Oppositions connect the GTs in a Grand Sextile. Tradition says that the GT pointing up
represents the body and the GT pointing down symbolizes the soul or spirit. The
Opposition between them links through congenial elements, and connects the Body with
the Soul.
Each point of a GS functions as a midpoint for two pairs of planets, empowering,
strengthening and synergizing the two Grand Trines involved in the GS, and adding
power to the midpoint planet. If there is another planet at the midpoint of two sextile
planets, it becomes a place of focus and power, as it is composed of a different element
and a different polarity than those of the GS. It would also become a point of challenge
(square/semi-square/sesqui-quadrate) to the six points of the GS. Midpoint keywords:
blended meanings between component planets; energizers; integrators; symmetry;
balance; synergetic force for triggering; powerful as zero point energy; tipping point
If a planet outside of the GS provides a midpoint, as there are for five of the six
previous Grand Sextile charts listed, it would provide focus for 3 pairs of planets
belonging to the GS, and more importantly, would form a T-Cross with two of these GS
planets, and a YOD with another two of the GS planets. Someone born with that chart
would be able to utilize the energies of the GS in an active manner, as a midpoint
provides a blending of all the components, and a point from which to focus the energy to
accomplish their goals. Also, the midpoint planet forming the YOD would demand
adjustments before a decision could be made. Lots of food for thought in anticipation of
the coming Grand Sextile in July.
For a native who connects with the transiting GS, many doors could be opened and
opportunities used to his or her advantage. It may be like stepping on a magic carpet
that can open vistas that were there, but not seen before.
Grand Sextiles manifest according to their elements: either Earth & Water or Fire &
Air. Complementary elements of a sextile combination equal a richness of synergetic
energy. People who are born with this configuration gravitate towards activities that
require cooperation, such as team sports or partnerships. Grand Sextiles composed of
Earth & Water are more compatible with ingoing energies, whereas Fire & Air tend to
manifest in a more outgoing manner.
Sextiles function through opportunities between 2 congenial elements
fire & air (passionate fire signs symbolize the energy of fitness, dynamism, intensity,
and impersonal air signs express, communicate and distribute that energy. They
manifest in outer realms.)
earth & water (Water signs symbolize emotional, intuitive and spiritual energy & earth
signs use that energy in a practical manner. They function in inner realms.)
mixed (composed of points at the beginning and/or end of signs) They function as
bridges, generally trying to find resolution through conflict. The components, 60° apart
work together through complementary opportunities. The overall figure needs outside
connections in order to manifest, and is more likely to gain visibility and followers in the
Each of the qualities, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable are found twice in a pure Grand
Sextile, as each Grand Trine is composed of one element and all three qualities. The
quality of the sign containing the planet at midpoint often sets the tone for
The polarity of pure grand sextiles is singular – either composed of planets in all
masculine (assertive) signs: Fire and Air, or all feminine (receptive) signs: earth and
water. In the zodiac there are six of each polarity. Keywords: frequency; resonance;
forces of creation -- yin or yang, positive or negative. A Grand Sextile takes on the
mantle of its components, and functions accordingly in our lives. My apologies to
Siderealists – this article is written from the perspective and experience of Tropical
astrology. The GS provides a mixed blessing to the individual who finds one in his/her
chart. On one hand, this configuration provides significant potential on a creative level;
on the other hand, it can impede the native’s ability to focus by providing too many
choices. The masculine based GS tends towards extroversive energy, while the feminine
based GS is more predisposed to introversion. The masculine GS is more likely to
manifest as an independent attitude, and if the native is well organized, he/she is likely
to stand out in the community. They are natural supporters of demonstrations, rallies,
campaigns, fund-raisers. The feminine GS is liable to manifest in community type
activities, and the native gravitates towards team spirit. They have abilities to organize
and support group meditations, prayers, retreats, and healings. Both polarities have the
potential for leadership through the energy of the Kite patterns. This of course
depends upon other components in the chart and the direction of the native’s
concentration of focus.
