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Neptune is the eighth
and farthest planet
from the sun. It is the
fourth largest planet by
diameter, and the third
by mass. Neptune is
also the most dense
planet. It completes an
orbit on average every
164.79 years. The
average distance
between Neptune and
the sun is 4.50 billion
km. (about 30.1 AUs)
The elliptical orbit of
Neptune is 1.77°. The
gravity is 11.15 m/s².
Neptune’s atmosphere is
made up predominately of
hydrogen and helium, with
some methane. Methane is
part of what gives Neptune
its beautiful blue tint, as it
absorbs red light and
reflects bluer colors.
Neptune is one of the coldest
planets, approximately -218
degrees. Has the wildest and
strangest weather in the
entire Solar System. Neptune
has huge storms with
extremely high winds. The
atmosphere has dark spots,
which come and go, and
bright cirrus-like clouds,
which change rapidly.
Taryn Stachoski
Neptune has fourteen known moons. The largest by far, including more
than 99.5% of the mass in the orbit around Neptune, and the only one
massive enough to be spheroidal, is Triton. Triton is close enough to
Neptune to have become locked into a synchronous rotation. Storms
have been spotted swirling around its surface and freezing winds that
blow about ten times faster than hurricanes on Earth, making it the
windiest planet.
Fun Facts
The exploration of Neptune has
only begun with one explorer,
Voyager 2. The closest approach
to Neptune occurred on August
25th, 1989. The spacecraft verified
the existence of a magnetic field
surrounding the planet and
discovered that the field was
offset from the center and tilted in
a manner similar to the field
around Uranus. Voyager 2
revealed that Neptune’s
atmosphere was very dynamic,
Even though it receives only
3% of the sunlight Jupiter
receives. Neptune is a large
planet, nearly four times the
size of Earth. Neptune suffers
from the most violent weather
in our Solar System.