Six is a number that symbolizes questing; searching; choices, completions. Look for
instance at dice, used in pairs (each die has 6 numbers), and the I Ching –.based on 64
hexagrams (combinations of six lines, either broken (changing, active) or unbroken
(stable, passive)) all leading to informed choices, and whether the end product is fixed
or open to change. The 6th hexagram is called Conflict, and its image shows how heaven
and water go in opposite directions. Six was Plato’s idea of beauty, and is the number of
points in snowflakes, of which no two are alike – unity in diversity! Six is the worker bee
of the numbers – the cells of the beehive are hexagonal, for strength and efficiency –
hexagrams tile together beautifully.
The Bible speaks of the 6 days of creation – leading to completion of a process.
I have been using traditional planets (yes, including Pluto). Supportive points: Chiron, 4
major asteroids, Moon’s Nodes, midpoints. Chiron is a mystery figure, as astronomers
haven’t officially decided how to classify it (planetoid, comet or asteroid). However,
Chiron has been part of the GS configurations of 6 of the 8 charts listed in this article,
and perhaps we can include the healer aspect of this mystery body to our meditations.
The major asteroids have been active in our consciousness, and seem to share rulerships
with traditional planets. The Moon’s Nodes often take on the nature of the planet that
rules the sign they occupy, and if that (those) planet(s) are involved in the GS figure,
and then the Nodes take on additional strength. Here is a case where dispositing (yes,
there are some astrologers who still use this technique – present author included) adds
credence to the strength pattern of the chart.
Possible future additions: Eclipses, Stations, Transneptunians; Planetary Nodes, angles.
Not used: angles & house cusps. If, through omission I have left some important point
out, please forgive me and let me know what your research uncovers.9
Mark Edmund Jones method of delineation takes into consideration the aggregation of
the chart; one view of this component deals with the overall shape of the chart. This
concept was developed by Robert Jansky in his book, “Planetary Patterns”10. The Grand
Sextile would fall into the Splash pattern. The chart of Theodore Roosevelt11 has such a
pattern (a near GS pattern with an empty axis at 6+ Cancer/Capricorn). Roosevelt was
able to focus on, and excel at many different issues at once. He was a genius at
successfully handling situations in which multiple variables were involved. A native who
excels at self-integration with this pattern might be called a “universal citizen.” An
interesting aspect in Roosevelt’s chart is that his Saturn/Uranus midpoint is located at
7.0° Cancer/Capricorn. His chart pattern would be classified as a Mystic Rectangle if it
weren’t for the many planets positions that create a “splash” pattern. Dispositing his
chart reveals that all sign energies feed into the four planet ring which includes Pluto –
planet of transformation.
How many degrees do you allow between the points of a Grand Sextile? I have tried to
stay at 5 to 7°, however as difficult as it is for the solar system to coordinate a GS,
sometimes it takes another chart to fill in a missing point. Example, Don Galloway was
born July 27, 1937 in Brooksville, KY (time unknown), with a GS that had a 15 degree
orb. He was briefly in law enforcement, served two years in the army (Saturn trine
Sun/Pluto in fire signs) before he found his path to acting (Moon opposed Neptune,
which connected his two grand trines). He played a detective on the successful TV
series, Ironside from 1967 to 1975, under the tutelage of Raymond Burr12, whose
planets, Jupiter and Saturn brought his GS to a tighter orb. Burr’s Mercury trined
Galloway’s Jupiter and squared Galloway’s Mercury; Burr’s Jupiter squared Galloway’s
Mercury and trined his Jupiter and Neptune, tightening the orb in Galloway’s earth
Grand Trine. Burr’s Saturn opposed Galloway’s Jupiter, and trined his Moon and Mars,
tightening the orb in Galloway’s water Grand Trine. Galloway’s Mercury in Leo was the
midpoint of his earth/water GS, and was square the Mars in his water trine. Galloway
was a motivated professional actor who worked steadily in supporting roles and taught
acting for 30 years.
Birthdays of people born with Grand Sextiles
March 10, 1925 earth/water GS Neptune in Leo at midpoint
Sextile/trine Mars (fixed) and Pluto (cardinal)
Andrew (Andy) J. O'Donnell, NBA guard (Loyola College, Maryland)
July 27, 1937 earth/water Mercury at midpoint
Sextile Neptune/Pluto
Anna Dawson, British comedienne (Violet-Keeping Up Appearances)
Chuck Jackson, singer (Any Day Now, I Don't Want to Cry)
Don Galloway, actor (Arrest & Trial, Ironside)
February 27, 1948 fire/air GS Chiron in Scorpio at midpoint
Eddie Gray, rock guitarist (Tommy James & Shondells-Crystal Blue)
December 28, 1971 fire/air GS Sun in Capricorn at midpoint,
Squaring Mars opposite Pluto in cardinal signs (competition/cooperation)
Melvin Nieves, San Juan Puerto Rico, outfielder (Detroit Tigers)
Michael Watkins, NFL wide receiver (San Diego Chargers)
Steve Morrison, NFL linebacker (Indianapolis Colts)
Benny Agbayani, American baseball player
William Gates, American basketball player
August 27, 1987 mixed GS Moon in Libra at midpoint
sextile Mars/Pluto
Darren McFadden. American football running back. (Oakland Raiders)
Jonas Holos, Defensive Hockey player (NHL)
July 21, 1995 earth/water GS No midpoint planet
Too soon to locate famous birthdays
November 8, 2003 earth/water GS Neptune in Aquarius at midpoint
Too soon to locate famous birthdays
Everything in the universe is made of energy – from the frequency of light to the
composition of atoms on the Periodic Table of Elements. Perhaps it’s just a matter of
learning how to manipulate it? We manipulate the energy of our lives every day. We
brush our teeth to keep them healthy; we drink water to lubricate our bodies; we watch
or listen to the weather forecast to determine how we face each day. We care for our
gardens appropriately to grow crops and flowers. We avoid beginning projects when
Mercury is Rx. We can certainly look at the ephemeris for the coming Grand Sextile on
July 29 at 2:30 PM EDT to find clues for how to use its energy to better our lives.
Figure 4 - 2013 Chart
The Sun is the midpoint of this figure. It forms a fixed T-Cross with the Moon and
Saturn. This suggests maternal and paternal energies. The T-Cross offers you
challenges associated with authority and nurturing. One way to deal with challenges is
through patience. The Sun is in the sign (Leo) of the child. It may be up to you to be
patient with others. No Rx in this T-Cross, so what you see is what you get. Investigate
how to assume self-control in your relationships. All roles in a transit are
interchangeable, so you might play the part of the parents or the child. Lessons are
offered as opportunities to learn in a GS. The Sun heads up the Yod between the
Neptune and Pluto sextile (There were 36 exact Neptune/Pluto sextiles between 1950
and 1986); Yods were frequent during these 36 years, and people were offered
opportunities to make adjustments and transformations in their lives dealing with
addictions, sensitivities, soul/spiritual experiences, religion, fantasy, the arts, acute
diseases, and powerful associations. Even though the sextiles are no longer exact, the
residual energy lingers, and can be triggered by the Sun in its own sign. You may receive
a long-awaited diagnosis that enables you to move to a healing path. The midpoint figure
between Venus and Jupiter is a symbol for joy and love and good will and bountiful
emotions. Whatever transpires on that day, you can create a fortunate environment to
interact with your environment. This can be a time of healing at both ends of the
spectrum: giving and receiving. With the Moon at the midpoint of Jupiter sextile
Neptune in its own sign, there can be a conscious experience of the melding of your
belief system and spiritual principles – make a journal for your dreams. With the Moon
at the midpoint of Venus and Pluto you might give or receive a massage or a day at the
spa. With Neptune at the midpoint of Moon and Pluto you could investigate paranormal
experiences or psychic gifts. With Pluto at the Saturn and Neptune midpoint you may be
caring for others and feel overburdened. Time is ripe to examine the good that you have
done, and the results of your labors. Write a note to yourself of gratitude for being
able to function in this way. With Saturn at the midpoint of Venus and Pluto, you may
find a desire for sensual experience – take a friend to a romantic movie, or take that
day at the spa. With Venus at the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn, take time to make
sure that your responsibilities are achieved – delegating where it is appropriate so that
you are not overworked. With Jupiter at the midpoint of Moon and Venus, your acts of
love and devotion may be reciprocated – paying it forward may come back to give you
There are aspects between the charts for the USA and the July 29 GS chart: The USA
just had a Jupiter return, which can be a revival of the energy that was present during
the founding of this nation. Jupiter sesqui-square the Moon of the Gemini rising chart
may symbolize efforts by the people to control the debt. Aspects between the NY
Stock Exchange13 and the July 29 GS chart show the GS Moon conjoining and GS Saturn
opposing the NYSE Venus/MC, perhaps involving opportunities between the people
(Moon) and the government (Saturn) in our money supply. Aspects between President
Obama and the July 29 GS chart show the GS Venus/Neptune opposition closely
conjunct Obama’s Chiron/Pluto opposition, and the GS Saturn conjunct Obama’s
Neptune. Clearly the President will be visible and involved in many of the aspects listed
above for the GS chart. We hope that he will show spiritual leadership (Neptune) in our
country, and will take steps to heal (Chiron) our current problems in the world (Pluto).
Figure 5 - 4 wheels: USA two charts, NYSE, and President Obama
Plug your planets into this chart and see where you can create a beautiful day and start
a cycle of positive energy manifestation.
How to use the energy of a Grand Sextile?
The richness of this configuration may be too complex to deal with, in which case a
native with this type of chart may simply move through life attempting to work with
whatever transpires. This type of energy may be viewed as “the way life is” – not really
seen as remarkable or unusual. Many noted people with grand sextile charts gravitate to
supportive roles, which they fill with distinction, albeit not as stars. They are reliable
people once they find their niche in life. Some people call them lucky, but it is more
likely that they take advantage of the opportunities that surround them.
Here’s another idea. We associate an “exact” configuration chart with people born on
adjacent days and see that they embody some/many characteristics of the
configuration. How do we justify that practice? If we look at bodies the sky, we see
specks of light. Science defines light as particle/wave. An aspect is an angular
separation that seems to have energy peaks when exact – that is using the particle
definition. We back off from the exact angle and see the cycle in which the points of
light are involved, and after the peak of the exactitude, the points/planets move on in
time and in space. They are seen on different levels as transits and progressions – this
corresponds with the wave definition. Astrologers use the timing of when a planet moves
from its original position to another peak position as an activation point in time. The
internal energy of a native and his/her motivation to use those activation points can be
used to fulfill their life goals. Since the Grand Sextile contains so many other energy
configurations, those activation points can serve a multitude of purposes. Nothing is
wasted in our efficient world; however, Acting on a good idea is better than just having
a good idea.
I have this written on a plaque on my desk:
“God’s Universe is composed of intelligent energy patterns of probabilities,
held together through consciousness, awaiting our choices.
we manifest our realities through imagination, belief,
agreement, familiarity, repetition and focus.”
© 2012 Roxana Muise
Horoscopes using only longitude are seen as flat, two-dimensional figures, without the use of declination or
distance calculations. Longitudinal astrology reflects the sacred geometry of a two dimensional reality.
Astrological Aspects by Dane Rudhyar and Leyla Rael, ASI Publishers Inc., NY 1980 Pages 169, 177-78
This includes semi squares and sesqui quadrants
Sepharial (born Walter Richard Gornold on 20 March 1864 at 02:00 am in Handsworth (West Midlands),
England (Rodden) died on 12/23/1929. Member of the Theosophical movement and a co-worker of Alan Leo.
Parallelogram is a figure with two sets of parallel lines.
Dag Hammarskjold, born on July 29, 1905 11:59 AM CET in Jonkoping, Sweden 57N47 014E11, Bio &
Albert Schweitzer, born on January 14, 1875 6:22 AM UT in Kayserberg, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany 48 N 09
007 E 16
Roxana Muise: [email protected]
Published in 1973 by Astro-Analytics, Venice, CA (now out of print)
Theodore Roosevelt, October 27, 1858 7:45 PM LMT, New York, NY AstroDatabank
Raymond Burr, born on May 21, 1917 in New Westminster, BC – time unknown
NY Stock Exchange, May 17, 1792 10:30 AM NY (public record - Buttonwood)